Witcher's Atelier

Chapter 531 Ted Delray The Last Era

The sea that swallowed the "Berserker" was calm and peaceful. Eredin, still in shock, floated in the air. After staring at it for three minutes, he came to the conclusion that nothing unusual was found.

Confused and relieved... the arrogant witcher seemed to be dragged into the bottomless sea by the heavy armor he was wearing.

When the cold sea water quickly took away the body temperature, it was difficult to remove the armor and it was impossible to breathe, so the monster died just like that! ?

Is this reasonable?

This is very reasonable!

A satisfactory, or desired conclusion...

"Hehe, huhehe, hahahahahahaha!" The King of the Wild Hunt, floating in the air, laughed wildly.

"As expected, human ability has its limits!

With your monkey-like inferior wisdom, dare you defy me who possesses the 'blood of the ancients'?


Don't even think about defeating me. Scum is just scum after all. The future is completely in my hands!"

"No one can defy fate. You are doomed to destruction. The 'Emperor' is me, Eredin! I have never changed!"

Suddenly escaping from despair, the King of the Wild Hunt vented his comfortable mood with a long series of soliloquys.

But at this moment of laughter, he suddenly noticed the strange flow of magic around him...

Looking up suddenly, the sky became gloomy and dim, and the skin could feel the sudden drop in temperature. A casual breath immediately turned into white smoke.

Pupils contracted and the mind was shocked.

Eredin spread out his palms, and the falling snow powder gradually enlarged into ice crystals...Such a sudden climate change was a scene he was very familiar with.

"The celestial spheres meet - white frost!"


"The celestial spheres meet - white frost!

Givielle (Swift), the end of your world has come..."

In the headquarters tent of the World Peace Committee at the top of "Howling Fjord", the elven sage Avallac'h said with a cold face.

When talking about such a horrible topic, the atmosphere should have been very serious, but considering that he was still in the "Swiss Roll" form, there was a subtle sense of humor.

Putting down the bread stick in his hand, Ciri turned his head and looked at the elven sage, "Avallac'h... what are you talking about?"

"Whether I am talking nonsense or not, you can look at Ada Amin beside me. Her pale face can tell a lot of things.

Yes, as early as a thousand years ago, Isilin predicted the arrival of today!" He sang with emotion, "You must know that the time of sword and axe is approaching, it is the era of winter wolf wind and snow. The time of white frost and white light is coming, it is the era of madness and contempt: Tedd Deireadh, the era of the end.

The world will die in the frost..."

Avallac's remarks immediately caused some confusion in the command center. Whether it was the sorceresses, politicians, religious representatives and envoys from various countries, they had all heard of Isilin's prophecy, but no one knew what the so-called "white frost doomsday" looked like.

But now they know.

And not just the people present.

With the popularity of "Isilin's prophecy"...even without Avallac's reminder, people all over the world will soon realize what the sudden outbreak of climate anomalies means.

──The end of the world.

Skellig Keldor Castle.

Ermia and Caris stared at the wonders of the sky side by side. The archdruid who was summoned confirmed to the queen with a heavy heart, "This is the intersection of the spheres... What's worse, the world on the other side is cold and dead, just like the 'hoar frost' mentioned in the prophecy."

Temeria Vizima Palace.

Sorceress Fringilla Vigo pursed her lips and bowed to Emperor Emhyr Enreis who was looking up at the sky, "Your Majesty, there is no doubt that it is the intersection of the spheres, and we can't do anything, we can only witness everything that happens next."

Toussaint Beauclair Court.

Sianna hugged Anna Henrietta from behind, "Don't worry, my dear sister, no matter what happens, I will be with you."


From east to west, from north to south, regardless of gender, age, rich or poor, as long as you look up to the sky, you can witness the magnificent spectacle of the "Conjunction of the Celestial Spheres" and feel the real cold of the "White Frost Flow".

No one knows which will come first, tomorrow or an accident?

No one expected that the end of the world would be today!


"The time of white frost and white light is coming, it is an age of madness and contempt: Tedd Deireadh, the age of the end.

The world will die in the frost and be reborn under the new sun. That is also the time when Hen Ichaer - the blood of the ancients - will be reborn." Continuing the part that Avallac'h just interrupted, Ada Emin continued to hum the latter part of Ithlin's prophecy.

The Swiss Roll Sage had a restrained and reserved expression. "Jiweier, listen to me, the ancient blood in the prophecy refers to you.

Now only you can stop the spread of the white frost. You are the only hope for all of us!"

His words caused an uproar among the people present, and also made Ciri suddenly dazed.

She suddenly remembered that a few years ago, a person who was always smiling and smiling once said when he was not wearing clothes:

"'You are our only hope'!

I tell you, people who go out to venture should be wary of this sentence. As long as this sentence or something similar appears, it will definitely not be a good thing!

