Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 528: Geralt is filled with mixed feelings

The moment he moved around, stepped backward and then forward, the steel sword struck back──

──Five steps of blood splatter!

He killed a Wild Hunt soldier again, shook off the remaining blood with his sword, and rested for a while.

Looking at the fleet headed by the "Najirfa" and the "Ice Crystal Wormhole" suspended in the air a few hundred yards away, Geralt of White Wolf Rivia shook his head and sighed.

...It’s really an exhaustive plan!

As expected of Victor, the last prophet, he warned in advance not to be anxious when the Wild Hunt appeared; if he rushed up when the mine was triggered and the ship had just run aground, he would probably be killed by the Wild Hunt's mage "Navigator" Caranthir. Borrow the power of "white frost" to freeze.

After all, "opening wormholes to release the cold air" has been a common method used by the Wild Hunt to attack places for many years. Whether it is Hetherton Village, Lovoten Village, or even Kaer Morhen Fortress, they have all lost their ability to resist in the biting cold wind.

Fortunately, unlike in the past, wormholes are relatively easy to deal with in this current situation. All you have to do is "wait".

Because the release time of "white frost" cannot last too long, otherwise not only will the caster Caranthir be exhausted of his magic power, but the cold-proof effect of Wild Hunt's own armor will also be unable to withstand it.

While waiting, Victor did not let the other party sit idle and chose to use long-range artillery fire to entertain visitors from other worlds.

The elf shooters of the Scoia'tael are in charge of parabolically shooting rockets tied with explosives. It is no joke for those things to hit the ship. Although the actual lethality is not high, the sound of the fire explosion is extremely loud.

In addition, at this stage, the sorceresses spread out to connect with the magic circle and cast spells to prevent the Wild Hunt from leaving the fjord, creating a situation where they could only enter but not exit; but it would not interfere with them sending out distress signals and sending more troops from the mainland.

This operation was carried out for a period of time, until it was time to close the net, and the isolation was completely closed, completing the annihilation war of closing the door and beating the dogs.

Of course... Detailed planning in advance is one thing, but whether it can actually be executed smoothly is another matter. Fortunately, judging from the progress so far, the future is scary!

But what is more formidable is not Victor's wisdom, but the "painting style" he displays.

……,damn it!

Is that still a witcher?

No! Do you even have to put a question mark on whether you are a human being?

Not to mention the rock troll, not even the ice giant or even the golden dragon's Saskiasasi is so violent!

At this moment, he noticed that there were more than fifty enemies running towards him, and there were many wild hunting dogs in the team...

Of course, a group of troops like this is not that easy to deal with, but Geralt is not panicked at all, because the white wolf has been a little numb since he just saw it.

The Black Swordsman's "different style of painting", his efficiency in killing people is so exaggerated, it almost subverts his concepts of battle formations and swordsmanship that he has cultivated for hundreds of years─

──That thing of his is so damn big!

Cut it into two pieces vertically, and chop it into two pieces horizontally. The one who strikes it will die, and the whole place will be wailed!

Simply one horizontally and one vertically, these two moves come and go. At most, the angles are slightly different, but the rest are exactly the same rough.

But he became the "Unexplainable God of Killing" on the battlefield!

The thickness and weight of the sword are several times that of ordinary weapons. The dragon-slaying sword does not have its full blade. When used, it is more like smashing than cutting. However, the wind of the sword actually causes pain on the face. No one can take it as a powerful blow. !

The weapon holder's weapon deforms, and the shield holder flattens the shield!

In addition, the armor is naturally immune to all shooting and magic...

Needless to say, if such a "monster" appears on the battlefield, it will be useless no matter how strict the discipline of the men in black is. It doesn't take half an hour to witness the opponent knocking on a concave body art and flying up a large number of broken arms and limbs. The army will collapse across the board.

Just like the more than fifty Wild Hunt soldiers in front of them, four of them were cut into eight sections with one sweep. Another sweep was full of stumps, and several of them turned around and ran away on the spot.

Unfortunately, the Skellige mob waiting nearby were not vegetarians either, so they immediately swarmed up and left them all behind.

At the end of the dazzling short but glorious battle, amid the laughter and laughter of the sea people celebrating their victory, it was natural that those who were vertically slashed by the Dragon-Slaying Sword could not survive, but many of their upper bodies were still squirming.

"I am a kindhearted person and I don't want to see anyone suffer, so you send them on their way as soon as possible!" Throwing this famous quote, which later became a line in countless well-known film and television works, Victor shook his head and turned to Geralt, "I didn't expect Caranthir. He's quite resilient and can still maintain the wormhole. I'll go in and deal with him first. Could you please stay here and take care of me?"

Speechlessly nodded in agreement, White Wolf was not worried about the safety of the Dragonborn. The berserker armor was of high purity, and even the white frost had no magic immunity effect. And Victor, who was like a god and demon coming to the world, could not rely on the number of his troops. Can fight to death.

