With Contract Skill Many Brides!

Person introduction? Two.


Levi, don't push me.


"You're still scared of the two of us, aren't you?

"No! I'm just embarrassed... hau///"

"Really? Then I'll give you a massage. What should I do?

"... um... um..."

"What's wrong?

"I beg you!///"

"If it's tough, say it, because only one person could make it to the end!

"... I'm scared... but... when I look at your faces... I'm scared too//"

"Take off your hot tub and lie down on the mat."


I don't know... she's the same age and height as Ray... and her breasts aren't that big... and I feel like I've cracked her with the eroticism of Meryl and Lily... because she might be dangerous... because I've never seen her before...

"Here we go..."


"Hmm? What's wrong?

"It's my first time... gently... please...///"

It's Danger! Levi is Danger! The line is in the middle of the strike zone! Catcher, you can take your eyes off me! Ah... I remember Grandma at the catcher... okay, calm down.

First of all, from my feet...

"Yes///... nh!

Doesn't it hurt?

"... here... everybody... u///"

Next to the little finger is the ring finger ~

"Ah... eh?... why?... my legs... yubi... ah... nh"

"Doesn't it hurt?

"... there... ku... no... ah... no!!

"Hey, once it's interrupted, is it tough?

"Hah hah hah... what is it? What is this?"


"... walnuts... are you crazy?... with my... fingers... uhh... no..."

"That's not funny. Everybody's reacting like that. About half the people's toes feel good."

"... uhh... is that so...?

"I can't tell you who it is because I have privacy, but it's true."

"Ahh...///... does it feel even better...?///"

"Is that up to you? What do we do, we go to the limit once? Lower the level?

"... I'd like to try... but//"

"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret from the others."


"Do it lightly and try it afterwards"


Quickly... don't go...

"Ah///... no///... no waist//... nnh! No back! …

Your whole body may not work...

"Well, where do you want to go?

"... ahh... thighs... innermost...//"

"... number two?

"Number two... all of it? But my toes///"

"Don't do your toes at the end."


"Hmm? You want me to stop you?

"Whatever I say... don't stop//"

Is that what the math says? Ahahahahaha!!!

"Eh!?... cum... li... fuu... ah... t... si-sama!

"Uhh... no... eh?... no... no!... hey... hey... toshi... ahhhhh!!!!!

"... that's enough... ooh... ooh... ooh... I'm cumming... nnhh!!

"Shin... I'm here... ah... also... uhh..."

"Shit! Are you okay? Levy!"

"... ah... heh... terrible//"

Levi, 12.

Height 145 cm small

Yellow-green hair, length up to waist, one at the lower position behind

Use weapon wand dagger


Who's next? I got a little angry seeing Levi, but it's not my fault! A healthy massage should just make your body feel better!

"Whoa! It's over. Everybody's doing great.



"This is your first time visiting our store, isn't it?


"Would you like to see level 3.5 of the new course?

"What? Huh? What are you talking about? Rigorous face, cool but//... 3.5?

"Yes, this is a new course that you won't stop even if you don't like it or if you cry."


"We have established an adult-only course because only one of our customers currently endured the end of Level 3."

"What is that...///"

"It will be discontinued if I decide whether to endure it to the end or if I am the owner's limit."

"I'll do it! Level 3,51!


"... eh?

"Come on, take it off and lie down."


"Do you prefer to be taken off by force?"

"//... wait//"

Push down on the mat, take off your bathing suit and lie face down...

"//Shit... nh... toshi... you//"

"... hah hah"

"//Too excited! Just calm down!


"Ofu... hey... that's... no good... lol..."

"Ahhhhh!!! Feels//different! Sorry!!!

In a depressed position, your heels are in your groin...

"I'm sorry... this punishment game is so spicy..."

"I'm sorry! Are you okay? Let me see."

"Can you show me?

"Ah///I made a mistake///It's really good... but I want to run away...///"

"I'm sorry, I'll give you a good massage."


The Levy effect was so weird...

