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In fact, in this class, he couldn’t recognize the men, but he knew many girls.

After all, most of the anime he watched were male-oriented works, and he was naturally more familiar with those female characters.

But he got used to it, didn’t pay too much attention and behaved a little more ordinary.

He had been like this all year, and it was a necessary responsibility for the elves who liked him, and not let them worry about someone liking him.

Finally, after everyone was gathering, a female teacher with long black hair walked in, the female teacher was wearing a big white hanging, smiled heartily, and then put her name on the blackboard, and said:

“From today onwards, I will be your homeroom teacher, you can call me Hiratsuka-sensei, I will take care of it this year!”

When Gokawa Shido heard this, he looked up and saw that it was Shizuki Hiratsuka, who everyone liked very much.

Also known as the Iron Fist Leftover Girl!

As if sensing something, Hiratsuka glanced around the class.

She felt some malicious speculation, but because it was fleeting, she had no way to find the source of the malice.

But what is certain is that someone in the class spoke ill of her.

However, Hiratsuka didn’t say anything, and although he wanted to kill the man, he still said as gently as possible:

“Okay, let’s introduce yourself first!”

After all, it is the annual routine of the new class, so no one has any opinions, although many of them already know each other.

Some people always like to write at length, even if many people already know him, they still want to take this opportunity to express themselves.

So when it was the turn of the Five Rivers Road, it was already more than half an hour.

After seeing that the person at the front table of Gokawa Shido had finished speaking, Hiratsuka Shizumi nodded and shouted,

“The next one… Five! Gokawa

Shido slowly stood up, and then showed a tired expression, saying the lines that had been prepared for a long time:

“Hello everyone, I am Gokawa Shido, my interest is watching TV series, and occasionally reading comics, please advise!”

This is the most ordinary self-introduction he can think of, like TV series and comics, the average person has more or less contact, that is, not a special interest, very ordinary!

No one will take the initiative to talk to him because of such an interest, so that he can live his campus life quietly.

However, what Gokawa Shido did not expect was that when he sat down, a man with glasses next to him suddenly pulled the corner of his clothes.

He turned around curiously and saw a somewhat familiar man with glasses, but there are too many such characters in the anime, so Gokawa Shido doesn’t know who the other party is.

So, Gokawa Shido frowned and asked,

“What’s wrong?” Can I help you?

“Gokawa-san is interested in manga, what kind of manga do you like?”

The glasses man asked with bright eyes.

Looking at his excited look, it was like finding a rare confidant, and his words only said comics, not TV series, that is, an otaku is right.

At this time, Wuhe Shido suddenly thought of who the other party was, An Yilun, a male character who was not very likable!

The main thing is that he acted too selfish in many things and hurt many people intentionally or unintentionally.

This person is equivalent to the existence of trouble!

Wuhe Shidao thinks so, after all, An Yilun also has many girls around him, although the original time and space all like An Yilun, but in the world of comics, who can say for sure!

Therefore, in order to avoid contact with those people, he could only cut off An Yilun’s interest in him…

After thinking about it for a while, Gokawa Shido smiled and replied

, “The Bandit King, Mizukage and the like…”

These are non-otaku king manga works,

and many passers-by are also reading them.

In this way, An Yilun will not be interested in him, because he just loves to watch these migrant comics, not houses.

“Well, it’s all good work!”

An Yilun also smiled reluctantly, and then did not ask anything more, just as Wuhe Shidao thought, An Yilun was no longer interested in him.

An Yilun also thought that if Wuhe Shido could say some newly broadcast dramas, he could be amended, but forget it for now.

Wuhe Shidao nodded gently, his idea came true, An Yilun should not take the initiative to contact him again.

And the others….

Except for the big teacher who glanced at him, they were not interested in him.

Some of them had known him since last year and knew what kind of person he was, and some had only known him just now, but after hearing his boring self-introduction, they lost interest in making friends.

PS: Since some people like to read it, then I will try to write it, temporarily a day more 2000 words, interested friends collect more and give more flowers, if the results are good, I will write this book mainly…

4. After the whole class of Light Novelists

has introduced themselves, it is time for the opening ceremony, although it is a rather boring project, but all students must participate, and Gokawa Shido is no exception.

When queuing, Wuhe Shidao found that An Yilun was also right in front of him, so he chatted with the other party casually.

Although he didn’t like this person very much, if Gokawa Shido stood here alone and didn’t say anything, he felt a little too conspicuous, like a lonely big teacher, so it was easy to be noticed.

Therefore, Wuhe Shidao decided to casually chat with An Yilun, a tool person, to make himself look more ordinary.

The content of the chat is the beauty idol of this world, which is a three-dimensional boring existence for An Yilun, so after a few words, the topic stopped abruptly.

Gokawa Shido smiled happily and didn’t care too much, anyway, his purpose had been achieved.

Now, in the eyes of others, Gokawa Shido, who also chatted with An Yilun, must be an otaku, and in his self-introduction just now, he also said that he likes to read comics.

And in An Yilunye’s heart, Wuhe Shido puts the likes to watch TV series before he likes to read comics, and he reads some migrant comics, plus the topic of beautiful idols just now, which is enough to show that this guy is an evil way that likes three-dimensional things!

In this way, the whole class should have no interest in him anymore.

But the big teacher secretly looked at him again, this guy really likes to observe other people, Wuhe Shido doesn’t know if the other party found something, but it doesn’t matter, anyway, the big teacher won’t say anything to others.

When I came to the lobby of the school, I saw that all the students of the three grades of the school had gathered, and Gokawa Shido looked at it curiously, and sure enough, in addition to their class, there were many familiar faces in other classes.

For example, Shiwa Kasumigaoka, a senior sister who is giving a speech casually on stage, and Yukinoshita Yukinoshita, who is listening carefully to the speech in the audience, are all well-known anime female characters.

But Gokawa Shido has no intention of contacting them, and the reason has been said before, so I will not repeat it.

After that, the principal said a lot of nonsense that didn’t make any real sense, and the opening ceremony was finally over.

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