"Why not!?

The moment Joon disappeared, the magic circle glowed black

"Someone interfered? Is there anyone like that?

If we can't interfere anymore, we can't even use our powers to build Jun's body and see where he's gone.

"I made my body young and strong, but I wish I could do something about it..."

Your body gradually fades.

"The next time I wake up... I'll be safe until then... Joon..."

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

"What about it?"

It was a cave I didn't know when I woke up.

"It's a cave I don't know..."

I haven't heard back.

"What's going on? What about the girls who were summoned to high school with you?

I haven't heard back.

There's nothing else but thin, blue caves to look around.

"Really - I wonder if the black glow on the edge of metastasis was bad? The last grandma wasn't surprised... let's get out of this tiny cave for now."

If you don't talk to me alone, I won't come! Go to another world, Harlem! So suddenly it's bocci... and when I got out of the cave into the other world, it was a big cave.

"Hmm, it's dark, so I thought it was a night... a cave! Is this a dungeon?

Is it a dungeon I'm familiar with in games or something? Which means...


Werewolf-like monsters are approaching at great speed!


I jumped into a narrow cave! What an idiot I am! There's no escape!


Prepare to die, hold your head, grow smaller, but wolves don't come into narrow caves.

"Hmm? Are you coming in? You can't come in here!

This is the power of the other world! Stay low without making a sound and wait an hour for the wolf to leave.

"I finally went somewhere... but isn't this bad? Once out of the cave, monsters in the dungeon..."

Grandma... this is a different story... a big adventure that starts with high school girls! But how did this happen...

"Grandma said the world of swords and magic... that's it!

"[Status Open]"

But nothing happened.

... ahhhh... embarrassing//(38) status open...

Five minutes later...

Think about it again, your belongings are commuter bags (tissues, collapsible umbrellas, candy, wallets, smartphones), your clothes are jeans, your hoodies, your sneakers...

"Yes! The collar my grandmother gave me!!

the collar was firmly attached when the hand was stretched out to the neck

"Oh, my God! If you remember, you'll get food and water! This will make me hungry... really... thank you... grandma..."

Say thank you to your grandmother and remember to pump the water first


"Straight from your fingers! And fewer!"

There was water coming out from the tip of your finger, rushing to snap on your finger and drinking water.

"It's normal water, I can drink as much as I want..."

What's next? Ka 'Li mate's crispy one...

"Was he a camry mate?

Remember to put your palms up.


"Why is this coming out of your fingertips? You went all the way up to the palm!

All the origins were like the tip of the right index finger… I managed to smell the bite-sized solids I caught before I fell to the ground

"I don't smell anything in particular..."

Never throw your heart into your mouth...

"What is this... it doesn't taste good... it's crispy..."

Shit... I need to do something with tasteless food and water... I want to go to people's homes as soon as possible! Determined. Speaking of which, you're light? Is that what you call a world-class correction? Check your body for any old injuries, feeling good, slightly low perspective? I'm not talking about rebuilding my body, I don't know because I don't have a mirror, it's really inconvenient, checking my own body made me a little sleepy... no, I'm going to sleep today...

And the first day of the reincarnation of the other world ends...

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