"Ready, I'll do it from my feet."

Nice to meet you.

Yae has a beautiful line of buttocks... no... we have to concentrate...

"Awesome... feet... good..."

"I'm down on my feet."

"... yeah... ah... what... nh"

I carefully rubbed one by one...

"Uhh... right... hold on... hey... ah... no... because... ah... nnh!!!!"

"* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Yu... I'll... len... nh... no... ahhhhhhh!!!!

"Lower the level?

"Do you want to continue..."

"... nh... nh... oh... my... my... my... ah... ahhhh!!!!

"Yay? Are you okay?

"... no... no more..."

"Don't take a break..."

It's still just my right toe... but three or five was fast for the yae...

"Want some water?

"... yeah"

I'll put my finger in your mouth and let you out of the water...

"Do you want to lighten up the rest of your body at level two?

"... yeah... sorry..."

"Why would Yae apologize?

"... uhh... because..."

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry.

"... no... Toshi-kun's... feelings... I'm sorry..."

"I don't approve of uncomfortable massages."

"... yeah... this time I'll..."

"Come on, roll over... we'll do it at level two."

"... thank you//"

Yae, 20.

Height 150 cm small

Brown hair short

Use weapons, one-handed swords, shields.


Finally 1/3... next time.

"Thank you, Toshi-sama."

"It's Lelam's turn to say hello."

You can just lie down here.

"Oh, don't take off your hot tub."


Lelam is huge… Tanya Class?

"Did Yae recommend Level 3,5? I'm an adult, so I'm okay, right?

"... really..."

Yae... are you going to take a detour?

"It was amazing, it's for adults only, so I really want you to try it..."

"Did you hear the explanation for three or five?

"No, I think it would be more effective not to ask Toshi-sama."

"... okay, I won't tell you the details... are you sure?

"... yes... this is still the new Pope, I'll make sure to endure it!

"Okay... until the end of your preparation... no, I won't say anything... here we go"


Start with your toes...

"Ah... this is fun... this is level 3,5?

"Yes... just relax."

Yes ~

"Doesn't it hurt?

"... nh... yes... it hurts... hah... nh... nh... ah...//"


"... but... but... no... this... ah... there is..."

"Wait!... Toshi-sama!... ah... wait... no... I... why... ahhhhh!!!!

"... hah... hah... and... ohh... hah... hah!!!!!"

"Nh... ahh... ahh... nnhh!!!!!"

"Yabe... are you out of your mind?

"... hah... hah... hah..."

"You're breathing..."

After all, this magical water lotion is responsible for... the massage effect of my father without knowledge and practice...

"...?... Toshi-sama?... what?"

"Are you okay?

"///... why... won't you stop... messing with///?"

"Now… level 3,5 is a course they won't stop."

"... Yae-san...//"

"I'm sorry if it's my decision or the end."

"//No... awesome//"

"I'll do the rest on level two, so just lay back and relax."

"Yes...///, can I challenge you again... 3,5 times...//"

Next time...

Relam, 18.

155cm tall

Straight long with gray hair and knees

Use weapon wand dagger


"Toshi? The children who have finished the massage... it's going to be amazing?

"What about Ian next?

"Can't some of you stand up? I'm still working tomorrow… I want to try///"

I said, "Well, should I go to level three?

"Can't you do three or five?

"Hmm, you have a physical constitution, right? If you don't know what's going on, maybe you won't be able to stand up tomorrow at three or five?

"//Can I ask you something?///"

"Whoa, you're just keeping it a secret. Whatever you say, three, five, keep the massage going until I decide it's dangerous, because only one person has finished level three."

"///Lily, Relam and Levy…///"

I can't tell you that because it's privacy.

"... can I ask you again?

"Oh, not every day."

"Well then, today at level 3, please///"

Copy that. Take off your hot tub and lie down on the mat.


Looks like you're ready...

"Here we go. - Tell me if it gets tough. - I'll interrupt."

Yeah, nice to meet you.

