Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 501: Deja vu oppression of all living beings

Surrounded by the Wild Hunt Knights...

The handsome posture, arrogant expression, loud voice and awkward pronunciation are combined with the spirit of disowning his relatives.


As soon as the words fell, the seal unfolded like lava erupting. If there was substantial viscous magic power, it instantly filled the entire area. The unrestrained high pressure, centered on Victor, sealed and fixed all creatures with a radius of 20 meters indiscriminately.

All the elves were suddenly unable to move a finger. They were trapped in place and allowed to be slaughtered. Time seemed to be suspended in the present.

"Smash~~Varudo"? ? ?

On the high platform in the atrium, Ciri, who was proficient in Nilfgaardian, quickly realized that this strange pronunciation referred to the world = "THE WORLD".

Therefore, the official full name of the Dharma Seal is "Seal of Arden. World"! ?

The familiar name awakened the dusty memory. Remembering that Wang Yuxi had used a card with the same name in the world of Gwent, Ciri's expression suddenly became a little subtle.

She remembered that the effect of that card was: blocking the attacks of all monsters on the field for three turns.

Corresponding to the wild hunters bound by magic in the courtyard below, it is indeed quite consistent.

But actually witnessing its power, this seal is worthy of Victor’s boast and can be called a legend!

There were more than thirty Wild Hunt soldiers in the field, and they could only watch helplessly as Victor held his sword and whistled, strolling through the garden like a target, stabbing them all to death one by one.

So scary.

Seeing such a trick, Xili raised the corner of her mouth and smiled with emotion: time flies so fast, the little carrot head back then has really grown up.

As a source warlock, she can squander enough magic power without setting up formations, but trying to control such a huge body to create effects is far beyond her current ability.

Amazing skills!

In the realm of the "world", Victor can be said to be invincible. If you insist on finding a weakness, it is probably that he cannot distinguish between friend and foe.

Specifically speaking, among the many wooden figures on the field, there was an out-of-place existence, Temeria's golden eagle Angoulan, who was also frozen in place and unable to move, looking particularly embarrassed...

Shrouded and blocked by the seal, Angouleme had tried to struggle, but unfortunately not all her efforts would be fruitful. In the past minute, she struggled until she could see sweat on her forehead, but there was nothing she could do.

It wasn't until Victor stabbed all the enemies present and took the initiative to disarm the "world" that the girl finally regained her ability to act.

After regaining her freedom, she immediately stared at the leader with resentment on her face, "I don't believe you didn't know beforehand that you would trap me too. It was obviously intentional, right?"

Faced with the accusations from the members, Victor obviously had no intention of introspection, "It's more than that? It's simply that!

Immersing yourself in the "world" is the fastest way to learn. When you can deconstruct the magic circuit, you can move in the realm of suspension.

My dear, if you want to learn your true skills, you have to be patient. The Wild Hunt will probably send a few more waves of soldiers to die; seize the opportunity to practice, I'm optimistic about you! "

Two caterpillar-like thick eyebrows were tangled together. Due to the impeccable logic of the group leader's explanation, Angoulin, a member of the group, had no choice but to accept it.

Some time passed.

Just as Victor predicted, the next two consecutive waves of attacks failed in the "world"; including the original thirty or so, there were now more than fifty corpses lying in the vestibule of Kaer Morhen.

And Angoulan finally progressed to the point where he could move the thumb of his left hand under the suppression of magic.

"Wow hahaha! Did you see it, Wick? My learning progress is considered fast!"

"Hmm... not bad."

"If it's good, then why do you have such a bitter look on your face? Aren't you happy for me?"

The witcher touched his nose and said, "I'm not smiling because I'm worried about other things... Didn't you notice? It's been a while since there have been any enemies.

Looking at the bright side, it may be that the casualties were too heavy and the Wild Hunt chose to retreat temporarily; but another, worse possibility is that the enemy is planning some tricks that we don't know about. "

Understanding Victor's concerns, Angoulin couldn't help but become nervous, "Then I'll go up to the atrium and report first so that everyone can be more alert?"

"That's fine, you can go ahead. After this battle is over, I will find time to guide you."

After receiving the instruction, taking three steps and two steps at a time, Angouleme ran away.

Just like that, watching her back disappear around the corner, Victor was left alone in the vestibule.

Turning around and looking at the sky outside the barrier, he suddenly noticed that the weather outside had become even worse.

What was originally just sparse snowflakes has now turned into a white curtain, and the world is vast.

The surroundings are very quiet, too quiet...

"Bang dong, bang dong, bang dong!"

In the stillness of the night, the sound of the beating heart was particularly clear.

Warning signs suddenly appeared in my heart!

"Crack...! Crack...! Crack...! Crack...!"

From far to near, the regular and plain sound of iron boots hitting the ground came from the depths of the city gate corridor, creating a domineering and majestic momentum.

There is only one person, only one person approaching.

The rhythm of that step was so familiar, awakening an unforgettable memory that Victor could no longer look away. His samsara eyes were fixed on the exit of the corridor, making sure to see who appeared first.

At the same time, he reached into the herbal bag and took out jars after jars of potions and began to drink them. The three-piece set of Blizzard, Thunder, and Tawny Owl, plus Griffin Beast Decoction and Hekna Decoction, he quickly increased the level of combat readiness. Pull it all the way up.

Click... click... click, the sound of footsteps.

Five seconds...seven seconds...nine seconds, time passed.

Finally, the witcher waited for this leisurely guest. He was tall and strong, wearing a full body armor in the shape of skeletons, a skull mask on his face, and a crown decorated with five sharp corners.

Standing there, his appearance alone oppressed everyone, and from head to toe he seemed to be declaring to the people around him, "You are facing the leader of the Death Knights, the King of the Wild Hunt. Eredin Brick Glass."

Although there was a distance, the intensity of the vibration of the wolf badge was comparable to that of a massage device; the fierce magic fluctuations not only made the skin tingling, but also made breathing less smooth.

Strong! So strong! So strong that it was foul, so strong that it seemed familiar!

Taking a deep breath, biting his lower lip intentionally or unintentionally, the witcher took a bull stance to defend against the slash from above, and at the same time he could quickly counterattack with a stab.

The posture flowed naturally, and he put himself in a weak position.

To be honest, Victor looked down on the King of the Wild Hunt at first. After all, in his previous life experience, Eredin, as the final leader, was considered to be a very undignified one. Geralt, who was fully armed, fought him alone, like playing, without any pressure.

But it was completely beyond his imagination. The oppression when he really faced him face to face. Since he came to the world of demon hunting, except for the extraordinary existence of the Master of Mirror, only one person has reached the height of Eredin at this moment.

── Jaques of Aldeburg. The man who was so strong that he was unreasonable, the man who died in a muddle, the man who entrusted all his hopes to him.

Obviously, the leader of the Knights of the Flaming Rose should have no connection with the King of the Wild Hunt, but Victor inexplicably had an association. The Eredin in front of him made him feel like he was facing Jaques again.

He couldn't help but ask, "Who are you? Eredin? Have we met before?"

The question was ignored indifferently. The King of the Wild Hunt was obviously not in the mood to chat.

Looking around at the scattered elf corpses in the front hall, he silently drew out the weapon at his waist, a ferocious broad-bladed half-hand sword, with a dull matte luster that exuded a cold and heavy feeling.

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