Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 191 I may be late but I will never be absent

Not far from Kaer Morhen, Victor and Angouleme were leading their horses through the mountains and forests. It was not convenient to gallop here, so they simply dismounted and used their feet to save the beast's strength.

They came here from a long way, from Novigrad to Kaer Morhen, spanning the entire territory of Redania and Kaedwen, which can almost be called a continental crossing.

The meaning of their trip is to go to the Wolf Sect Castle to meet that person, who is very important to Angouleme and Victor, the White Wolf. Geralt of Rivia.

About a month ago, the Phantom Troupe happily moved from La. Valedi Castle left, and when they returned to Novigrad, the content of the letter delivered by blacksmith Yuna and left by Tris shocked the two of them.

For Angouleme, the former Hanse leader, uncle Geralt, who gave him dignity and security, was not dead, or was resurrected, so it was appropriate to visit him anyway.

For Victor, things are even more serious. In the world of demon hunting, at least in the game, the White Wolf is the absolute core of the storm. Just like Detective Conan, trouble will happen wherever he is.

Even though he is already a figure, compared with Geralt, the sword of destiny that has been accumulated for hundreds of years, his ability to do things is still far behind.

Moreover, the young man is self-aware, and all he knows is fragments of the future. What does The Witcher 3 mean? This means that there are also The Witcher 1 and 2, plus the original novel...

If there was another Megatron incident, he really didn't know how much credibility his prophet would have left, so Angouleme wanted to visit his uncle, and Victor also wanted to observe Geralt up close, and the two started this... A peaceful journey.

I say peaceful because compared to the usual disasters, this trip was indeed uneventful. A few waves of heroes and a few evil spirits in the wilderness were unable to stop the iron hoofs of the Phantom Troupe.

Now, walking in the mountains and forests and breathing fresh air, the nourishment of phytoncide not only makes people feel physically and mentally comfortable, but also makes Kathleen very happy. The group leader and the group members chatted casually.

"...Wick! Thinking about it carefully, I think you are really super strong now! You see, with the support of herbal medicine kits and an endless supply of bombs to treat all kinds of dissatisfaction, I believe you will really be more powerful in the future."

"Don't think too much. Incredibility has just begun. Invincibility does not depend on bombs. The two factors that restrict the performance of bombs: time and raw materials are insurmountable.

There is no need to talk about the issue of raw materials. In terms of time, it would take four hours to eat just two honeycombs, and six hours to make a hornet's nest. If you look at how many bombs I have to throw away in one explosion, you will know why I want to practice swordsmanship.

After defeating the Ice Giant, I almost burned down all my inventory. The battle was so severe that I had to squat next to the cauldron for a long time, which was not economical. "

"Hey! It's scary how many big incidents can occur in a year, okay?" Angoulin, who was talking nonsense, suddenly saw something strange with his eagle vision.

So the girl let go of the horse and walked into the bushes nearby, while Amber stayed where she was.

Following the boy who approached the scene, he saw several corpses of gangsters that had been mauled by bears. Their clothes should not appear in the wilderness at all. After curious inspection, Victor pulled out a brief note.

"Kill Order"

Everyone selected by the professor is required to report outside the fortress at the designated time. Late arrival, laziness, lack of proper equipment, or disobedience of orders will be punished by death.

We will launch a full-scale attack on Kaer Morhen with the Troll Mantis. Taking the fortress shouldn't be a big problem. I heard that there are only a few witchers living in it. Remember to hurry up: every time you submit a mutant's You can get fifty oren coins for just one head.

After taking down the witcher's secret, we must split up so we don't attract attention. All of you must do it on your own...

(The following parts are completely covered by blood)

Many years ago, in Kaer Morhen's heyday, there were twenty-three witchers and forty students, but a group of religious haters attacked the fortress. These fanatical believers, with the help of warlocks, captured the castle. , slaughtered all the witchers present, and only "Vesemir" survived by hiding under the corpses.

——"A Study of the Historical Origins of Kaer Morhen"

In the afternoon, under the gray sky, there are sword slashes and magical auras.

After a hundred years, the courtyard of Kaer Morhen has once again become a battlefield. This time only three witchers are fighting against the tide of villains. Fortunately, this time there is a warlock on their side.

After standing guard in front of the fortress, they managed to deal with another group of villains. During a short break, the witchers saw Geralt and Leo running out of the fortress.

Vesemir asked: "How's the situation? Geralt!"

Geralt faced Vesemir: "Things are not good. Those gangsters have entered the research room and are searching for something. The mage from Serikania also used the ring of elements to set up a magic barrier. We cannot break through. We need to Triss help!"

