Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 188 The White Wolf Appears on the Philosophical Road

When she first entered the house, Triss noticed that the tools in the blacksmith shop were very complete, and some of them were very precise. Even someone like her who didn't know how to forge could tell that many of the weapons were really good swords.

But when I entered the alchemy workshop, I was even more surprised. There were books on the entire wall, and professional and high-end equipment, which was no less impressive than my own mixing room. What was particularly special was the cauldron in the center of the room, which was much larger than usual.

Then she saw the female blacksmith, squatted directly next to the cabinet, and opened the bottom shelf, "My name is Yuna, Triss, can I call you that?"

"Of course, Yuna, nice to meet you." The sorceress didn't know what Yuna was doing, but since she was the forging master and Victor's partner, she was happy to show her friendly side.

Then Triss saw Yuna happily taking out two full money bags, walking over and handing them to her with both hands. This situation was completely unclear and beyond her previous imagination. She couldn't help but look at the other person with wide eyes.

Just listen to Yuna explain: "Victor and Angoulin are not here. They came back secretly a few days ago, and then the store manager said that he was afraid of being caught by Babu - Babu is a thug with a very strong swordsmanship here. He still had a lot of trouble here, so he dropped his tools and ran away."

The sorceress nodded to show her understanding and shook the money bag in her hand, "What does this mean?"

The female blacksmith smiled and said, "Wick has an explanation. I don't know when. If Ms. Tris comes to the blacksmith shop to see him one day, don't ask any more questions. Give her five hundred crowns first."

"...Do you think I will need money?"

She was dressed in rich silk clothing and wore a sapphire and silver amulet.

"I don't think it's necessary, but that's what Wick said. If you don't know what the leader is thinking, it's normal. I wasn't used to it at first. You know the people east of Serikania, they His sense of humor is very special, maybe he just thinks it’s funny... For example, last time he ordered a big iron plate, but insisted on calling it the Dragon-Slaying Sword..."

It seemed that Yuna's sadness was touched, and she began to talk about how much material Victor wasted, forcing Hartley to make scrap metal with her.

Triss heard it a little funny. Five hundred crowns was nothing to her. She was a woman who owned a house next to the Patriarch's Square.

She casually put the two packs of crowns back into Yuna's hand and patted the back of her hand. The sorceress said, "I don't need the money. Victor is probably joking. Since he is not here, I will leave a letter for him."

"Of course!" Although it didn't take long, this gentle, beautiful, noble and kind woman had easily captured Yuna's heart.

Soon after, Triss opened the portal again and left Novigrad. After all, her time was precious, and she wanted to go there as soon as possible. If she didn't find Victor, it could only be said that she missed him out of fate.

While Triss was writing the letter, her recipients, Victor and Angouleme, were visiting Oxenfurt University, which has a glorious history in Oxenfurt, southeast of Novigrad.

The order of cause and effect cannot be reversed. There were universities first and then cities.

This university is the best comprehensive college in the north. It can be understood as the highest academic institution in the world of demon hunting. The main academic competitor is Nilfgaard's "Imperial Academy".

As for Ban'ad or Arethusa, although there are other disciplines, the main focus is still on cultivating mages.

Oxenfurt University has many famous alumni. Even a foreigner like Victor knows two, namely Shani and Dandelion. Shani is from the School of Medicine and Herbal Medicine, while Dandelion is studying seven liberal subjects. .

Although it is a medieval school, it has already shown the prototype of a modern university. In the fresh air, there are beautiful buildings, beautiful and smooth lawns, and lively and energetic students, walking under the shade of the trees with books.

The current principal─Jones. Dyckman was personally leading the Phantom Troupe around the academy. He was not usually responsible for this job, but the money Victor gave was too much.

When you enter, you sign a check and donate one thousand kroner to the School of Medicine and Herbal Medicine. Such a young man who is eager to learn deserves the principal's personal intervention to introduce the college and other places that need sponsorship.

After a leisurely stroll, he came to a bronze statue in the campus garden. Jonis said solemnly: "Young gentlemen and ladies, please allow me to introduce you to Nigodim de Bute, the first president of Oxenfurt. Principal, tutor of philosophy department, author of "Meditations on Life, Happiness and Prosperity".

The young man nodded politely: "Principal Jonis just call me Victor, she is Angouleme. About this Negodim──

'Intolerance and superstition have always been the common follies of the common people, and I presume that these follies can never be completely eradicated, because they are as everlasting as folly itself.

