"Wow! You've got plenty!


"Locke's the first snow!


Come on!

Let's go, Rock! Hold on tight! If it falls, we may not find it!

"Ma... ma!!!!

Why do you have your hands round and you can grab your hair!

"Let's go!"


Make sure it's not popular and fly away! It's 9: 00!


"You're tense! I wonder if we're gonna get there straight away?


About a month after the demon forest was hunted and destroyed, the hunt was confirmed... the target was two hours one way!

"I wonder if reducing my body's air resistance would be so quick... wow... this is entirely for me..."


"Rock... you're not flying, are you excited about fighting?


I can't try to de-energize you at this speed... for an hour or so after flying.

"I see it! It's like a plane! I don't know!


Change the indestructible shape and slow down...



The power of the other world is amazing! I can only say... I can't bend along the way, but I can't move in a straight line fast enough, I don't think I can stand it if I don't strengthen my body with a fighting spirit... I'm a little close to landing in the Devil's Forest... but I don't mind if I get close, there's a shift on my way home... huh?

"Hey, Rock."


"Are you going into a magic bag?


"Let's try. Don't resist."


If I'm the only one who can go home, I'll be left behind... and I'll think of my return as a transfer... Storage!

"I'm in... come out!


"Now there's nothing to worry about!


We don't have much time this time, we need to get into the Devil's Forest...

"Is there a monster here? More than before?


"In winter, there's less activity, right?


(Ragna, isn't the Devil's Forest less active in winter?

-I don't know. The investigation of the Magic Forest itself cannot be carried out, but the Winter Magic Forest cannot be carried out.)

(That's right, Mr. Kyu.)

(Wait, what happened to the Magic Forest?

(I've been kicked out of the Mansion, so I'm here to bust some time, but I feel like there are more monsters than last time, so I just wanted to check it out, and there's a big feeling... it can't even be two digits.)

(They let me out of the Mansion... and I'm not going for a walk.)

(It's the usual daughter-in-law meeting, I can't participate.)

(Such a meeting... but just in time, one more Great, okay?

(It's in the magic bag... tell me, but I understand.)

(Toshi thought I was going to use it, so I begged you!)


I haven't rested my hand in the fight, hunting the big eight monsters first! Every time I attack, you punch me like you're yelling over your head... like you're piloting me? Sounds like fun.


"He put up with two shots... stronger than last time, maybe a big bore class? But tell me there aren't many of them... Locke, don't act like you killed them! I took him down!

About the size of an elephant? It took two shots and tried to fight back. I could have knocked it down in the third shot... Is it delicious?... three left! …

"This is Rusto!!!


"When I'm done feeling big, I'll hunt until I hear back from you!


Until the end of the meeting, I was overwhelmed. Is this meeting about four hours longer? I told him that I would eat properly during the day and played with Rock in the Devil's Forest... the sun began to fall and it was after five o'clock. It was time to go home, or I knocked it down quite a bit, but I still have a feeling... but it's just a small feeling, come to visit me when the winter is dawn and I'm free...

Hikari, are you in the Mansion?


(I'm going home, please)

(... okay)

Don't forget to store the lock and return!

"Nh... nh... nh..."

"Puhaa... welcome back///"

"I'm home."

"Toshi-sama... next time...//"

"I was in the Mansion too!

"Wait! It's your time to be sweet. You've decided whether to return to Hikari or Miriam, right?

"I see... I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry..."

It was decided that we would be basically in the Mansion to communicate our return, but...

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