"Is this the dungeon core?"

a palm-sized dungeon core fitted into the wall

"Yes, if you touch it and want to get out, you should be able to get out."

When I thought I reached for and touched the dungeon core, something was wrong...

"Where is that dungeon core?

The dungeon core just disappeared from the depression...

"Toshi... the collar is shining..."


Knowledge of the dungeon core flows into my head.


My head hurts like a crack... I can hold my head on my knees.

"Are you okay?!

Luna, who got off her arm before she fell on her knees, rubbed her back anxiously, but she couldn't afford to answer.

"Woo... hahahahaha..."

"Are you sure?!

"Ahh... it's calming down..."

"I'm glad..."

But I couldn't afford to calm down... and understand what happens to dungeons that have lost their dungeon cores.

"Luna, get him! This place is gonna collapse. We're getting out of here!

I began to hear the sound of a collapse and hurriedly opened my hands. I picked Luna up and transferred.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Phew, you made it.

Looks like we got out safely without being caught in a collapse... a slight vibration was transmitted from the distant ground, but it soon subsided.

"... outside the world..."

I heard a bump in my arm.

Well, what are we going to do now?

"Is there a purpose? I'll come with you anywhere."

"I thought you were looking at it with your eyes wide open.

"I've been watching. But I can't hear the conversation... and I'm kneeling and saying," Okay! We're going to the city! "You knew, didn't you? To Grandma."

"Don't tell me until the end..."

I tried to stop it, but it was all over...

"Where are you looking for the city? The nearest city is that way."

You know what I mean?

"It's not like you can use it many times a day, but you can tell the direction of the city right away with a thousand eyes."


As a reward, as you stroke your head, it gets more and more red...


I'll stroke Luna's head until she's happy, and then I'll start talking again.

"But is this the forest? I can only see trees outside the lake..."

"Yes, this place was called the Magic Forest."

"I don't know. They've been holding you for a long time.

"This is the fountain of knowledge of my unique skills, the knowledge I want to know in exchange for magic."

"I have some useful skills, can I talk about them easily?

"I don't normally talk about this skill, but I'm the only one who knows about it now."

"Oh! You can call me by my name without lighting it up!

"//You don't have to say that!

Well, I guess it's better not to talk about skills or anything - well, I don't know what to hide from the contractor, I'm not good at hiding from you... I hope Luna will stop what I can't talk about!

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