Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 493 Why is the 100-year-old man crying?

Sea of ​​mist. On an unknown island, in a deserted wooden house.

"No...no, don't do this to me!"

The white-haired old man suddenly knelt down in front of the bed and fell into endless sadness, because the girl with a cold and stiff body on the bed was the daughter he had been pursuing for the past six months.

And just when he was holding the girl's hand and crying, the "magic beacon" that guided him here suddenly emitted a golden light...

The time sequence has entered late autumn, the temperature has dropped sharply, and the first snow may fall at any time.

On this day, the sun was obscured by dark clouds. In the forest near Kaer Morhen, a shallow stream gurgled through. Two demon hunters, an old man and a young man, were hiding behind the rocks and waiting; they were the master demon hunters of the Wolf School. Vesemir, and his most proud apprentice Victor. Corleone.

Wearing a witcher's armor, with medium-long white hair and a ponytail, Vesemir sat meditating quietly, with his sharp steel sword unsheathed and lying in front of his knees.

And his apprentice Victor, also wearing armor, never leaving his herbal medicine bag when going out, was slung across his waist, leaning peacefully on the boulder beside the stream, reminiscing about the past.

The surroundings were very quiet, with no noise other than the sound of water. Familiar people and familiar surroundings made him naturally recall the time when he was studying art a few years ago...

Thinking back to that time, when he was suddenly taken to Kaer Morhen, he was just a half-baked alchemy apprentice. He couldn't even defeat ordinary beasts in a one-on-one battle. It was here that he pondered and tempered, and through the selfless teaching and guidance of the Demon Hunter Master, he initially gained the ability to survive in the dark age.

Once, he was hung up and beaten by Vesemir...

In those years, we ran the killer road (trail) together...

Time flies so fast, and this just-in-time kindness is worth remembering no matter what. The master demon hunter was also the first person to witness the "incredible alchemy".

Then in the spring, Yicheng came out of the mountain. In the first battle with bandits outside the city of Vergen, he almost overturned the car and fell down from tetanus infection. After recovering, he took a boat to the west, but this time the boat capsized directly and was overturned by a big octopus. When he landed, he met Iorveth and Toluvel encountered the first wheel battle in his life...

Then...it's Temeria...it's Redania, it's Skellige...it's Toussaint...

Time flies like a fleeting glimpse.

Unknowingly, my footprints have spread all over the continent, and only the southern empire has not been visited. When Xili returns and stabilizes, I will definitely find time to go and see it together.

Yennefer returned to Kaer Morhen a few days ago and told Ciri that he was hiding deep in the Sea of ​​Mists and could only be found through the "Magic Beacon". However, spellcasters would be disturbed in the Sea of ​​Mists, so Geralt could only Go by boat alone.

Calculating the time, Xili will come back within the next few days! I have changed so much, can I still recognize that gray-haired and blue-eyed girl?

Victor, who was letting his mind wander and thinking about his own strange thoughts, suddenly heard a ferocious roar coming from the other side of the river!

"Ho! Ho! Ho ho ho!"

Alas! haven't seen you for a long time! Finally waiting for you, the fattest giant bear before hibernation!

Vesemir opened his eyes and stood up.

A smile appeared on Victor's lips.

"Aden. Binding Seal!!!"

Things are different now. In the past, to fight against such ferocious beasts, Victor had to apply sword oil and potions, drink various potions and go all out.

But after several years of experience, the returning boy only needed a simple seal to stop the charging giant bear on the river beach, letting it roar wildly, but his body was bound in place by the tyrannical magic power.

"Master! Are you coming or am I coming?" The situation was decided, Victor smiled and waved to Vesemir.

Blinking his eyes in surprise, the master shook his head, "Come on!" After saying that, he returned the sword to its sheath and sighed softly.

The reason for his sigh was that Victor was too strong, and his seal was too strong.

