“This is the Marrow Cleansing Pill”

In the courtyard, a middle-aged man proudly placed a black Spirit Pill on the stone table.

Chen Mo's eyes widened, he leaned closer to the Spirit Pill, and sniffed it gently. The smell was a bit overpowering, with a fragrance and a faint odor, which mixed together made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Marrow Cleansing Pill is not an Apex Level Spirit Pill, but it is not that easy to obtain. First, you must have enough medicinal materials, and then a High Level Alchemist can refine it.

Chen Mo has neither of these two, but fortunately, his reputation is far and wide. The name of Dao Ancestor has attracted many people who asked, including the most famous ancient mountain of Alchemist in the imperial capital.

After learning that Chen Mo needed a Marrow Cleansing Pill, Gushan accepted the request without hesitation. In less than three days, a Marrow Cleansing Pill was delivered to him.

"After the Martial Artist opens the meridians and enters the Tao, the meridians are unobstructed and the impurities in the body are discharged. To the Martial Artist, this is like a piece of cake, and ordinary people cannot withstand such a powerful collision of Spirit Qi... In short, this thing has been handed down since ancient times. , but few people use it. I wonder what Dao Ancestor uses this thing for."

Gushan asked curiously.

“It is needed for Body Refining”

Chen Mo explained: "Qi Refining requires opening the pulse, and to open the pulse, the body is soaked with medicinal liquid. The medicinal liquid Spirit Qi accelerates the practitioner to open the Spirit Communication pulse; while Body Refining requires Body Tempering, Yigu, Yijin, and Marrow Cleansing. , the mixing of yin and yang, and the formation of qi and blood go through these six stages. The first three can be completed with the assistance of medicinal liquids, while the marrow cleansing can be completed by taking Marrow Cleansing Pill. As for the formation of qi and blood, in order to stabilize qi and blood, a higher level is required. The Spirit Pill assists...".

Gushan nodded slightly, "Dao Ancestor said, I have gathered some medicinal materials for refining Qi and Blood Pills, but there is one dragon blood grass missing... I have rarely heard of this thing, even Baicao Hall has No, I’m afraid it will take a little more effort to get it.”

"Don't worry, I haven't finished my marrow cleansing yet. As for the dragon's blood grass... I seem to remember where it is, but I can't remember it for a while..."

Chen Mo shook his head, "When I find the dragon blood grass, I will have to trouble Mr. Gu again."

"It's okay. Dao Ancestor helped me solve my doubts, which has benefited me a lot. It's too late for me to thank you... It's getting late, so I'll take my leave first."

Gushan stood up and said goodbye.

Chen Mo picked up the Marrow Cleansing Pill on the stone table. A cute head poked out from the door of the wing. A pair of heterochromatic pupils blinked and he looked around.

"Come out"

Chen Mo couldn't help but smile when he saw the cunning Liu Wuxin. Although the latter turned into a little beauty after opening the eight Spirit Veins, and her inferiority complex disappeared a lot, in the end, she was still a cute little girl who was afraid of society. Outsiders hid in the room and did not dare to come out.

After realizing that Gu Shan had left, Liu Wuxin boldly walked out of the room and curiously stared at the Marrow Cleansing Pill in Chen Mo's hand, "Brother, is this the Marrow Cleansing Pill that can help you with Body Refining?"

Chen Mo nodded slightly.

"Then after taking it, will your life span be shortened?"

Liu Wuxin asked with some disappointment, Body Refining is inherently contrary to nature, consuming energy and blood and causing lifespan to decrease. Therefore, she always wants to ask clearly about Body Refining, because she is afraid that Chen Mo will leave before her.

"Silly girl, washing the marrow and cutting the bones is good for the body, so how can it shorten your lifespan?"

Chen Mo gently touched Liu Wuxin's head and said.

"I, I'm worried too. I'm worried about you."