Today's mountains may become the future ocean; today's ocean may become the future desert. But stupidity is still stupidity. ’”

"That's... great! It's incredible. I didn't expect that Mr. Victor was also a philosopher. Yes, this passage and another passage are the most famous discussions in Negodim's works." Jonis was happy Applause.

Victor smiled reservedly, "Before I became a bard, I was first a philosopher. As an aside, maybe the academy is willing to accept a small sponsorship to maintain this statue with coconut oil?"

"Sincerely thank you for your support for education." The principal clasped his hands.

Suddenly someone next to me took over the conversation, "I don't think spending a few hundred crowns to polish the bronze statue will help education." He was about fifty years old, with gray hair and sharp eyes.

Seeing the visitor, Jonis showed a helpless smile and introduced both parties, "Mr. Victor, this is Mr. Jugend von Graz, the dean of the School of Medicine and Herbal Medicine. Jugens, I am happy to inform you that this A gentleman has just donated a thousand crowns to your college!”

When he mentioned one thousand kronor, he slightly emphasized his tone, hoping that this stubborn and tough old man would be more polite for the sake of "Radovid V".

The old gentleman looked up and down at the young man. He was wearing appropriate slim-fitting clothes today, not flashy but enough to make any guard speak politely when they tried to stop him. The accompanying woman was dressed in the same rank as him and was obviously not a servant but a friend or companion.

Dean of the School of Medicine Joo Jin: "Victor Corleone, the dragonborn poet from the east of Serikania, are you the foreigner who brought the stethoscope?"

"No one has called me that for a while, but yes, I am Victor from Bell Town." The young man said calmly.

After confirming the four fine marks on his face, Qiu Jin changed his previous arrogance and took the initiative to take Victor's hands and hold them, "Thank you very much. Your contribution to medicine can be said to be immortal. "

The arrogant and respectful attitude of the dean of the medical school shocked the principal Jonis. As far as he knew, the old guy Qiu Jin relied on his good medical skills and usually had a nasty and tough personality, but he didn't expect that he would treat such a young man like this. Modesty.

But this is also because Jonis is not a member of the medical school and does not understand the epoch-making importance of the stethoscope to doctors, so he feels strange.

They showed respect, and Victor responded humbly: "No, I just did some trivial work. It was Dr. Shani who reminded me that I came up with the invention in my hometown. She came back to the college to promote stethoscopes before, but she is not in the school now. ?"

"It's a pity that we just missed it. She and the medical team went south to Vizima not long ago. The plague there is likely to resurgence."

"Catriona Plague!?"

"Yes, the most troublesome and horrific Catriona plague ever."

Victor shook his head helplessly. He returned to the mainland from Skellige and had nothing to be busy with. He wanted to come and check on Shani, but he didn't expect that she had already left here and rushed to the medical frontline again. Thinking of this, the young man couldn't help but feel a little unmotivated. .

Next, he said a few polite and perfunctory words to say goodbye to Dean Qiu Jin. Jonis could feel Victor's interest in visiting. After learning that Dr. Shani was not around, Jonis suddenly dropped to freezing point.

After thinking about it, the principal suddenly said, "Is Mr. Victor interested in becoming a professor?"

"I... I'm a professor? Don't be kidding, how can I teach others anything!" Although the young man said this, the raised corners of his mouth betrayed his thoughts at the speed of light.

Angoulin also laughed out loud, "Professor who is not yet eighteen years old! Isn't he too young? I think many students are older than Wick."

"Miss Angouleme, that's not right. There is no priority in learning, and the master is the teacher. There is absolutely no problem with the qualifications of a great poet like Mr. Victor who serves as a visiting professor at the School of Poetry."

When Jonis said this, Victor's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Thinking about adding the title of university professor to his series of titles, it immediately added a lot of literary and artistic flavor, making him feel like a cultured person.

Moreover, when he came to Oxenfurt University, the free air and open environment made him feel like he had returned to the school of the past, forgetting the darkness of the outside world. This was a place that could still accommodate ideals and light.

"Then Principal, I am happy to accept your invitation. Speaking of poetry, it is indeed a cultural and artistic heritage. I am happy to share the elegance from the East with the students.

But it’s still not good to have no academic qualifications. If possible, I would like to get diplomas for myself and Angouleme. There are no restrictions on subjects, I just want to have an academic qualification. We have always admired college students, and having one thousand kroner here is to subsidize the trouble caused by academic affairs. "

When he heard that there was another thousand kronor, the smile on Jonis's face became more enthusiastic, comparable to that of first love as bright as a chrysanthemum, "No problem, since there are no restrictions on subjects, then I think that graduating from the philosophy department is undoubtedly the most suitable for both of you. "

When she heard that she could obtain a college diploma, the girl was also very excited. She was so excited that she couldn't help but interjected and asked, "Wick, Wick, can you tell me what you do after graduating from the philosophy department?"

