With Contract Skill Many Brides!

[]/(n, vs) (yoji) seeing/seeing/seeing/(P)/

I was walking toward the guild... almost on the main road, and now I'm not lost.

(Ian... are you okay now?

(Yes, what's wrong?)

I'd like to sell three black fangs and a bunch of other guilds, but are you okay at the counter?

(... can you come to the Guild Chief's office?

Copy that. We'll be there in about five minutes.

(Waiting for you)

We arrive at the Guild in about five minutes and knock on the Guild Leader's office door.

"Go ahead."

"Excuse me."

"Ah, Toshi..."

"I'm sorry when you're busy."

"No, the King has contacted me... this is a happy scream."

"In the meantime, I'm going to do what I can, and I'm going to raise money, and everybody's going to be working on the mansion."

"I... can't do anything... sorry"

"Never mind that! I might be curious… let's do what we can!

"Thank you… let's move…"


"Leah, can you come with me for a second?

Yes, it's okay.

Mr. Leah also went to the demolition site.

"Can I sell it here?


Bottom Bottom Bot Bot Bot...

"This is for sale."

"Amazing... is this in a hurry? It's going to take quite a while..."

"Ah! Yesterday's assessment is complete, fewer other adventurers… finished early"

"Oh! How much did it cost?

"Subtract the fee and get 350,000 z."

"350,000 z? Isn't it a little too cheap?

"My condition is bad and there were no magic stones..."

"I see..."

"How good was your condition?

The basic purchase price of the main unit is 1 million z, and the magic stone is 200,000 z?

It was pretty run-down... and it was hard to find it by blowing up magic stones...

"If you want to take home just enough meat to sell black fangs this time... can you do that?

"... there's nothing I can't do... it's expensive with my teeth and nails, but the meat is very popular..."

"No, it's okay, please buy everything"

"I'm sorry."

"Last but not least?

"Yes, if you can answer."

"Is the best meat around here a black fang?

"No, if you want to include the Magic Forest... is it the S-rank Great Fang that goes deep into the forest? The fang system is delicious..."

"Yeah, I ate it once, but it was delicious... but the Great Fang was only rarely brought in."

"Really... thank you."

"Okay, let's go back to the counter and go through the procedure."

"I will return to the Guild Leader's Office as it is. Leah, please."


See you later.

"Thank you."

(Toshi... for everyone in the Alliance a little more... embarrassed///)

(I'm fine because I told you.)

(Thank you.)

Collect all the money in cash and return to the Mansion...

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