Especially when it is said by a beautiful princess, it is just like going back to her hometown to get married, which is a law-based curse.

Countless heroes throughout the ages have been deceived by this sentence and have gone through fire and water, and have fought to the death...

Little did they know that its correct translation is actually-'This strong man, please, please die for us! ’”

The words were still ringing in my ears, and the guy's bitter and vicious sarcasm made me laugh so hard that I couldn't even straighten my waist...

Well! ? It seems that the reason why I can't stand straight is not because of laughing, but the impression of back pain is definitely correct.

Alarmed by the surprise of the "white frost" coming, Eredin's heart was shaken for a moment, because when he was not paying attention, a wet Victor suddenly appeared in the snowfield below.

The heavy anti-magic armor disappeared without a trace. It seemed that he had taken it off in time under the water; he now changed into a black vest and leather trousers, and a long double-breasted windbreaker.

The guy staring up at him has a calm expression and a relaxed posture. Although he doesn't know why, he seems to be in a good mood, which makes people feel angry!

ah! Damn monkey! I want to make you unable to laugh!

Standing in mid-air and taking off his mask, the King of the Wild Hunt raised the corners of his mouth in gloating, "Monkey, you don't seem to understand what is happening!

let me tell you!

This abnormal aurora is the phenomenon of the intersection of the celestial spheres, and what you will encounter this time is a world that has been swallowed up and destroyed by "white frost".

do you understand? This means that your end has come! Everything you hold dear will be covered in hoarfrost!

Pray! If you have faith. "

Miraculously, when listening to Eredin's sarcasm, Victor looked half-smiling, and combed his wet blond hair back with his right hand, "Hey, yes, you are right, pray! If you have faith, .

It's really a pity. Although I'm still a little dissatisfied, I have to stop the activity of fighting the BOSS..." As he said, he took out a strange-shaped sword from the herbal bag. It was far less huge than the previous one and had shrunk by at least two inches. one part.

"Thank you for your hard work, Eredin, and thank you..."

"Thank you!? You thank me? Are you too panicked to speak incoherently..." Not understanding what the other party meant, and staring at Victor in confusion, the King of the Wild Hunt noticed that the big sword had many uneven gaps on it. It seems to be spliced ​​together.

The young witcher shrugged and talked eloquently, "I'm not incoherent, I'm serious. A few years ago, I formed a relationship with you. Because of the pursuit of the Wild Hunt, I was forced to come to this world and saw many things. People also encounter many things.

I'm very happy.

So now, as a sign of the end of a phase, if you lie down after three or two hits, it will feel empty and uncomfortable.

BOSS needs to have the style of BOSS!

But as you said, the appearance of 'White Frost' means that there is not much time left in this world, so I have to get rid of you quickly. "


How arrogant and unbelievable, Eredin laughed in anger, unable to understand why the monkey who lost the anti-magic armor could fight with him?

But he was also alert at the same time, because Victor's smiling face when he spoke did not have a trace of haze or doubt, as if he was telling the truth about the rising and setting sun.

The witcher showed off the weapon in his hand, "It's beautiful! Its name is the Combination Sword, a super weapon composed of six swords.

Eredin Brick Glass...

Rest in memory! "

After saying that, he gently twirled the strange-shaped weapon in his hand, and suddenly jumped up and pounced on the King of the Wild Hunt in mid-air!

Unexpectedly, after taking off his armor, the opponent could actually jump so high. Eredin hurriedly swung his weapon to attack!

The moment the weapons collide, sparks suddenly appear!


──The Super Martial God Tyrannical Slash! "

Victor said loudly.

"what is that!?"

Eredin was shocked.

The "combination sword" split into six pieces under the collision, and five of the auxiliary swords spread out, completely surrounding Eredin.

Immediately afterwards, in the extremely brilliant flames, Victor's body turned into an afterimage, slashing sequentially from the horizontal direction with his secondary sword──

──That crystal clear posture is unstoppable and dreamlike, but the damage caused by each sword mark is real──

One sword, two swords, three swords, four swords, five swords... a total of thirteen swords!

──The elegant Thirteen Swords offensive came to an end. Victor Corleone, holding the main sword, slashed through Eredin's body from top to bottom. When he and the secondary sword landed on the ground, he detonated the accumulated sword energy to complete the beheading. .


[Name: Combination Sword. Six forms]

[Type: Weapon (steel sword)]

[Quality: Epic]

[Attack Power: Extreme]

[Characteristics: Titan's Grip, Dragon's Power, Automatic Machine]



[Innate skill: Super Martial God Tyrant Slash. VER5】

[Note: Former Shinra warrior Cloud, the sword that killed Sephiroth]

Thank you for your subscription, monthly pass and recommendation vote. Thanks to book friend Bo Zhan and book friend 20210703230855245 for their rewards and encouragement; Victor bowed down to thank Bo Zhan for his rewards.

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