Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 184: Stay true to your original aspirations and select the king in the hall

The ship heading for Kelzhuo is riding the wind and waves, and the young man in the cabin is sitting in front of the cauldron meditating, the seventh set of preliminary plans, the twenty-ninth pre-deduction...

"The King's Gamble" - the end of the Six Heroes' fight for the heir, the climax of the Skellige chapter. The plot is already impressive, and since he has been in the game for so long, Victor has naturally recovered his memory.

"Before the final vote for the king, the former Queen Bilna of the Tulsiqu family planned to murder Harbjorn of Dimen, Alanlugo of Dramon, and Hai The three candidates of Eutriger of Mei were brought to justice, and their reputation was brought to shame. Then, if no other outside force intervened, Svenregi would ascend to the throne."

If it were another time traveler today, he might be able to make the most of this event. For example, pretending not to know anything, only to jump out at the last moment to turn the tide. Or he could just let the murder happen, then expose Bi Erna's tactics and have her punished, which would bring him both fame and fortune.

But no matter how Victor deduces it, as long as the banquet hall incident occurs, innocent people's blood will definitely flow, and that is a tragedy that he could have easily prevented.

Recalling that after arriving in the archipelago, the boy met many people. Not all of them met the definition of "good people", but they all maintained a respect and respect for the dragonborn. With a little effort, they were protected from the harm of the conspiracy, which was in line with the moral laws in their hearts.

Having made up his mind, the young man opened his eyes, "I don't need this benefit, and I don't want to get involved in this matter. There is no one I want to kill in this entangled mess."

"Dong dong" knock on the door, it was Halma who came in response to the invitation.

Victor stood up, opened the door, and let him into the cabin.

"My brother, why do you look so serious? Did you inform me that you came here for something?"

"Of course, I foresee a new dark cloud hanging over the family, closely related to the Quint family."

A few days later, due to Halma's full urging, the expedition team returned to Keldro much earlier than expected. As soon as the ship stopped, he couldn't wait to jump ashore and flew straight to Keldro Castle on Pegasus.

Watching his retreating figure, Victor shrugged his shoulders. The good fight had been fought, the road to be run had been run, and the path he believed in had been kept. From then on, the matter of the king was completely separated from himself.

Folan was about to transfer to Yuriala, and the other warriors were also going back to their respective homes. After saying goodbye to them one by one, the young man walked leisurely into the Keldro market.

In front of the bulletin board, there was a yellowed sign attracting his attention.

"A Good Opportunity for Warriors"

Want glory and gold? With a sharp sword, are you not afraid of death? Then come to Master Shipwright Buyog, I have a job for you.

There are Mouret Diabres in the Bay of Keldro, and they must be killed. They reproduce in large numbers and grow rapidly, so you will definitely encounter them every time you leave the port.

Kill those monsters and your reputation will spread throughout the islands and your pockets will be filled with profit.


Mu Lei. Diabre is a water ghost. The boy saw this bounty when he first came to Keldra. He was still aboard the Golden Merry. It seemed like a long, long time ago. Didn't you expect that no warrior has helped yet?

Although he was not short of fame or money, Victor still tore off the notice and went to the shipyard to visit Buyorg. He had faced ice giants, water ghosts, and stuff like that!

After finishing this commission in the afternoon, I came back to take a shower, and in the evening I went to the castle to have a drink and chat with my friends. It was a perfect plan.

The plan was decided, and soon at the shipyard──

"You are very good at swordsmanship. Kill a monster for me."

"At least two hundred crowns!"

"This hundred crowns is the deposit."

"What do you want to kill, sir?"

"The Cave of Keldro Bay...Muret Diabre."

"Who?! Sir, don't you know that water ghosts come in groups?!"

"How do people like you still care about this?!"

"Sir, you misunderstood. What I meant was that I definitely wouldn't kill just one. I would kill a lot of them at once. I'd have to pay extra!"

Halma galloped her horse, winding up through the mountain through the tunnel, and rushed straight to the outer city gate of Keldro. Naturally, the guards recognized their young master and instantly pulled away to let the horse pass.

Riding in front of the main hall, Halma jumped down, handed the horse to the attendants, and ran inside in three steps and two steps to look for Kraqi.

After all, Victor is not a Skellige, so he doesn't know the political operation model of the archipelago, and the game cannot be completely adapted to reality, so his predictions have to be vague in details.