"Plague, you bastards, why didn't you mention that there is a ring of elements in the castle?" Triss, who was listening in, heard the keyword and couldn't help but interrupt.

Vesemir's attitude was gentle: "That doesn't seem important, child."

"No! It's very important. Ordinary portals can only carry limited manpower and material resources, but if the mage is in sync with the magic ring, he can create a stable portal through which you can go to anywhere on the continent, and even move the entire room. Evacuate the laboratory," Triss retorted angrily.

The demon hunter smiled and said, "Okay, we made a mistake, but fortunately there is room for remediation."

"Don't be nervous, Merigold, I know you covet the secrets of our witchers." Lambert said.

"Vesemir, if that idiot doesn't shut his mouth, I swear I will..."

"Enough Lambert, stop teasing Triss and respect her."

"Triss, only you can break through the magic barrier, you go with Geralt! Eskar, Lambert and I will guard this place."

After assigning the work, Vesemir made a prompt decision. Geralt and Leo followed Triss, re-entered the castle and rushed to the laboratory.

As soon as they left, a section of the wall was blown open by magic with a loud bang. The troll mantis led the way, and Safra led more villains to swarm in from the gap.

Noticing that Triss was not there, the sorcerer sneered and cast a spell to let the monster lock the witcher, then opened a short-range portal, went directly into the castle, and disappeared in front of them.

White Wolf and his group who rushed into the castle were blocked in the hall. Through short-distance teleportation, the sorcerer appeared here, and there were five or six men who had entered the fortress before.

Standing in front of Geralt, Safra was wearing a mask, and the bald head exposed was covered with red scars, "You can't go anywhere, White Wolf! I will summon a demon and tear you into pieces!"

Triss sneered and exposed: "It's just bluffing. He has consumed a lot because of teleportation. Now he can probably only perform some simple tricks."

Geralt: "Triss, you go up first. Leo and I will deal with the wizard and his men. We will meet you at the barrier later."

Without further questioning, Triss nodded and left. She believed in the skills of the witcher, and she had to study how to crack the magic barrier first.

Drawing out the steel sword, the familiarity filled his heart again. White Wolf was not afraid of the wizard in front of him, even though he seemed to be rubbing a fireball - it was definitely not a simple trick!

In many literary works, the law enforcer appears after the dust has settled, which is a common plot. And the hero's shining appearance at the critical moment is a classic plot that everyone agrees on.

The protagonist may be late, but he will never be absent!

--"Introduction to Epic Poetry Writing" by Ricardo Milos

The battle in the atrium square was quite difficult. The sickle on the front limbs of the troll mantis was too dangerous. The speed of swinging was no less than that of the witcher, and the power was amazing, far beyond human power.

If you are prepared in advance and know that you have to deal with this kind of monster, you can naturally use various tools in a targeted manner, such as the beehive, a weapon that is both loud and lethal, or the dancing star that burns for a long time, which can effectively fight against monsters.

However, the attack came too suddenly. The witchers only had steel swords, not all armor, and only a few potions.

It was impossible to focus on attacking the monsters. Although the bandits did not have crossbows, the second batch of villains had already included bows and arrows in their weapons, forcing the witcher to reduce the range of action and seek cover.

Fortunately, there were several bronze bells nearby. Using the Alder Sign to hit them would make a loud sound, which could temporarily stiffen the troll mantis and allow the witcher to seize the opportunity to reduce the number of bandits.

If there were not so many bandits, this method would be very effective... Unfortunately, the enemy had an overwhelming numerical advantage.

The fierce battle continued for a long time, and no matter how strong the fighter was, he could not resist the siege for a long time.

When physical exhaustion and mental fatigue gradually came, the slightly bald witcher Lambert was forced into a corner by the troll mantis, away from the cover of the bronze bell, facing the sharp sickle, he would be chopped into three pieces like a training dummy in the next second.

Realizing this situation, Vesemir and Eskar were shocked and knew that the situation was critical, but they were entangled by the bandits and could not spare their hands to help.

On the verge of death, Lambert had no choice, although he was not sure, he took a deep breath, he activated the Quen seal, ready to block the thunder attack of the mantis.

At this critical moment of life and death──

──A hawk screamed across the sky, it was a beautiful golden harrier.

"Few witchers die peacefully in bed, unfortunately, Lambert, who is bad-mouthed, is no exception..."

Under the dark sky, the wonderful narration, the voice full of girlishness is sweet and familiar.

Standing on a high place, Angouleme was eagle-like: "... He will die! But not today!"

Lambert saw an iron ball flying towards the head of the troll mantis. He had seen this smooth and exquisite shape more than once.