Start with your feet.

"Ahhn... that feels amazing//"

"Eloi, keep your voice as low as you can."

"//... sorry///"

"It's okay, but I was so excited earlier that I got kicked in the groin..."

"That's right... nh... ah... wait"

"What's the matter, tough?

"Phew... okay... three or five of these without rest?

"That's right. - Don't keep going."


A lot of people have weaknesses between their fingers...

"Ah... uhh... kuu... ah... ahh... nn..."

"Are you okay?

"... hah... eh?... I'm fine..."


"... ahn... uhh... there... awesome... this... ahn"


"... eh?

"Is it tough? That much?"

"... ahh... what is this... impossible!... ahh..."

Tough, huh?


"What's wrong?

"On purpose?///"

"Huh? I stopped because I heard you say no or no..."


"Next time, we'll go up."


"Phew... that too... ah... nh..."

What do you think?

"... good...//"

Well, it's easy to get tired here.

"!!... there... ah... I can't do it anymore!... why did you... stop..."

"I can't."

"Please, no matter what you say, keep going!

Copy that.

"... ah... all of a sudden... there... nnh... nnh!!!!!"

"... amazing... hey... that's enough... huh... hey!... wait... nnhh!!

"... it's like this... nothing... just now... no... nn... ahhhhh!!!!!"

"... is Ian still okay because she's my sister?

"... I can't... I don't know... I don't know... kuuuu!!!!!!"

"I've done it too much again, to you."

"Ian, can you answer that?

"... uhh..."

"Here, drink some water."

Drink some water, then a light body massage at level two after a break.

"The next day is the day off, please//"

Ian, 127. Elf.

Height 160cm small

Green hair, straight shoulders, hair pins on the front, glasses.

Use Weapon One-Handed Sword



"It's so embarrassing being alone."

"I got a coffee for the kaol, so I thought I'd serve him."

"Wait! I'm scared to see everybody when it's over!

"Really? It's my punitive game. I'll follow your instructions."

"But... are we all going to the next level?

"I can't say that because it's private."

"Yae is advancing three or five times... but there's definitely something behind it..."

"Say something! Mm-hmm. Three, please!

Copy that. Take off your hot tub and get ready.

The kaol escaped... thanks to everyone who worried me...



"//This is embarrassing///"

If you think it's bad, just tell me.

"//Nh... I'm fine."

My toes aren't like that...

"It's nice... this is nice...///"

"I'm glad you like it."

"Why are we all so upset?

It's a secret.

"But... it's really good///"

This... hello... is there a level in me?... no way!



"I'm sorry, can you go with the experiment?

"What? Doesn't it hurt?"

"It shouldn't hurt, just stop as soon as it gets tough, okay?


All right... focus... on that feeling...

"Eh!? What the hell are you doing?... hips... hey... no!... hold on."

"What's wrong?

"Something suddenly changed///"

"Don't undo it."

"... yeah///"

This is healthy... healthy...

"... nh... ah... feels so good... you can have a stronger waist//"

Again... then... memory mode!

"... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!"

"What's wrong?

"... hah... on purpose... right?



"By the way, even if you don't like what you're doing, it's level three, five."

"Seriously... you're gonna die... what's the best?

"Maybe... five consecutive loosenings?


Looks like it's going to loosen up nicely.

"Yes///I'll take level 2 for the rest///"

"Don't be shy."

"It's okay///"

Cao Lu is modest... she looks like a strong sister... but this time.

End of the line. Lie on your back.


Well, here we go.

Nice to meet you.

My body is finished...

I'll do it. Close your eyes and relax.


Focus! Sensory Mode!


"Don't open your mouth. It's going to get in your mouth."

"... nnh!... nh... ah... nh... nh!!!!!!"

"All right, over."

"... t... sh... ah... hey... hah...///"

"Are you clear?

"... yeah//... thank you//"

Kaol, 20 years old.

Medium height 155 cm

is putting it together under the back of her black hair

Use a weapon, Dagger.

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