"Save me!?

My kid gets stuck with Luna, but Luna's face stays dark.

"... yeah, there's a way..."

"I'll do anything I can!! Please help Merrill!!

"Please, we'll do anything!

What's wrong with two girls begging? I want to do what I can.

"... Toshi... the contract... the contract will save her..."

"A contract is... she or something..."

"If I tie her up with a contract, her wound will heal... but..."

I want to do what I can... but I don't know if I can contract her unilaterally, and this skill still understands everything.

"... can I cancel the contract?

"I can... there's a risk..."

I don't have time to think, I can't breathe anymore...

"All right, I'll help you if you're gonna make a deal! I'll think about it later!

Lie on your knees beside your head and approach your face...

"What are you doing?!

"Shut up!

I kiss a girl named Merrill and execute the [contract], even though Luna and I are talking about it, but it's not the case that I care. I opened my mouth and looked at the wound and found it between clothes that had already ripped clean skin


The two girls make sure the wounds are gone, and they jump.

"The wound is healed, but the blood we lost won't come back! Let him rest!

Luna's voice leaves us alone.

"Let's just get out of the woods, or we can't rest here."

"Yes, we should move to a place where we can rest. Let's go."

I stood on my knees, Luna rises, but I don't care. I hold the girl and get up.

"... princess hug..."

I heard something complaining from above...

"" Thank you!

"It's too early to thank me... I haven't finished explaining... I'll talk to her when she wakes up..."

The two of you will thank Luna for blocking it, the risk she took earlier... and when she gets out of the woods in a few minutes, she goes all over the grasslands,

Are you okay around here? I don't feel any sign of the monster. "

Slowly put Merrill to bed, and when I sat down, I sandwiched Merrill and they both lowered their hips.

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