"Boom!" It was the sound of a honeycomb exploding.

With a shrill roar, the troll mantis staggered and retreated several steps. The strong explosion of the honeycomb and the piercing of iron chips were the biggest trauma it had suffered since entering the field.

"Angouleme, it was obviously my honeycomb that was thrown, why are you showing off and shouting?" The boy walked out from behind the ruins.

Seeing him, Eskar and Vesemir smiled.

Looking at each other, Lambert complained loudly: "Asshole! You're too slow!"

Victor shrugged, "Better late than never. I have a beehive, leave this mantis to me. And Angouleme will throw the 'devil dust', let's clean up this bunch of garbage quickly."

Not long ago, the Phantom Troupe found the "Kill Order" in the jungle. Knowing that the situation was not good, they immediately accelerated their journey and finally caught up in time at the critical moment.

Although there were many enemies, in Victor's eyes, they were all vulnerable chickens and dogs. Without a wizard, he would immediately let these villains know that the majesty of the "money power" - "bomber" could not be disobeyed.

After receiving the instructions, Angu put on the mask and ran straight to the place where the bandits were the most in the surprised eyes of the witch hunters. Then the demon dust exploded, and the peasants taught them a lesson.

Getting closer to feel the strong smell, Eskar smiled bitterly at Vesemir and shook his head. The two pulled a piece of cloth to cover their mouths and noses and rushed into the demon dust to fight.

On the other side, Victor used one honeycomb after another to quickly and effectively break the monster's shell. He did not intend to activate the dancing star, because this monster had a good void feature that could be dissected at a glance. It would be a pity to burn such sharp forelimbs. The mantis eye is also an excellent alchemical material.

Soon the monster lost its resistance, and he jumped on the back of the troll mantis and hit it in the brain.


Kaer Morhen Castle - in front of the alchemical laboratory

When Geralt, who had fought hard and killed Zafora, arrived with Leo, the originally rich and neat alchemy room had been completely emptied, and the stable and spacious portal led to nowhere.

The mysterious wizard from Zerecania was fighting with Triss, and the magic aura filled the surroundings. The sorceress looked serious. The opponent's skills might not be as good as his, but they would not be much different.

White Wolf approached to observe. The mysterious wizard had a beard and a dark body. He was extremely strong. He had arm rings on his hands, and then his cheeks, eyebrows, ears, nose bridge, lips, and all the places on his body that could be pierced were not missed.

After a while, the translucent magic barrier was finally unlocked, but the opponent could use the magic of the elemental ring. Triss was exhausted and was injured by the opponent. Geralt hurriedly helped her behind the stone pillar.

After defeating the sorceress, the mysterious wizard stared at the witcher with a disdainful smile on his lips, "Professor, you still have a few minutes to play with them!"

After that, he stepped through the portal and disappeared.

The only mercenary on the other side was called "Professor", who was wearing round glasses and raised his crossbow.

Seeing the crossbow, Geralt and Leo immediately became alert. This weapon can almost kill at close range.

The professor smiled wickedly and aimed the crossbow at Geralt, "I heard that the witcher's sword is as fast as lightning and can even cut flying crossbow arrows. Is it true? I really want to know!"

The White Wolf did not answer his question, but just approached slowly with a blank expression, holding the sword. He had a hunch that his sword would be faster than the crossbow.

But the development of the situation was not as he imagined. The professor seemed to sense that Geralt was not easy to mess with. He noticed that Leo was quietly outflanking from the side and instantly changed his target to shoot at the apprentice.

Without extraordinary reaction speed, Leo was shot and fell on the spot.

As soon as he saw the hit, the mercenary ran away, mocking: "Ha! I knew that blocking crossbow arrows was just a fairy tale!"

Seeing that he was about to escape, Geralt threw his weapon at the professor, but unfortunately he passed through the portal first, and the steel sword was only nailed to the wall.

Then the portal disappeared, and the laboratory returned to peace.

White Wolf hurried to observe Leo's injuries. But he knew at a glance that the crossbow arrow pierced his right chest and broke his ribs, and the apprentice was about to die...

He was heartbroken. Since he woke up, he was inevitably panicked about losing his memory, but the people of Kaer Morhen always treated him sincerely.

Holding Leo, Geralt closed his eyes and had no expression, engraving the feeling of anger into his heart.

As the footsteps approached, he recognized that it was Vesemir, Eskar, and others.

Suddenly, a young voice came from the side: "Put Leo down slowly, don't increase the bleeding, I will heal him."

White Wolf. Geralt of Rivia was shocked and looked up at the person who spoke.

It was a young man with four knife scars on his face, and he was ordinary.

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