"" "Wow!

"Do you live here... seriously..."

"Toshi-san... are you sure about this?

"Yes, there's nothing inside..."

Sisters and kids have been thrilled since before they got inside.

"I brought Hikari."

"... I'm still in the living room! The kitchen is ready for use!

Got it!

All I could hear was what I was doing elsewhere, a thick carpet and a low table in the living room, a huge table already installed.

"Everybody sit at the table."

"" Yes. ""

Merrill, I need your help.


"Toshi-sama! They're here!

"Yes! Welcome back! Tanya, please, give instructions to Phia, Ray, Aria."


Phia, Ray, and Aria joined us, and I took Merrill to the kitchen and it was great excitement for Great!

"I asked you to cook!


Kaol, what time is it today?

(The shop is closed today because it is snowing a lot and there are no customers)

- Did it come down like that?

(Suddenly, it's a big drop. I've heard about it. I'm heading to Yae now. Ian can come home today, so I'll meet you there.)

(All right)

Wow... it's super raining... it looks pretty snow from the window.

Tin, are you okay?

(The store is closed and there are only 10 pairs left...)

(For now, go back to the big mansion, this snow is dangerous)


This snow will close the shop... let's remember.

(Ragna! Are there any futons left in the castle?

(There is! How many do you need?

Three Sisters, maybe 21 kids.

(15 pairs ready?) The store is closed and I can't buy it.)

(I will contact you later)


"" "It's just... um..." "

"Welcome back, are you okay?


"Toshi-kun, warm up///"

"Oh, just a little."


"Yay... take over... I'm cold too..."


"... me too//"

"Everybody, keep going."

"" Yes//""

Occasionally, when I walked through the front door, Kaol, Yae, Ian came back and warmed up lightly? Everyone started acting.

"Merrill, I can help!

"Mr. Kaol! Please!

"That's it, Shizuka will help!

Cooking team, good luck!


Kaol and Shizuka went to cook for me.

"Tin! I can't lose! Everybody, sisters, I'm going to cheer you up!


The dessert team is in a good mood.

(Toshi, I'm sorry! There are only twelve pairs... can you handle it?

Thank you! I'll go get it now.

(No, it's okay! Cuz and Ayako are going, I can't go... sorry)

(No, thank God. Don't worry about the meat. We'll get to the Great.)

(I don't mind... I want to eat it... but...)

(I'm fine. I'll do it again.)

Ooh, I'll take the liquor.

That's 22 pairs!

Hikari, where are you?

(... baths, we're almost done...)

Copy that.

"Olivia, can I talk to you for a second?

"Yes... what's wrong?

"The shop was closed in the snow, and there were only 22 futons... sorry"

"What are you talking about! I can't complain about you being so good!

"Yes, but..."

"Toshi-san! Look... everybody smiles... this smile is what Toshi-san makes you smile."

"... thank you."

"Thank you, Toshi-san."

Sisters are good people...

"I'm just here!



"" "I'm going to disturb you." "

"Welcome back."

What's that, Miyako-san?

"Ayako contacted me. I brought five futons from the Mansion."

"Ooh!!!! Thanks!!!

Now we have enough people!

"I'm home."

"Welcome back."

"Have you gathered enough futons from the castle? I've brought about 10 pairs."

"Can I stay here now?

"Toki, do you want to stay here today?

"Yeah, I heard you don't have enough futons."

We're staying!

"Thank you, Lelam!


Now that we're all together... it looks like we're almost ready to eat.

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