But based on the tragic consequences of the murder, and the fact that the mastermind pointed directly at Bilna, one of the most distinguished people in Skellige, Halma had to inform Krachi of the matter as quickly as possible and let the clan leader decide how to deal with it.

While questioning the attendants along the way, the results were not optimistic. Halma estimated that the conspiracy was imminent, possibly even tonight.

When she rushed to her father's room, Caris happened to come out of it. When she saw her brother returning, her chin raised slightly in reluctance.

"Just in time! Come and watch." Halma grabbed her hand and pulled her into the house to find her father.

At the Keldro Shipyard in the evening, Victor was in a state of embarrassment and stinking, and was quarreling with Master Buyorg.

"You are totally cheating! You quoted the price of a water ghost, and then I almost capsized! Did you see this head? This thing is called a swamp witch! It is much more dangerous than a water ghost, so you will definitely have to pay more !”

"No. It's possible. My pockets are not that deep!"

"Very good. Let me tell you that the bottom of the sea is not very deep. There are many monsters underneath, and this guy has a very strong reproductive capacity. Maybe you will need my help some other time? I will stand by and watch by then!"

"Asshole, are you threatening me? Take it! Here is all my money. I wish you drink until you die."

After winning the bargaining victory and receiving a full bag of crowns, the happy young man turned around and was suddenly surrounded by four guards from the Kuite family.

Seeing this situation, Master Buyog took the initiative and said: "Hey! Brother, it's okay. We are bargaining normally, don't embarrass him."

The four Kuite guards ignored the shipwright, but bowed to the dragonborn, "Salute to you, the great giant slayer Duwaqin!"

Buyog was stunned on the spot. This dirty, smelly young man who was bargaining with him was the legendary warrior Duwa Kein! ?

Behind the guard, Angoulin said with a playful smile, "Wick, you are really hard to find. If I hadn't heard your bargaining voices, I almost missed it again."

"Why are you looking for me? I'll finish what I have to say, and the rest is none of my business."

"Uncle Cratchit said something happened! Something very happened!"

Victor yawned, "At least let me take a shower first."

"Halma said you can use his bathroom, even his maid, he doesn't mind."

"But I mind!"

After taking a shower, and following Angouleme to Keldro, he noticed that the girl walking in front was radiant and graceful, and Victor couldn't help complaining and suppressing her.

"Mad! I haven't seen you for a while, and you seem to have become quite arrogant?"

"Humph, because I have become very powerful, super powerful, and I am very confident. The brigade has changed into my shape and cannot live without me! Find a chance to perform for you!"

"Fool, no matter how powerful you are, you are still my thug!" Victor said as he kicked her in the buttocks.

This kick was silent and without any malice, so it should have been a sure hit, but with the eagle-eye vision on hand and the outline of the blue light symbolizing the ally clear, Angouleme took an accurate step forward, just in time to avoid the kick, as if it was from behind. Looks like long eyes.

"Huh!?" The young man was a little surprised.

"Eh!?" The girl was even more shocked.

Because at the moment when the kick seemed impossible, Victor used lightning reflexes, his body was flexible and coordinated, and he automatically corrected his angle and center of gravity. He stepped forward and still kicked the girl in the buttocks.

In the electric confrontation, the other party showed unprecedented abilities. "How did you do it?" they asked in unison.

He noticed the guard beside him and knew it was not the time to talk, so he looked at each other with a smile and continued moving forward.

"Is the Blokval family done?"

"Are you kidding me? The exorcist master Angoulan attacks, and success is inevitable!"

"Who gave you the courage to brag in front of me?"

"The great prophet Victor?"

"If you can speak, speak more."

"Where are the Virgils?"

"Homecoming service, Udvik needs him."

"Will you come back?"

"See you later."

Entering the castle, Swanee appeared at the door and continued to lead them in the direction they were going. On the way, they passed by a group of strong men covered in bearskin.

"Who are they?" Victor asked.

Swaney's tone was cold: "'Velkars', cult berserkers who believe in Svablo, are also known as 'bear changers'.

When they are dominated by the desire to kill, they will transform into giant bears, which can turn an unarmed banquet hall into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in a short time. "

Watching them go away, the young man shook his head, "How could such a dangerous guy sneak into the guests?"

"We'll figure it out," she replied.

The group of people continued to move forward for a while, and finally Swaney stopped and pulled Angoulin to the side in front of the heavily guarded tall door. She waved her hand for Victor to go in by himself.

"What's going on? Don't you two go in?"

