Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 495: Everyone loves him and his ghost won’t go away


I want you very much

I want you very much

One day

I will definitely catch you"


In the demon hunting world, every ambitious person has a Ciri in his heart.

If you want to describe Ciri's first half of life in one sentence, then the name of a movie is very appropriate-"Those Years, We Chased the Girl Together".

And the "we" in the brackets, that is, her "pursuers", have extremely wide attributes and a wide variety of types.

If divided by motivation, they can be roughly divided into three types:

First, due to "Islin's Prophecy", Ciri is considered to be the destined savior of the elves, "Jiweier" (Swift), and the key figure in saving the White Frost Disaster.

Second, as a princess of Cintra, the daughter of Nilfgaard Emperor Emhyr var. Enreis (then named "Donny") and Cintra Princess Pavetta, her bloodline brought her countless worldly noble claims.

-Princess of Nilfgaard, Queen of Cintra, Princess Brug and Baroness of Soden, heir to the Big and Small Skellige Islands, Lord Atli and Aber Yara.

To put it in a more specific way, the above titles, with Radovid's title plus Ciri, can legally rule the entire continent west of the Blue Mountains.

Don't doubt it, it's so exaggerated!

And finally, the blood of the elders itself also gives Ciri endless powerful magic. She is a naturally wild source warlock.

With the above many irreplaceable extraordinary qualities, you can imagine how coveted the young girl Ciri is.

Looking back at Ciri's life of being pursued, the representative pursuer of her childhood was "Vigofortz of Logevin".

This handsome artist who practiced both magic and martial arts was fascinated by the powerful magic inherited from the source warlock, so he directed all the tragedies of her childhood.

From the destruction of Cintra, the death of Pavetta, and even the wandering life of escape, there is the shadow of Vigofortz behind them.

It was not until the Battle of Styga Castle that Ciri killed the mercenary who had a childhood shadow, and Yennefer and Geralt joined forces to defeat the evil warlock, and the nightmare came to an end temporarily.

Unfortunately, people are not free to do what they want in the world.

As soon as Vigfortz died, her noble bloodline attracted another group of coveted eyes from the now displaced and disintegrated "Sorcerer's Guild".

The reason for their attraction was simple: unlike other spellcasters with humble origins, Ciri was a true noble recognized by the northern and southern countries.

So during that time, the Guild tried to pimp her and push her to become a queen, thereby improving and enhancing the political status of spellcasters - this plan was suspended due to Ciri's strong resistance.

Later, in the genocide that broke out in Rivia, Geralt died of a pitchfork, Yennefer suffered from heart failure, and Ciri traveled through time and space with her adoptive father and mother, temporarily disappearing from everyone's sight...

However, despite traveling through time and space, Ciri still could not live a stable life.

Soon, a new suitor appeared in front of her - the King of the Wild Hunt. Eredin Brick Glass.

This ambitious and cruel king led a group of troops that could travel through time and space and detect her spellcasting traces, and launched an extremely passionate pursuit.

The driving force of his actions came from the fact that the "Ain El World" where the Wild Hunt was located was facing destruction, and the White Frost Disaster was gradually spreading and eroding.

The King of the Wild Hunt was eager to use the power of swifts to open a channel that could teleport all his subjects and find a new colony, even if it meant sacrificing the girl's life.

Yesterday, Ciri and Geralt chose to open a portal to return to Kaer Morhen because Eredin's flagship "Najjirfar" had been tracked to the sea off the Misty Island, and they had to use teleportation to temporarily distance themselves.

But this is only a temporary solution, and the Wild Hunt will soon re-navigate, and Eredin's military action to attack Kaer Morhen is already imminent...


In the legend of Skellige, "Najjirfar" is a demon ship - a long ship made of dead people's fingernails, and the crew is evil spirits.

This ship will depart from the Land of Chaos, bringing a whole ship of undead troops to the Land of the Living, and set off the final battle between good and evil known as the "Final War".

To this day, people on the islands still peel off the nails of the dead when they are buried to prevent these things from becoming raw materials for the Devil's Ship.

——Excerpt from "The Final War"

Afternoon. The North Tower of Kaer Morhen. Victor's Alchemy Workshop.

