With ten trillion disciples, my demon sect is invincible!

Chapter 56 The mysterious Tianwu clan, Mu Lao survives the catastrophe

In a chaotic place, inside a city inn, the guests inside were drinking and talking to each other.

"Have you heard that the Demon Cult has recently begun to recruit disciples?"

"Whatever the situation is, what to call the disciples to do? It's not necessary."

"Yes, it is estimated that there will be another war in this chaotic place. I don't know if it will affect this city. I think we should go to Yangcheng. After all, that city is farthest from the Demon Sect."

The Demon Cult suddenly began to summon its disciples, causing the entire chaotic land to become commotion. Some cities close to the Demon Cult were even more frightened to death. Some planned to surrender directly to the Demon Cult, while of course others planned to resist tenaciously to the end.

In the past, although the entire chaotic land was divided into separate states, large-scale wars rarely occurred. The overthrow of a city was already considered a major event. However, since the arrival of the Demon Cult, the entire chaotic land has once again rioted.


At the headquarters of the Fengcheng Tianwu Clan, a group of officials were discussing strategies in the main hall.

"Brother, what should we do? Why do you think this demon sect wants to start a war at this time? If we wait for a while, we can seal the city and send him away, but now"

"Yes, brother, no matter what, we can't let the people of the Demon Cult occupy Fengcheng, otherwise this secret"

"Yes, yes!" Irritated voices kept ringing in the lobby.

The leader of the Heavenly Witch Clan, who was sitting at the head, waved his hand gloomily, "Quiet! Send someone to pay attention to the progress of the Demon Cult. If our plan is completed before they come, then give the city to them, and wait until we can master it. After the war, this chaotic place will not be left to the dictates of his demon sect."


Yuwang City is the city closest to Fengcheng. At this time, a group of people are sitting in the lobby of the city lord's palace. At the head of the table is a man wearing a red robe. This man is obviously at the Eternal Realm. However, he was accompanied by a group of masters below, including even masters of the True Martial Realm.

The man in the seat is clearly Liansheng, the general manager of the Demon Sect. A year ago, the Demon Sect officially began to fight for hegemony in the chaotic land, and has successively captured more than 20 cities. If the Demon Sect had not been short of manpower and slowed down its speed, it is estimated that it would have captured even more. many.

The current method adopted by the Demon Sect is to attack the city and occupy the territory while training the disciples' cultivation and combat effectiveness. After all, the current combat effectiveness of the Demon Sect's senior leaders is still slightly insufficient. Except for Zhou Qiong, Mulao and some surrendered people, the remaining company There is not even a single True Martial Realm, and the strongest Liansheng is only at the eighth level of the ages.

"General Manager, our Yuwang City will officially surrender to the Demon Cult. I hope that the General Manager can give the leader a few kind words!" King Yu, who was wearing a white python suit, said flatteringly to the man in red robe who was sitting in the seat. .

"Well, I have already passed on the news about King Yu City to the leader. King Yu, you will get the position of Outer Sect Protector!"

"Thank you, leader! Thank you, chief steward!" King Yu felt a little more at ease after hearing this.

This demon sect's outer sect protector is a new position that has appeared recently. All Zhenwu realm leaders who surrender to the demon sect can get such a position. Those in the Eternal Realm can get the position of steward. Although they have already made assumptions about their positions in their hearts, After hearing Liansheng's confirmation, I felt relieved.

Liansheng looked at King Yu with a happy face, and admired Zhou Qiong even more in his heart. The reason why he was able to occupy so many cities in the past year was mainly because Zhou Qiong's reputation was too strong. Many cities heard about the Demon Cult. When the attack came, they didn't dare to resist at all, so they opened the city and surrendered directly. The remaining few cities that resisted were easily defeated by Li Ying Waihe.

Therefore, although more than 20 cities have been occupied in the past six months, the total number of lives massacred is not as many as that massacre.

"King Yu, how much do you know about the Fengcheng Heavenly Witch Clan!"

Liansheng looked at King Yu and said softly that the real purpose of his trip was the Tian Wu Clan. This was a task assigned by the leader.

This tribe is very mysterious, with many legends, and the tribe members rarely go out. Even when there was such a big movement in the Semi-Saint Secret Realm last time, they did not attend.

King Yu pondered for a moment and then slowly said, "General Manager, Fengcheng is really mysterious. More than three thousand years ago, they suddenly appeared in the chaotic land and directly occupied Fengcheng at that time. Then they unexpectedly All the creatures in the city were directly driven out of the city, and for three thousand years, the tribesmen basically did not go out. "

"And they look very similar to humans. If they hadn't called themselves the Celestial Witch Clan, others would have thought they were the human race!"

"Do you know what masters there are in the clan?" Liansheng asked with a frown.

"I don't know this. I only know that three thousand years ago, one person from their clan subdued the then Lord of Fengcheng City. I'm afraid there is more than one master of the True Martial Realm in the clan." King Yu also said with some fear.

Liansheng waved his hand, and a secret guard appeared in front of him.

"Send the news to the leader, and ask Mulao and a few outer guardians to come over!"

The secret guard nodded and disappeared into the lobby.

Liansheng was very afraid of this mysterious Heavenly Witch Clan. His intuition told him that this Celestial Witch Clan was definitely not simple.

At this time, on the mountain behind Tianmo Peak, there was a huge peach tree, exuding a terrifying aura. Countless spiritual energy poured into his body, and the aura became stronger and stronger, causing the entire peach tree to begin to change. bursts of fairy light.

Suddenly a large number of black clouds gathered in the sky, and endless lightning was brewing.

Zhou Qiong, who was sitting in the hall, looked up at the sky and muttered "thunder tribulation." Looking at the peach tree in the back mountain, a hint of complexity appeared in his eyes. It seems that this peach tree is not an ordinary variety. Just breaking through the limitation of the body can actually attract thunder tribulation.

You should know that thunder tribulation will only appear when Zhenwu breaks through to Daluo, but now Mu Lao is only at the first level of Zhenwu.

After the people of the Demon Cult discovered the situation at this time, they all ran to the back mountain.

The black clouds in the sky became more and more violent, and the lightning became more and more rapid. Finally, a huge lightning struck the peach tree, and without pausing, two larger lightnings struck down in succession.

When the people of the Demon Cult came to the place where the lightning struck in the back mountain, they found that the black clouds in the sky had dispersed, and the huge peach tree on the ground was now only left with roots, and it was black and scary, like charcoal.

"Will this old Mu die?"

"What are you talking about? How could old Mu die when his cultivation is so strong!"

"But the thunder tribulation just now was too scary. Old Mu has now turned into charcoal."

Just as the people of the Demon Cult were discussing, a new branch suddenly grew out of the charcoal, and then sprouted and grew rapidly. In just a few breaths, the new branch grew into a towering peach tree again, and it was more than twice as big as before.

The aura on his body continued to strengthen, and a stream of peach fragrance slowly emanated and slowly drifted to the entire Tianmo Mountain. The huge peach tree was full of fruits again.

Thanks to Meng Chuxing and scp-000 Saitama for the urging talismans, Jiangnan Gufang Bu Zishang and 94956902 for the mountain climbing invitation,

Also thanks to other big guys for the rewards, thank you very much!

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