"Under normal circumstances, only the patriarchs of the seven families, the witnessing druids, and candidates can enter the 'King Selection Hall'. Once the king selection begins, it will be completely closed until the results are produced."

"Then I'm really honored." Pushing open the giant door, Victor walked in, and the door closed naturally behind him.

He seized the rare opportunity to visit. It was a rotunda with a high center and a low center. The swords and shields were ornately decorated, and countless tall crystal lamps illuminated the room.

Scanning the seats, you can see Tulsi Qu’s Bilna and Svenridge; Kuite’s Krachi, Halma, and Caris; Drummond’s Mad Lugo and Alan Lugo; and Haimei. Donacinda and Otrig from Dimen; Hog Blackhand and Harbjörn from Dimen; and an unknown character, guessed to be Udarik from Brokva.

In the group of druids in the auditorium, there were also two people they knew, namely the great druid Yilmia and the dream druid Malfurion.

Standing in the center of the circle to accept questioning and give his testimony was a special person—the chief steward of the Quite family. Yarn Ward.

He is still wearing straight tights today, like a perfect butler, with a soft and steady voice, "...No one in the Quit family is qualified to be elected King of Skellige. After serving for so many years, I know better than anyone else that they are not only better than Others are reckless and irresponsible... The people of Skellige need a stable life and a majestic king, rather than letting drunken lords make decisions. "

Donasinda, the oldest of the lords, scolded: "Enough! Arneward, we don't want to hear your confession. Forgiveness is the gods' business. You come to the hall to testify to reveal the mastermind who instructed you to invite the "Velka people" and mix blood and hallucinogenic mushrooms into the mead. Tell it, and you will win a reward-a quick and glorious death!"

The chief steward bowed slightly, "As you wish, it was Queen Birna who wrote to me and instructed me to poison the mead, but she did not sign the letter. As for inviting the Vilk people, I don't know."

"Slander! This is a blatant and despicable slander!" Birna pointed her finger and scolded loudly.

Caris stood up and accused: "Birna. Bran, you planned everything. You instructed Arneward to poison the Berserkers, trying to eliminate all candidates, and then put the blame on the Quet family so that Svanregi could succeed to the throne."

"Caris is telling the truth, I am willing to testify." Arneward said.

Bi'erna snorted coldly: "How loyal! He is a lackey of the Quit family. He will definitely say whatever they want him to say. He is willing to lie for them even if it costs his life!"

The queen's words were quite convincing, and people were talking about it.

"Black Hand" Hogg: "Yes, Arneward has served the Quit family for many years, and it is possible that he has committed perjury. This is not enough to prove that Bi'erna is the mastermind."

The little sparrow hawk took out the letter paper without giving in, and passed it from the left side for everyone to review.

Caris: "This is a letter from Birna to Arneward, teaching him how to poison mead. Although there is no signature, the perfume on the parchment is strong. I can still smell that it is the kind used by the queen."

Facing the accusation, Birna sarcastically said: "Hahaha, little girl, is this your evidence? You are going to use this evidence to prove my treason, don't joke!"

After checking the letter, "Mad Man" Lugo shook his head: "Birna is right, Caris, these evidences are not enough to prove that he is the mastermind behind the scenes."

Originally thought that the evidence was enough, but Birna was more cunning than expected. Stop questioning and sit back in your original position a little discouraged.

Donasinda slowly concluded: "Although the Quet family has almost no reason to direct this matter and hold a public trial, if there is no other evidence to be presented, then we must deny this accusation."

Halma was indignant, and Krach stroked his beard and said nothing.

Bi'erna's face showed a winner's smile. She had carefully designed the conspiracy and had already considered the way to shirk responsibility in case it was discovered.

The only surprise was that she glared at Victor fiercely. It was the so-called prophetic warning that revealed the conspiracy. Although it seemed that the accuracy was just so-so and there was no detailed description, it was enough to make people alert.

Feeling Bi'erna's cold gaze, Victor was stared at helplessly.

Damn! The few people in the Quet family, do you have to be so incompetent in dealing with the conspiracy!

Especially you, Harma, you fool, I almost handed over the big king, the small king, the four twos and the plane with big wings to you, but you poured a cup of cappuccino for Aunt Bi'erna! ?

Do you have to drop the chain so thoroughly? You called me in a hurry, you don't expect me to turn the tide with my mouth, right?

Thank you for subscribing, thank you for the monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. I have to visit the dentist again tomorrow. I have no desire to live. I may take a leave depending on the degree of pain. Announce it in advance.

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