Taking a tube of blood from the "White Wolf" for testing, and then witnessing the small wound heal in the blink of an eye, Victor nodded with satisfaction, "Thank you for your cooperation, Geralt, the secondary mutation is very successful, and the results of evolution are very stable."

After listening to the explanation, Geralt nodded in greeting, and when he stood up and was about to leave, Victor spoke to keep him.

"Wait a minute, Geralt, I have something to tell you. Do you believe me now? Do you believe in my ability to predict the future?"

"......" After a few seconds of silence, the White Wolf said in a hoarse voice: "After so many things, I promise that I will seriously consider whatever you say."

Victor blinked, not understanding why Geralt's tone was a little distant, but thinking that he might be under pressure from the imminent Wild Hunt attack, he could fully understand.

"It's nothing, just a reminder, it may not be useful.

If one day in the future, Ciri is discouraged and sad, you must not let her drink to relieve her sorrow, but find a way to make her laugh. For example, play snowballs, if it snows at that time!

Next, if someone betrays Ciri's trust, you should encourage her to vent her anger instead of tactfully swallowing it.

As she mourns her friend, stand with her and bow your head in silence. When faced with a choice, help her find courage, but don't make the decision for her.

And the most important thing, absolutely, absolutely, don't let her feel that you betrayed her. "

After speaking eloquently, I have to say that Victor's prophecy this time was quite clear, and the applicable situation almost appeared before his eyes. Geralt crossed his arms and thought about it, then solemnly nodded and agreed, "Thank you, I will keep it in mind. of."

Then he took out a letter from his arms and put it on the table, pushing it in front of Victor, "I almost forgot that I was on the second floor of 'Books and Scrolls' (the bookstore in the Patriarch's Square in Novigrad) and accidentally opened it. A strange book with a letter inside.

Although the sender did not disclose his name, the recipient will feel that it is related to you at a glance, and you may know who wrote it. "

After saying a few words, Geralt turned and left without hesitation.

Watching his retreating figure, Victor rubbed the stubble on his chin, filled with doubts.

It's strange... Bai Lang seems to be in a bad mood today, as if he is enduring something, and he doesn't want to talk to himself. We were obviously close friends and brothers before, so why did we suddenly become so cold?

Could it be menopause! ?

Do centenarians also have menopause?

Although he noticed something strange, the young man had too many things to do and had no time to think about the change in the other party's attitude.

Resolutely putting aside his doubts, he opened the letter and read it.

"Letter from "A"

"The Mysterious Alchemist V"

By the time you read this letter, it will be several years later, and you should know me better now than you did when we first met.

Unfortunately! Talk to you this way...

Among the endless possibilities, some are more likely to happen and some are less likely. But even if wisdom is extended to all time and space, it is not so easy to find the right path.

So I leave this letter, although the chance is not high, but I still hope that you will find out one day.

Please allow me to remind you once again that the fate of mankind is under threat, and the prophecy of hoarfrost destroying the world is not the ravings of some crazy female elf.

Maybe I still have a chance to convince you in person, I hope so; but if not, or if the persuasion fails, I can only rely on this letter.

Remember, the only way I know to save the world is to help humanity face this catastrophe. Legend has it that people with ancient blood can drive away danger, but I have failed. And so far since my failure, I have been haunted by a terrible demon spirit and the shadow of failure.

I am the chosen one, and the chosen one has failed. You and your potion are our only hope.

When the Wolf Blizzard comes, humanity will probably perish, and only superhumans will survive. Your mission is to bring superhuman beings into the world.

No matter what you think of me, remember not to fail like me.

Finally, if you always choose to say no, at least take responsibility and don’t make things worse! "

──Your old friend A

Silently staring at A's signature, Victor was speechless.

If the previous description is still a little unclear, then the last sentence is the secret code for tomorrow's bold confrontation.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Jaques of Aldeburgh, you are still a ghost. It's really touching...

Get the hell out of here! The dead should rest in peace. I will save the world without you telling me. "

After muttering to himself, he carefully folded the letter and put it into the herbal bag, and the witcher continued the work at hand.

Thank you for your subscription, monthly pass and recommendation vote. Thank you to book friends Geralt, Ao Shi 133, ChouUn, book friends 20170315180243248, depressed Garuda, Han Han Han Jinjin for their rewards and encouragement.

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