Liu Wuxin lowered his head shyly, murmured something in a low voice, and then said seriously: "Brother, don't worry, Wuxin will definitely work very hard, work hard to become stronger, and then protect you."

"Ok, I know"

Chen Mo responded with a smile, and then thought of something, "You have opened eight Spirit Veins. It is time to enter the Tao. However, without the cultivation of skills, it will not be good for you if you enter the Tao rashly; I originally wanted to ask Brother Aotian I borrowed this technique, but there has been no sign of him in the past few days."

In addition to the skills he practiced, Chen Mo also wanted to ask Long Aotian about the whereabouts of the dragon's blood grass. The latter could produce the rare Qiankun fruit and blood withered grass. Maybe he could actually find the dragon's blood grass.

"The Holy Emperor has contracted a serious illness and is now in a coma. King Ning took the opportunity to rebel. Now, in order to resist King Ning's rebellion, the Zhenwu Division has mobilized all kinds of soldiers. Not to mention masters like Mr. Long, even Pei Jiangnan has been called back. The young master wants to find I’m afraid he has no choice but to go to the Zhenwu Division.”

Fu Bo came out of the kitchen and analyzed the current situation.

Chen Mo had already expected the rebellion of Prince Ning. In the past few days, it had been spread everywhere, and he was aware of it. However, he was curious as to whether Long Aotian had given the Golden Chancao to the Empress.

If she really turned it in, the empress would not be seriously ill. In other words, the empress herself was not seriously ill, but was pretending.

No matter what, things are developing according to the original plot line.

"It seems that it's time for me to go to the imperial capital."

Chen Mo lowered his head and glanced at Liu Wuxin, who stared at him expectantly.

"Wuxin, do you also want to go to the Imperial Capital?"

Chen Moxiao asked.

Liu Wuxin shook his head, "People in the imperial capital don't like me...".

Chen Mo suddenly thought that when he and Liu Wuxin met for the first time, she was stoned by the people of the imperial capital. She was born with strange eyes and was considered a disaster star by the world. Everyone shouted at her wherever she went. It is really difficult for this socially fearful person to go to a crowded place like the Imperial Capital.

"However, if I can be with my brother, even if it is hell, I will not be afraid of Wu Xin."

Liu Wuxin added, Chen Mo was slightly startled, staring at the former's serious eyes, and couldn't help but blush.

It’s Heavenly Dipper instead

I flirt with girls all day long, but today I was flirted with by my girl...

"Ahem, there are a lot of interesting things in the Imperial City. When I get the chance, I will take you to see it, not only the Imperial Capital, but also the entire Kyushu. When I am free, I will accompany you to see the thousands of rivers and mountains."

Liu Wuxin's eyes were filled with anticipation.

Chen Mo picked up the Marrow Cleansing Pill and turned around and entered his room.

The taste of the Marrow Cleansing Pill was a little bit overpowering, which made it difficult to swallow. However, Chen Mo endured the psychological discomfort and swallowed it in one gulp while pinching his nose.

The bitter taste bloomed in the taste buds, and then fell into the abdomen through the esophagus. For a long time, a hot and dry feeling came up from the Dantian and went straight to the Tianling Gai.

Chen Mo felt that every muscle and bone in his body was squirming, his veins swelled, his temperature rose sharply, as if he had fallen into a furnace, and sweat continued to emerge from his body.

After a while, the sweat stopped and was replaced by a little dark impurity.

Cleansing the marrow and cutting the bones is to remove all impurities from the body, making the body as clean and thorough as jade. Otherwise, the impurities in the body will affect the condensation of Qi and blood.

Three hours later, the hot feeling in Chen Mo's body gradually disappeared, and his whole body was covered with black mucus, which was so smelly that he almost vomited it out.

Chen Mo hurriedly ran to take a shower three times to wash away the stench from his body. Then he put on new clothes and came to the yard, where he saw that familiar figure.

Long Aotian

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