──The most fearful thing is that the air suddenly becomes quiet.

Blinking his eyes and seeing the slight embarrassment on Jonis's face, Victor realized that he couldn't answer, so he patted Angoulin on the arm, "That's not the point. We don't need to think about employment. I'll tell you when we get back!"

That night, there were two more graduates from the Oxenfurt Philosophy Department. They both graduated with excellent grades and made outstanding contributions in the field of philosophical speculation. Since their contributions are too philosophical, I won’t waste any space introducing them here.

Then on the second day, Professor Victor from Bell Town, east of Serikania, shared with the students in the poetry appreciation class that he had created the latest song based on his experience in the archipelago, but had not yet written the lyrics. The song is called "Black Pearl - He's a Pirate".

Assistant Professor Angouleme was assigned to play drums next to him. After the song ended, the dean of the School of Narrative Poetry and Poetry expressed his willingness to abdicate in favor of someone else. Unfortunately, Professor Victor did not have this intention.

A few days later, the Phantom Troupe took a boat up the Pontar River to La Valette Castle to visit their old friend, the nobleman Aryan La Valette, who had shared hardships with them.

Time went back a few days ago, in Kaedwen, deep in the Blue Mountains, Kaer Morhen Castle──

Walking out of the portal, Triss Merigold could hardly believe her eyes. If she hadn't been absolutely confident in her magic skills, she would have thought that the portal was in the wrong place.

The sorceress's portal was opened in the room where she used to live. She would never forget that she came to Kaer Morhen at the invitation of Geralt to teach Ciri how to control her magic. She lived there for the whole winter, and the desolate and dilapidated castle, the place with leaks on all sides, is now decorated quite well.

This was once the best room in Kaer Morhen, and the tapestry was eaten by insects. Now the new tapestry has a uniform color, and the original wood furniture is exquisitely made. There is no mark of a well-known brand. The price should not be expensive, but it is both practical and comfortable.

Apparently, I brought too much luggage this time. At least the chair I brought was definitely not as good as the one in the room.

Pushing open the door, I could vaguely hear people talking in the hall downstairs. I recognized the kind and warm Vesemir, the gentle and steady Eskar, the sarcastic Lambert, and a strange young voice.

The footsteps of the sorceress going downstairs naturally could not be hidden from the four witchers downstairs. They all looked up at Triss at the same time.

"Ah, my lovely little girl, thank you for finally coming. Come here." Vesemir waved for her to come closer.

"Good afternoon, Merigold." Lambert, with a high hairline, crossed his arms.

Eskar smiled. Even with the scar on his face, his smile was still so scary. "Long time no see, Triss."

"Hello, Ms. Merigold, nice to meet you. I'm Leo." The person who spoke was a young witcher apprentice. He had made up his mind, but had not yet experienced the trial of green grass.

With a blank mind, the sorceress nodded blankly in response. She became like this because she saw the fifth person in the hall, the one who didn't speak and remained silent.

The furniture in the hall had obviously been replaced, and it was warm and comfortable. The fifth person sat there, looking confused and could only observe quietly.

Stiffly walking down the stairs, far from the usual charm, Triss hugged Vesemir, "I came as soon as I received the message. How is the situation now?"

Vesemir shook his head, "As you saw, the body was slightly injured, but he lost his memory."

Triss looked at the fifth person, with a resolute face and white hair slightly tied behind his head. The person in front of her was the witcher she was most familiar with, the butcher of Blaviken. White Wolf. Geralt of Rivia.

The sorceress swore that she saw him die with her own eyes, stabbed to death by a pitchfork, but now he was standing here, his chest heaving slightly, his expression pale and unfamiliar.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on?" Her voice was a little hoarse.

It was Eskar who answered her, "When I went out six days ago, I found Geralt lying on the roadside outside the castle. As long as you go out, you will definitely find him. No matter who did it, it is obvious that they hope he can be saved."

"Eskar came back to call for help, and then Leo and I dragged a cart out and brought him back." Lambert added.

Vesemir concluded: "Then, as you can see now, Geralt lost his memory, and we have no idea what happened to him. We can solve the physical injury, but we can't solve the memory problem. We have to notify you urgently."

Looking at the familiar face, the familiar cat pupils, but the eyes are looking at strangers, Triss's heart suddenly hurts, but she feels sincerely happy.

No matter what...as long as he is alive.

"Let me try!" she said.

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