"... Luna..."



The three of us are breaking into Luna, and I'll catch them all so they don't fall.

"Hey! I'm going to crush you! Come on, get away from me. Stop crying!

"... I'll chop her up and chop her up... and let Luna beat her to death, so I won't chop her up at home!

"I'll help you kill anything! What should I do!?

"Where are you? Demonic realm?

"I'm going to hit you with all my might, and I'm sorry if I killed you, but I'm not going to get angry."

"So wait! He's already dead!

What?! What am I supposed to do with this anger?!!!!

"How can we bring him back? Luna, you know how to do this? I'll kill him!

"That's right, I want to kill you twice!

"Me too!! So three times!

"I forgot Luna's share. Five times."

"No! The resurrection of the dead!! Calm down!!!

Hahaha... I stroke Luna until she calms down, even strokes her heart to calm down.

"Have you finally settled down?

"I'm so excited..."

"I'm sorry... my hair color changed on my own..."

"I forgot about myself too..."

"... aren't you using resurrection magic? If it's ancient magic..."

"Merrill, you're not down!


"... I'm sorry///... ancient magic is a legend... I'm sorry... but if it's the High Priest..."


Wow... looks like it hurts now...

"... uhh... it hurts..."

"I'm sorry, Meryl. I'm not sorry."

"Yes... I'm sorry, Luna..."

"I'm really glad everybody's mad at me... thank you...//"

"But I heard about the lost man who summoned the soul of the dead before me and lodged it in the doll!

"Where are you! That's it!!"

Bash. Bash.

"Stop it!!

Me and Lily got hit this time... and Tanya tried to say something, but before she did, we got hit and looked familiar...

"... do you know how many demon kings there are?

"What? Isn't the Demon King alone?

"No, there are currently seven demon kings, and one of them is the Great Demon King Kuclero Roe, who controls six demon kings."

"How many demon kings do you have?"

"There may be countless demon kings... each of the six demon kingdoms ruled by the Great Demon King is under the control of six demon kings, in cooperation with some countries of humanity."

"Our Salia broke the contract as soon as the King fell..."

"It seems that the Great Demon King Kuclero Roe is the descendant of the man who killed her, the maid who served the Star Reader Cassia, who was close to the Great Demon King, and the blood of the first Great Demon King and his wife was removed from the magical kingdom, and the descendants have not been confirmed."

"Well... how can I avenge Luna..."


"I'm not dead! And that's really enough! Next time, I'll bite you to death!!

"Oops! What are you chewing?!


"What do you want the maiden to say!!!


"... tell me for yourself... Luna... how old are you?

"Are you going to ask the lady how old she is!?

"Do you normally want to know about Luna? You care, don't you? If you don't want to, I'm not gonna force you to say it."

"... I don't count, I don't know how old I've been since I was born..."

"How old are you in status?

"Eh!?... it says... well..."

"Don't you want to tell me?

"... sooner..."

"Huh? What?

"Nine! Nine!! I'm sorry!!

Yabah... I thought you were about five years old...

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