Although he insisted that all of this was very scientific and could be done by drinking the same potion, Geralt was very sure that the dose he took was definitely excessive. Even if he drank so much potion, it would be enough to choke Victor. Just gorgeous butterfly war lines appear on the face.

Quietly watching his retreating figure, Geralt suddenly recalled the conversation between the two at the wine table last night.

"...Ah!? After this battle, you and Xiri want to leave this world? Why? Isn't it good to stay here?"

"Don't get me wrong, I like this world. However, you always have to go home when you go out to play; just like you and Yennefer worry about Ciri, there are people who care about and wait for me in my hometown.

Although with their rough lines, they may not have discovered it yet, but once discovered, things will become serious.

Imagine, there are two other alchemists as tough as me, no! Correction, "Victor shook his head and smiled bitterly," They should still be better than me now.

Anyway... let those two super tough ladies find out that their juniors are missing. Believe me, few people can withstand their anger. "

Victor picked up the wine glass and drank.

"And as early as when Ciri and I lived together, we agreed that when she had no worries, we would go to various worlds together, witness strange technologies, and experience unknown journeys.

It is said that in some places, cars and ships fly in the sky, and playing cards can save the world..."

Geralt had heard similar words from Ciri before, but White Wolf didn't take it seriously at the time, but now hearing Victor say so, it is obvious that this is the consensus of the two of them.

He drank the wine silently.

After a slight pause for Geralt to digest for a while, Victor said slowly, "Let's talk about something light. While the atmosphere is just right tonight, let's talk about White Wolf's love story. I heard that you were abandoned by Triss and Yennefer at the same time. I have some suggestions for you. "

White Wolf's face was mixed with mixed emotions, and he couldn't understand how the other party knew.

Ignoring the embarrassed expression of the person involved, the young witcher talked freely, "Although the two of them tied you to the bed at the Vanilla Inn that night and announced that they would abandon you, it is actually not that simple. With the deep bond between you, neither of them can bring themselves to acknowledge the other.

At this time, you only need to introduce a third party to arouse the invisible sense of competition, and you can turn the dangerous two-way relationship into a stable triangle.

And this third boat is in Toussaint, Ms. Fringilla Vigo!"

After listening to the above fallacy with a wooden face, Geralt clenched his fist and gently tapped his knee. Even though he had been cured by Victor, it might be a psychological factor, and it would still be a little sore when the weather was cold.

"Let's not talk about Fringilla for now.

Wick, I wanted to ask you since we first met, you seem to have an unusual tolerance, trust and kindness towards me. Even if you say it's for Ciri's sake, it's also surprising. Can I know why? "

Observing the White Wolf's expression, he really wants to know.

Then the Dragonborn shrugged, "The answer is simple. Because I have admired you, your lifestyle, your persistence, and your stupidity.

Angoulême knows the answer, and it doesn't matter if I tell you.

In fact, what I call foresight is to experience the future through your perspective.

In other words, to some extent, I have played you, I am you, and I naturally feel the same way.

So I hope you live a happy life and hope you can enjoy your old age. At least after going through so many things, I am sure you are willing to spend a period of peace first. "

The unexpected answer made Geralt slightly stunned, and then recalled that many times when he talked with Victor, the other party had a tacit understanding with him and had similar views; whether it was that he hit it off with Zoltan and Dandelion at first sight, facing the subtle attitude of Triss and Yennefer, and even how he knew about the "three-person tango", all got answers in front of this explanation.

But this is a bit embarrassing. How much did he know and how much did he see? Especially some unbearable scenes...

After pondering for a while, Geralt sighed, "...Okay, I won't ask you about the details you saw. You know how grateful I am to you. Indeed, maybe I really should take a break for a while. "

Imitating Angouleme, Victor raised his eyebrows funny, "Dear old man, I believe you still remember Toussaint, a good place with birds singing and flowers blooming. I have two properties there, one of which is the property rights of White Raven Manor. I registered it in your name at the beginning. I believe you will like it.

In the future, when Lady Fringilla is released and returns to the Toussaint court, the nightlife of White Raven Manor will be lively. Although there will be no fixed hostess, it is inevitable that there will be visitors in all seasons.

Ah! Don't thank me, I'm just an alchemist passing by.

Don't worry that I will kidnap Ciri and never come back. We still have many ties in this world. You just make delicious wine in White Raven Manor and wait for our brother and sister to visit. "

Noticing that Victor still kept his promise and never mentioned their "little secret" until this moment, Geralt finally believed that he would definitely treat Ciri well. Besides, even if he was not good, there was no way, he was Ciri's choice.

Looking up at the starry sky, the winter girl hung high in the sky, and the old father raised his glass to bless helplessly.

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