Under normal circumstances, it takes a long time for the binding seal to condense, and it is even more difficult to lock such a huge creature.

But when the giant bear sprinted over, the young man just pressed on the ground, and the trap was immediately formed. The power of this hand to control magic was truly unprecedented in Vesemir's hundreds of years of hunting monsters, a "second mutation" His bravery is shocking.

This is just an improvement in the "magical sense".

Another example is Geralt. After using the werewolf's mutation inducer for secondary mutation, his body's toughness and resilience have reached an extreme level, and the healing speed of scratched wounds is visible to the naked eye.

In the past, it was difficult for the "White Wolf" to fight against twenty people, but now it is no exaggeration to say that it can fight against a hundred people.

It can be said that based on the foundation laid by Professor Moru, Victor and Keira's research has truly brought about a qualitative change in the combat power of witchers.

From this perspective, the tasks entrusted to young people a few years ago can be said to have been overfulfilled.

Not only did he find out the reason for the high mortality rate in the Green Grass Trial, he also further developed the potential of the profession!

But having said that, the communication with him was not entirely beneficial. Through his analysis, Vesemir clearly realized that as the number of monsters decreased and humans became stronger, witchers would soon lose their original meaning of existence; and low-risk The green grass trial will attract the crazy coveting of the powerful.

The initial idea was still too naive

But no matter what, that skinny boy back then has become a towering tree today!

Watching Victor pierce the bear's heart with a sword, he pulled out a short blade and cut open the sternum, easily separated the fat layer, took out the bear's heart, gallbladder and stomach stones, continued to cut down to the anus, and cut off the reproductive part with a knife; then he lifted the dead bear and placed it on the protruding stones on the riverbed of the stream, letting the running water wash the open belly, emptying the blood and remaining internal organs.

The smooth and neat dissection operation is the result of teaching by example, and the demon hunter's heart is filled with the joy of nurturing talents.

Great! All we have to do now is wait for Ciri to return and successfully stop the Wild Hunt's pursuit, and everything will be perfect!

Thinking of this, he asked, "Wick, with so many defensive measures these days, how confident are you that you can defeat the Wild Hunt? Have you seen other future scenes?"

The action of his hands paused slightly, and the young man let out a long breath, "No, I can't be sure of the result, I can only make more preparations as much as possible."

"Child, you seem a little nervous. Could it be that someone will die in the future you foresee?"

"No! We will all be alive and well, the only thing I am sure of!"

A few hours later, Victor and Vesemir returned to Kaermerhen after finishing the hunt.

He led the horse into the stable, and when he was unloading the giant bear from the horse's back, he suddenly sensed that there was magic surging in the courtyard, which seemed to be the frequency of the portal opening.

Then there was a faint noise in the wind-it was Yennefer's excited shouting.

As if he had realized something, Victor stopped working, left the stable and rushed to the courtyard. Sure enough, he saw from a distance that the always arrogant sorceress was hugging a young girl tightly.

Melitel's daughter!

After several years of separation, finally, the straight-line distance between him and her was less than fifty meters.

In the eyes of Samsara, she has short silver-gray hair, thin and thick eyebrows and big green oval eyes; the only flaw is a conspicuous scar that cuts across most of her cheek from below her left eye.

For medieval people, this is a disfigurement, but in Victor's heart, the scar not only did not make her ugly, but added a different kind of neutral charm to the girl.

Yes, she is the "Daughter of Time and Space" and the "Young Lion of Cintra". The elves call her "Jiwei'er" (Rainbow), the "Goddess of the World of Demon Hunting".

-- Ciri. Fiona. Allen. Ray Yalun, commonly known as Ciri.

Sad news:

Simon is sick. He is in the middle stage of the syndrome of not wanting to write.

I was stuck for several days in a few hundred words. I don't know why I just don't want to write, and the words I wrote are not smooth no matter how I look at them.

Ah~ I really want to castrate myself! (Rolling)

->(Putting bowls)<-

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