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“Five Rivers Shido?!”

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned, and then slightly raised his head to look at Mai Sakurajima, finally understanding why Shizuki Hiratsuka brought Mai Sakurajima over, it turned out to be something related to Gokawa Shido.

“You know him?”

Mai Sakurajima asked a little anxiously.

“I don’t know.”

Yukinoshita shook his head slightly, then showed a strange smile, and said:

“But to some extent, I still know better!”

Mai Sakurajima looked at each other not very clearly, did not know but understood better, what does it mean?

Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t explain much, but asked a little strangely:

“Senior Sakurajima, do you believe that there are so-called superpowers in this world?”


Mai Sakurajima muttered and repeated, she naturally didn’t believe it, after all, the so-called superpowers are not scientific at all.

But after experiencing a state of complete disregard, she feels that superpowers are not an incredible thing.

Maybe what she has is also a superpower, but she can’t control it, just think, if this situation is controllable, can immediately make people notice herself, it is also a very powerful superpower.

And Mai Sakurajima is now thinking that Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly mentioned superpowers, why?

Superpowers… Gokawa Shido… Superpowers….

Mai Sakurajima suddenly thought of something, was startled, and quickly asked:

“Gokawa Shido is a superpower?”

Yukishita Yukino raised his eyebrows, ordinary people don’t easily connect these two things together, but Mai Sakurajima thought of this so quickly, sure enough, the other party also had some magical encounter, and this encounter is also related to Gokawa Shido!

“It’s just a suspicion…”

Yukinoshita Yukino

smiled indifferently, and did not explain much, the experience last year made her unforgettable to this day!

Her words made Mai Sakurajima fall into deep thought, ordinary people can’t see her in that state, but Gokawa Shido can see it because he has superpowers…

It feels like it makes sense!

It is also because of this remark that Mai Sakurajima believes so firmly that Gokawa Shido is the teenager who bought her strawberry Daifuku, and he will not hesitate to use all methods to expose the other party’s acting skills.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino did not say in the end, why would he suspect that Gokawa Shido is a superpower, but since the other party said this, it will definitely not be untargeted, so it is also very valuable for reference…


Mai Sakurajima sighed, if it weren’t for Noon’s words, she might have been deceived by Gokawa Shido!

The ‘teleportation’ just now must be related to Wuhe Shido, which may be the other party’s superpower, or a special situation induced by the opponent’s superpower.

Suddenly, Mai Sakurajima had a very magical idea….

That is, she is in the same situation as Gokawa Shido, except that her problem is that others can’t see her, and the problem of Gokawa Shido is that it will ‘teleport’ the person she touches to other places!

This can also explain why Gokawa Shido is reluctant to contact her, because more contact will expose his situation.

And her little girlfriend, Gokawa Shido should have a way to let her help keep it secret, so she didn’t hesitate to have intimate contact….

Thinking about it this way, she and Wuhe Shidao should be partners with the same illness, and if they are companions, they need to gather together!

Mai Sakurajima nodded affirmatively, and at this time she made up her mind to continue to find ways to contact Gokawa Shido more!

But what Mai Sakurajima doesn’t know is that now she has completely gone off track, whether it is her own affairs or the affairs of Gokawa Shido, she has completely missed it.

Although it is true that Gokawa Shido sent her back to school, it was not a superpower, but the spiritual power of the elves and angels, to be precise, the sealing master ability of the six lords of the Star Palace.

Because Gokawa Shido felt that Mai Sakurajima was too troublesome, he didn’t want the other party to continue to disturb his date, so he used a method that he didn’t want to use at all to drive the other party away.

Gokawa Shido is not too worried about being discovered, as long as he firmly denies it, and then find a way to push this matter to adolescent syndrome!

In fact, using the ability to seal the master’s ability to seal the other party’s memory should be the safest way, but such an accurate use of the Wuhe Shido is not very proficient, I am afraid that if I accidentally seal other memories, it will be more troublesome at that time.

And Hoshinomiya Rokuyo couldn’t see Mai Sakurajima and couldn’t help use the ability of the Sealing Lord, so Gokawa Shido had to use another ability of the Sealing Lord to send her away.

But what Gokawa Shido didn’t expect was that Mai Sakurajima was much smarter than he thought, plus Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to understand something about him, and the two communicated at noon, causing Mai Sakurajima to be even more suspicious of him….

Feeling the fluctuation of spiritual power, Xinggong Liuyu looked back, she knew that Gokawa Shido used her angel, so she was a little concerned, why did she suddenly use the power of the elves?

But when she looked back, she saw that Gokawa Shido had changed his clothes, a dark blue T-shirt, a light red loose sweatshirt, which looked simple and lazy, very good-looking.

Gokawa Shido chuckled, not wanting the other party to suspect anything, so he used the ability to seal the Lord and Ichino-bullet, changed his clothes for a second, and then chuckled at Hoshinomiya Rokuyo and said:

“It still feels a little strange to wear a school uniform on a date, this body is like a date~

Okay!” Go ahead with our date! ”

PS: The third change, the fourth change today, and one more in the evening, thanks for the support!

40. Space Experience

Gokawa Shido took the Hoshinomiya Rokuyo on the shinkansen and came to the center of the nearby city.

There is a nationally famous space museum, and there are plenty of interesting space-related facilities in the museum, which is suitable for interested travelers and of course couples who want a quiet date.

And Wuhe Shidao they both like space and are also intimate couples, so it is perfect to come here for a date.

The appearance of the space museum is a mysterious black sphere covered with a little starlight pattern, which is quite unique, making people know at a glance that this is a space-related building.

Wuhe Shido quickly came to the ticket office and asked for two student tickets, although Star Palace Rokuyo is not a student of this world, but judging by her appearance, no staff will question her student status.

According to the arrangement of the staff, the two walked into the space museum, and saw the words ‘no loud noise’ written outside the door, and Wuhe Shido guessed that it should be to create a quiet atmosphere in space.

Upon entering, the environment inside is indeed very quiet, surrounded by many colorful display panels, introducing astronomical information about different planets.

The two came to the exhibition board introducing Jupiter, there were some Jupiter stones that I didn’t know if they were real or fake, and there was a small iron plate next to it, which said that it was one kilogram, but Gokawa Shido took it and felt that it was much heavier than a kilogram….

After taking a closer look, it turned out that it was for them to experience the weight of a kilogram under the gravity of Jupiter’s environment, so it should take about three times the strength to pick it up.

Of course, this is an easy thing for Gokawa Shido.

In addition to space materials, there are also interesting facilities such as astronomical telescopes, experience in space suits, and lost illusion spaces, which make Gokawa Shido and Hoshinomiya Rokuyo linger…

At this time, the two came to a room called space, with crisp and moving background music, surrounded by a vast starry sky, gorgeous stars, and the two stood in the center of the room, as if they were in the real universe.

Star Palace Liuyu has been floating in space for a long time, but she was still fascinated by this moving scenery, at that time, she closed her heart, and did not notice that the place she was in was so beautiful.

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