Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 512: The Beautiful Witch's Fantasy Journey

A few days after leaving Velen, Victor and his party arrived in Novigrad.

This most famous giant city in the north, under the prosperous appearance, is filled with restlessness and anxiety, like a dry gunpowder magazine, just a match can cause a big explosion.

When entering the city, Ciri stared at the remains on the wooden stakes and the stakes by the roadside, with puzzled eyes, "They are all non-human races!? I thought the witch hunters and temple guards were only hunting mages."

"This is not surprising. The mages are gone, and the witch hunters naturally need new prey." Victor responded faintly.

"Hatred and prejudice may never be eradicated. The target of witch hunting is not just witches. The real meaning is to find scapegoats." Geralt's voice is low and hoarse.

"Humans have always been afraid of aliens, aliens, and freaks.

When all the mages disappeared from Novigrad, the people in the city directed their endless anger to other races... Just like they had done for a long time, they labeled their neighbors as "enemies"...

Then judge them! Kill them!"

"Is there no way to stop them?" Ciri pursed her lips.

Geralt shook his head and sighed.

Angoulême remained silent.

Only Victor raised his mouth slightly and sneered, "It's not that complicated. This is a man-made disaster. We can't solve the disaster itself, but we can solve the people who created the disaster."

(д)! ! !






After passing the city guards' inspection from the Tretog Gate, everyone soon arrived at the agreed meeting place, the "Herb Tavern" run by Dandelion.

Here they reunited with many old friends, including Dandelion, the best bard in the north, the loyal warrior Zoltan Ziva, the sorceress Triss Merigold, and Yennefer of Vangerburg.

However, the reception the four returnees received was significantly and irreparably different due to their status and position.

Little Princess Ciri, without a doubt, received warm hugs from everyone present. She was greeted with smiles wherever she went. After drinking a few glasses of light beer, she was pulled into the room by Yennefer and Triss who had made time to chat.

And the White Wolf Geralt was also hugged by everyone present. However, Victor was keenly aware that when he hugged Triss, Yennefer's eyebrows flashed with a green aura, and a hint of hostility was rising. After the greetings, the witcher, the bard, and the dwarf went to the side to drink and chat.

Next was the Golden Eagle Angouleme. She only hugged Dandelion, Zoltan, and Triss. Yennefer didn't have that kind of friendship, so a nod was enough. Then she joined Geralt's table, and the four of them talked nonsense together.

Finally... it was the poor Victor, Corleone. He only received hugs from the bard and the dwarf. Triss and Yennefer kept a proper distance from him for their own reasons.

And he had just finished drinking the refreshing beer and had no time to get a second cup before he was pulled to a secluded place by two sorceresses to conspire and communicate.

Yennefer: "Mr. Victor, since you came back with Ciri, you must have known the situation. We need to gather all the power to help her now.

But in Novigrad, we encountered a difficulty - Ciri Tanshavier - the lone witch of Kovir. She said that she had more important things to do and had no time to help Ciri, and I suspect she knew the whereabouts of the missing Philippa.

According to Triss, you have a say in front of Ciri, don't waste time, and go find her as soon as possible!"

Yennefer's stiff and matter-of-fact tone, if he didn't know that this was her nature, and for the sake of Ciri and Geralt, Victor would have wanted to beat her on the spot.

Observing Victor's expression of surprise, Triss gently added from the side, "Wick, congratulations on getting your prosthetic limbs. We didn't expect you to be here. I was planning to open the door and go back to Kaermohen to ask for your help.

We need Philippa Ehart to restart the sorceress's meeting house; and Xi'er is the most likely person to know her hiding place. In the past, they had the best relationship in the meeting house.

Although she said she had other work and refused to provide any assistance, I believe you can help.

As long as you ask, she will definitely not refuse you, right?" Obviously because Yennefer was also present, the red-haired sorceress used very cautious words.

In fact, because of the power of "Oeltan", she knew that as long as Victor asked, Xi'er would be willing to do anything.

But for those who don't know Oeltan, Triss's low-key statement can be interpreted in another way.

Turning his eyes from Triss to Victor, his expression changed from indifference to disgust. Yennefer's sharp eyes seemed to be looking at a second Dandelion, "Hehe, I didn't expect you to have such a skill. You could actually please that serious and dull old maid. Can you tell me how you did it? I thought she was really frigid!"

Feeling the contempt in his words, Victor blinked his eyes, "Haha! If you talk about this, I won't be sleepy!

In fact, it's not as difficult as you think. In summary, the key is four words, 'waist and horse are one'. To achieve this, first of all, the center of gravity of the body must be coordinated with the posture, and secondly, the muscles of the body must be mobilized to participate in the impact──"

"──Ahem!" Sensing that Yennefer's face was getting worse and worse, Triss, who didn't want the young witcher to suffer, quickly interrupted Victor's speech and changed the subject, "I'm sorry, although you just came back. , but could you please go and talk to Xi'er now? We need to find Philippa as soon as possible in order to convene a meeting of sorceresses."

In fact, after switching to the legendary right hand, Victor feels very good about himself now, and does not mind provoking Yennefer to let the sorceress Kangkang, whose eyes are higher than her head, show her power; but since Triss opened her mouth and softened her cheeks, he will give it to her. My sister has a face.

"Okay! I'm going to communicate with her now and ask her for help. I'll also find our venerable Philippa Earhart."

Although he promised to go to the blacksmith shop immediately to communicate with the sorceress, before setting off, Victor first sent Zoltan. Zivara came to the side to talk.

Because according to her past life memories, Xi'er should be dead in prison at this time, and she really doesn't know the whereabouts of Philippa.

As for the whereabouts of "Tretog's Court Pearl", perhaps only Victor and she herself know in the world.

It was a tortuous and bizarre fantasy journey~~

In Lomugna the year before last, after she transformed into an "owl" and escaped, she first settled in the Etaye Cave northeast of Oxenfurt, a cave that Radovid had entrusted two witchers to explore, and tried to restore the Gouged eyes.

Later hunted by witch hunters, she was forced to fly to Novigrad to seek refuge with a former suitor.

But I didn't expect that the suitor had ulterior motives. He seized this opportunity and used an anti-magic metal anklet to lock the owl so that she could not transform back, and then put her in a birdcage to conquer the arrogant sorceress.

At this point, Philippa was likely to be kept in captivity until she was willing to give in.

But ironically, her biggest enemies, the witch hunters, saved her by mistake. During a hunting trip, they captured her suitor, tied him to a stake and burned him to death.

The owl transformed by the sorceress was sold as an ordinary pet, and then passed through gambling channels and ended up in Zoltan. In Qiwa's hands, he named it "Field Marshal Chatterbox II".

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