"Ah! There's a monster 1 km ahead. Do you feel it hitting you in a progressive direction?

"" Yes. ""

Can we avoid a fight this time?

"Lily, are you okay on your own?

"I'm fine!

I'll make it quick and powerful.

Nice to meet you!

"Is it okay to be alone? Can I help you?"

"I can't afford a bore! Emons!

I ran from over there when I got close... fargot... fargot without doth... fargot, Gunner's natural enemy!

"Empower Lily [Power Up] Give Lily Speed [Speed Up]"

"I'm coming!

"Be careful."


Lily held her shield and rushed into contact with Fango from the front, stabbing and dragging her sword into the neck of the fallen Fango.

"I'm home!

"Welcome back, I can afford it."

Warrior C rank is in Emons!

"What are we gonna do with this? You want some? You're selling?

"Hmm, I can sell meat... but considering the capacity of the magic bag, I wonder if I could take a little meat and leave it there?

Hey, Boa, you don't have any good materials.

"I'm coming in. You want me to bring it?

"I want to see it compared to eating black fangs."

Well, don't let it in.

Stored in a magic bag and started moving again...

"... nh... nh..."

"Are you awake? Are you feeling well?

"... eh?... princess... here...//////" Pata ""

You're asleep again.

"Did you sleep..."

"... losing consciousness again... it's been so long..."

Or maybe an hour has passed...

"You're about a kilometer away again... 5? Dense and unsolved."

"" Yes. ""

"Can I do it next?

"Are you okay alone?

"Yeah, I want to try it... a lot."

Okay, but I'm right next to you.

Nice to meet you.

Get out of here for a second.

"... yes///"

"... since when... have you had eyes?

"Tanya! How long have you been awake?

"... have fun... I kept my mouth shut for you... next time it's me..."

I'll drop Tanya pretending to be asleep from the middle of the night to make it easier to cast magic... Tanya... and you'll find out if your face turns red and smells...

Don't move. Don't move.

"So far away? Well, if you do, we'll do it together."

Luna stopped everyone at a visible distance, headed for a swarm of six faggots she didn't notice, and Luna started chanting...

"Fools before me... sacrifice my magic and receive the thunder of judgment... Kanagi Kamirane


I'm a little tired.

I thought it glowed, and the crater...

"What, all of a sudden you shoot the Imperial class!

"I mean, why don't you take a look?

Say it! I'm surprised!

"It's my magic? You know the range somehow?

"That's not true!

"What is it... it's cumming... Raccoon-san, hit me on the stomach"

"... you know..."

Yeah! I wanted you to say that too! I thought you'd be surprised to drop it... next time you tell me!

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