Daily comic with elves Author: Shizuki Sakura

Tsukihirizuka: “I said Gokawa, you don’t have friends!”

Wuhe Shi said, “But I have many elves!”

Kasumigaoka Shiwa: “Shido-kun, go on a date with me!” Wuhe

Shi said, “Sorry! I have a girlfriend, and I don’t have your place as a senior sister

…” Ying Lili: “I heard that you are writing a novel, and it is not impossible for me to help you draw illustrations…”

Erya can help me draw!

Yukinoshita Yukino: “Cats are cute, aren’t they?”

Gokawa said, “I like it*, especially like origami.”

Nakano May: “I… I can eat it! Wuhe

Shi said, “Do you want to compare with Shixiang?” ”

One, two crossings

“Oni-chan, hurry up!”

Gokawa Shido heard a familiar voice telling him to get up, but before he could react, he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen, as if someone had jumped on him, and couldn’t help but scream:


Gokawa Shido’s eyes widened and he saw a cute red-haired girl kneeling on top of him, the girl was wearing a pink short-sleeved dress and chewing on a lollipop in her mouth.

Wuhe Shido gritted his teeth, how could he forget that it was the turn of the piano today!

The girl on his body is named Gokawa Kotori, who is his sister, but not biological, but the sister of righteousness.

“Oni-chan, finally up!”

Wuhe Qinli’s frank smile made Wuhe Shidao embarrassed to blame her, already this way of waking up, it felt quite cool to try more.

Wuhe Shidao looked at today’s Wuhe Qin, and suddenly seemed to see something, and muttered:


“Stupid, satyr, Oni-chan, what are you looking at!”

Gokawa immediately jumped down and shouted with a red face, she didn’t mind being seen by Oni-chan, but don’t say it so directly.

“Misunderstood! I mean the ribbon on your head! Wuhe

Shidao immediately shook his head and pointed to the ribbon on the head of the Wuhe Qin, which was white, and today it was obviously in the state of the white qin.

“Is it? I’m sorry…… Oni-chan! Gokawa

lowered her head uneasily, she actually didn’t believe her Oni-chan, how could Oni-chan do such a thing!

“It’s okay, I just said the wrong thing to make you misunderstand…” Gokawa

Shido chuckled to indicate that he didn’t mind, looking like a decent gentleman.

“Naonie-chan, you wait for me, I’ll go and continue making breakfast!”

Saying that, Wuhe Qinli jumped out of the Wuhe Shidao room and walked towards the direction of the kitchen, as the saying goes, to grab a man’s heart first grab the man’s stomach, so Wuhe Qinli will prepare three meals for Wuhe Shidao every time, so that Wuhe Shido can’t do without her!

After Wuhe Qinli left, Wuhe Shidao recalled the picture just now, white, in fact, he had already seen it, fortunately, he reacted relatively quickly and did not arouse the suspicion of the other party.

Although the strategy has already been successful, it is different from others, after all, Wuhe Qin has this relationship of his sister, and he is relatively young, and he is even more arrogant, so until now, the two have not broken through that relationship.

After his body calmed down, Gokawa Shido walked out of the room and saw that the breakfast in Gokawa Koto had been prepared, it was an ordinary Japanese-style breakfast, and it looked very delicious.

“I’m going to move!”

The two said in unison and began to enjoy the breakfast.

“This is delicious, this is also delicious!”

While eating, Wuhe Shidao kept praising it.

“Oni-chan likes it…”

Gokawa Qinli blushed a little and lowered her head, but seeing that the corners of her mouth rose slightly, she seemed to like Gokawa

Shido’s appreciation.

Wuhe Shido and this sister have also been getting along for so long, naturally know how to make each other happy, not to mention that this is Baiqin, although it is rarer, but it is more simple, there are fewer proud ingredients, and more petite ingredients.

“Shido, it’s been more than a year since you came to this world!”

Wuhe Qinli suddenly said to Wuhe Shidao in a deep voice.

Gokawa Shido looked up, and saw that the ribbon on Gogawa’s head had changed to black somehow, and he knew that his sister’s personality had changed to the side in the black qin.

But he also knew that even Kuroyin loved him deeply.

And the topic that Wuhe Qinli just talked about is about the crossing of Wuhe Shidao into this world.

In fact, as you can imagine, the Five Rivers Shido is a traverser, and he has not crossed more than once, this is already his second crossing journey, that is, the second crosser.

The first time, he traveled to a world called “Date Wars” and became the male protagonist Gokawa Shido, in order to save the elf girls and that world, he attacked the elves one by one.

Then when he eliminated the DEM Society, when peace was about to come, he suddenly crossed again, but this time in the flesh, and continued to come to the new world as Gokawa Shido.

This is the daily world of comics, which seems to integrate a lot of anime works he knew in his previous life, but now he has no interest in those two-dimensional girls he once liked, because he already has many favorite elf girls.

Even if they are separated by two worlds, Gokawa Shido has never been able to forget them, maybe their personalities are a little annoying, easy to be jealous, often mischievous, and will also cause trouble, but Gokawa Shido likes them, not because they are elves, not because they are the anime characters he once liked, just because they are them.

But after coming to this world, Gokawa Shido has no way to see the elves in the dating battle world again, which makes him very painful, and if the first crossing is to make him very excited, this time it seems very sad.

At that time, he had a miraculous reaction to the thoughts of the elves and the spiritual power in his body, and actually contacted the elves of another world by communicating with each other.

The elves were naturally very worried, because the Five Rivers Shido suddenly disappeared, no matter what method they used, they could not find him, knowing that among them, there were those who could travel through time and those who were omniscient and omnipotent, so that they could not find anyone, which was enough to prove that the situation was beyond their imagination.

Fortunately, at this time, Gokawa Shido contacted them, otherwise, I am afraid that the elves will have a collective reversal, and the world may be destroyed like this.

After explaining the situation of their crossing, the elves learned that Gokawa Shido had come to another world, but since there was a way to communicate, there was also a way to meet!

They studied for a long time and finally discovered the secret of crossing, which was related to the spiritual power of the elves.

Therefore, they used the spiritual power of the elves and did many experiments, and finally opened the passage to the two worlds, so that the elves could also come to this world.

However, they soon discovered that this passage was not omnipotent, first of all, because both sides had to have the spiritual power of the elves, so the Five Rivers Shido had to stay in this world before they began to open this passage.

In this way, there is no way to go back.

Therefore, if they want to meet each other, they can only let the elves cross over, fortunately, the elves do not have many family and friends, and they don’t have to worry about the various situations after the crossing, just when they want everyone to cross into this new world together for the sake of the Five Rivers Shido, the problem arises again……

In chapter 3

, they found that after the elves came to the new world, their spiritual power would be greatly consumed, and the spiritual power of the elves was only enough for them to travel through this world for one day, and after one day they would have to go back, otherwise they would have lost all their spiritual power and would disappear into the gap between the other worlds.

And to recover all their spiritual power, it will take about ten days, that is, they will have to come to this world again every once in a while to meet with the Five Rivers Shido.

Therefore, they thought of a compromise solution, that is, the elves took turns to come to this world to be with the Five Rivers Shido, and there was no objection to this, this was the best way, he liked these elves, it was great to have a way to meet each other.

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