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Gokawa Shido shook his head gently, not thinking about Yukinoshita Yukino anymore, even if the plot changed, what did it have to do with him?!

Moreover, he must rush to the Immortal River Bunko as soon as possible, and the call from the editor of Toki just now was urging him, but Gokawa Shido used the teacher to talk to him as an excuse to temporarily push it over.

Although Gokawa Shido didn’t care much about the copied work, he still cared about the income that the work brought him, which was the living expenses of him and the elves in this world!

Gokawa Shido left the school quickly, then he took the shinkansen all the way to the Rabbitsan shopping street, found the Immortal River Bunko next to him, and then, as editor Toki had just said, went to the office on the fourth floor.

The Immortal River Bunko is also the largest library in the industry, with countless famous light novel writers, and Gokawa Shido can only be regarded as a very mediocre kind in it.

The office size of the Immortal River Bunko is quite large, but it seems that because of the nature of the work, it can be seen that the interior is very chaotic….

There were briefcases full of tables, as well as novel materials, anime posters, manuscripts, and even a few middle-aged men lying on the ground and sleeping soundly, and Gokawa Shido did not know whether these people were editors or writers.

In fact, this is not the first time that Wuhe Shido has come to the Immortal River Bunko, he has been here several times before when submitting and signing documents, so he is also familiar with the road.

Gokawa Shido came to the sister at the front desk, and as far as he knew, the meeting between the editor and the writer was arranged by this sister.

I saw that my sister looked up, she also recognized Gokawa Shido, and knew that he was the person that the editor of Toki was waiting for, so she nodded and smiled sweetly:

“Teacher Gokawa, you are finally here, the editor of Toki is already waiting for you in conference room No. 5…”

Thank you…” Gokawa

Shido politely thanked him, but then felt a little strange, what did my sister mean by ‘they’?

Isn’t Kenjiro Doki alone in the conference room?

But seeing that my sister had already lowered her head to do other things, Gokawa Shido didn’t have much to ask, so I had to hold the question and walk into the office.

It’s just that when he came to the door of Conference Room 5, he frowned again, because he saw that Room 5 was obviously larger than ordinary conference rooms, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Normally, when he and Toki are the only ones to meet, they meet in conference rooms 1 to 4, which can only accommodate two people, but it is just enough for the editor to talk to the writer about the level work.

Now to use the large circle of conference room No. 5, it means that there is probably not only Toki editor, but other people!

Sure enough, as the sister said, ‘they’ were waiting for him.

Who are ‘they’? There is no way to guess Gokawa Shido, and I can only hope that it is not a troublesome character….

PS: Second, thank you for your monthly pass to urge more flowers, and please continue to support!

11. The unexpected guest

Gokawa Shido sighed, then knocked on the door, and after hearing the response of the editor of Toki, he cautiously walked in, and then whispered:

“Sorry to keep you waiting…”

A woman standing in the corner sneered, and then looked at Gokawa Shidao with an unhappy expression.

It was a woman with short black hair and a black and white OL costume, this person Wukawa Shido naturally knew, it was the editor of the Immortal River Bunko who had a relationship with him, Machida Yuanko.

And Machida Yuanko’s attitude, Gokawa Shido also understands, after all, in order to avoid getting involved with Machida Enko’s Kasumigaoka Shiwa, he very strongly and unreasonably asked the library to change the editor.

This is a rather rare request, especially for a new writer like Gokawa Shido, but because one of the Doki editors suddenly ran away, after some discussions, the editor of Gokawa Shido was successfully converted to Doki Kenjiro.

Therefore, Machida Enko has always been worried about the request of Gokawa Shido to change the editor, plus there are really no good results after Gokawa Shido’s debut, she has waited so long just now, naturally she will not be polite.

Gokawa Shido didn’t care, anyway, the other party was not his own editor, no matter how much he hated him, it would not affect his work, so he just smiled at Machida Enko and nodded, so that the other party could not continue to ridicule, and it was powerfully unable to make it.

And the girl sitting next to Machida Enko is a very familiar figure of Gokawa Shido, with long black hair that reaches her waist, skin as white as snow, long black silk legs full of texture, white headdress ribbon, and wearing the school uniform of the third grade of Sobu High School, which is the Kasumigaoka Shiwa who I met only at noon today.

Like Machida Yuanko, Shiwa Kasumigaoka also looked unhappy, and kept shaking his legs, I don’t know if it was an illusion, Gokawa Shido felt that he saw the mysterious dark aura behind the other party.

It’s actually these two people, it can be said that it is very bad!

Gokawa Shido couldn’t understand why the Toki editor wanted to talk to them, but Gokawa Shido knew what he had to do, at least to act ordinary.

I saw him looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu with a surprised expression, as if he was very surprised that Kasumigaoka Shiyu appeared here, and then said ‘surprised’:

“Senior Sister Kasumigaoka?”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka gently raised his head and found that in front of him was a boy he didn’t know, but seeing the other party’s school uniform and the title just now, he naturally understood that the other party was a student of the general martial arts high school.

She didn’t know each other, but she also thought that it was a normal thing for Gokawa Shido to know her, after all, she was a famous beautiful girl in the school, and it was natural that these juniors knew her.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu nodded coldly, in front of unfamiliar people, she would always maintain such a cold image.

Of course, what she didn’t know was that because she had seen anime about her in her previous life, Gokawa Shido could be said to be too familiar with the true face of Shiwa Kasumigaokaoka.

Seeing that Kasumigaoka Shiwa ignored himself, and Gokawa Shido didn’t care, it would be better to say that this way, so he turned around and looked at Kenjiro Toki and asked curiously:

“Editor Doki, you asked me to rush over from school, is there something wrong?”

“Your mobile phone man, the latest volume has sold a lot worse, almost to the bottom line that the library is unacceptable…”

Kenjiro Toki said calmly, in fact, he was not very optimistic about such a work from the beginning, but the editor-in-chief thought it had commercial value, so he let it be published.

As a result, the sales of the first few volumes are okay, because it is quite cool to watch, but if you read two more volumes of this kind of novel, you will be aesthetically fatigued, there are fewer and fewer fans, and more and more bad reviews, so that there are not many people who are interested in buying it now.

If it weren’t for the mysterious illustrator’s brilliant character, sales might have been even worse.

“So you’re going to cut your waist?”

Wuhe Shido frowned, if it is a waist chop, what garbage work is good to copy next?

The editor of Toki didn’t know that Gokawa Shido was actually worried about this kind of thing, and thought that the other party was discouraged by his sales results, but he hurriedly shook his head and explained:

“It’s not yet the point of slashing, but Bunko hopes that you can hold a book signing party to increase your popularity!”

“Book signing?”

Gokawa Shido muttered, if it is an ordinary book signing, then it must be fans of the work, but it will not increase its popularity.

And if it’s just a book signing, what are Shiwa Kasumigaoka and them doing sitting on the side now?

Gokawa Shido looked at the editor of Toki puzzled, hoping that the other party would explain clearly.

The editor of Toki sighed, and then explained to Gokawa Shido:

“Bunko means that you and Kasumi Shiko-sensei and two writers are holding a book signing party together!”


Gokawa Shido asked a little excitedly, why did he suddenly let him hold a signing party with Shiwa Kasumigaoka?!

Gokawa Shido glanced at Shiwa Kasumigaoka who was sitting on the side, and he couldn’t believe that the other party would agree to such an activity.

“Don’t look at me! I am also firmly against it! ”

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