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“Why do I dream like that? Is it because I’m jealous of that girl, or because I’m happy… Enjoy…… Do you like meat buns? Nakano

May lowered her head with a red face, she was a little afraid to sleep, afraid that when she slept, it would be the dream just now!

PS: Fourth, thank you for your monthly pass flowers, and please continue to support!

45. In another room where the youth troubles

were also Nakano’s, Nakano Nino also took off her butterfly headdress, and at this moment, she was wearing a shawl, lying on the pink-style bed, looking at the shoujo manga in her hand, while whispering:

“Like, dislike, like…” Nakano

Jino was divination, and it was determined by counting the pages of the shoujo manga. Like’ or ‘dislike’ results.

But what she wants to know is not her own heart, but her sister, May Nakano, who has thoughts about whether Gokawa Shido is in love.

If she could, she didn’t want to compete with her sisters.

Although she had already asked at dinner just now, Nakano May said that there was no such thought, but Nakano Jino saw that the other party was a little blushing and nervous, so he couldn’t be sure if the other party was telling the truth.

Finally, the manga turned to the last page, and the result of divination was….


Nakano was dumbfounded, and he seemed a little overwhelmed by this answer.

On the other side of the city, there are also some luxurious residences, and the ‘Guqiao’ family is located here.

At this time, Fumino Furuhashi was lying on the big bed in a large figure, she was holding her face in discouragement, she was worried, should she tell Gokawa Shido about having a girlfriend?

After all, this is a matter of Gokawa Shido, and it shouldn’t be her turn to say more!

But if she doesn’t say it, won’t Miura Yuko continue to find a way to contact Gokawa Shido?

However, Gokawa Shido already has a girlfriend, and no matter how they contact, it is useless.

Think about it, even if she wants to remind her, she doesn’t know how to remind her, after all, Miura Yuko and they didn’t explicitly say that it was their own relationship from the beginning, but only said that it was a matter of friends, and they didn’t clearly point to the person of Gokawa Shido, all of which she guessed herself.

However, if she continues to let Miura Yuko think about this love without a chance, it is strange that she is pitiful, and when the time comes, she will really be rejected by Gokawa Shido, then she, who does not know, will have a great sin.

To say or not to say?

This is a problem.

So, what does this have to do with her, and why should she bother about it!!!!

Fumino Furuhashi was rolling on the big bed with a headache, yesterday she was a calm sleeping beauty, and now she is an old witch who is about to go crazy.

In the heart of the city, there is a single apartment that is not cheap, and Yukino lives here alone.

Although it was late at night, I saw that Yukino had not gone to rest under the snow, but sat quietly at the desk, on which were placed three colorful portraits.

The names of these people are written under the photo, namely Gokawa Shido, Mai Sakurajima, and her sister, Yono Yukinoshita.

Next to these photos, there are a bunch of books related to superpowers, magic, mythology, and even hypnosis, Yukinoshita Yukino used to be superstitious about science, but now she is convinced of the existence of unnaturalness.

She closed her eyes and began to think about what to do next, whether to try to contact Gokawa Shido, or continue to investigate secretly like this first…

Opposite the single apartment where Yukinoshita Yukino lives, there is a relatively cheap house, and although Shiwa Kasumigaoka earns a lot of writing fees, he still lives here because his family does not earn much.

At this time, Shiwa Kasumigaoka was carefully browsing the computer, only to see that she was constantly inquiring about the information related to the relationship between brothers and sisters, hoping to find a way to stop Gokawa Shido from continuing to love her sister so deeply.

Suddenly, she saw an article that seemed to be very useful, so she read while reading:

“Sister control, generally refers to one-way love and attachment to sisters, the formation of this phenomenon is mainly because adolescent boys are easy to protect young girls, and sisters are their most frequent contact with the opposite sex, if children have this situation, it is recommended to let them contact older girls, the situation will slowly improve.”

“Older girls?”

Kasumigaoka Shiwa sighed, where to find older girls who were willing to approach Gokawa Shido?

Suddenly, she thought of herself….

While the girls are worried, there is a teenager who happily reads manga in his room.

“Fantastic! Shui dun, boom! An

Yiren also read the famous manga “Water Ninja”, while imitating the ninja seal in the story, he has been completely immersed in the world of manga, how he hopes that he can become a ninja in the story and show his ninja.

But his voice was clearly noisy for his sleeping parents in the next room….

“It’s noisy! Sleep fast!

An Yi’s father cursed, he still has to go to work tomorrow morning, he can’t sleep when he is so noisy, and he will inevitably have a little temper, so An Yilun had to calm down.

But An Yilun did not really go to sleep, but continued to look at the comic in his hand with relish, he wanted to read this comic tonight, then tomorrow there would be a topic to chat with Gokawa Shido.

Jiabaili family.

“Go and die! Go to hell! Go to hell! The

blonde Waste Angel wields his mouse and controls the game’s character to kill the monster in front of him.

And the mobile phone she put aside suddenly appeared a short message….

But she ignored it, and continued to indulge in the game world, fighting monsters.

That might be the task she was supposed to accomplish as an angel, but she didn’t care anymore!


The next morning, Gokawa Shido was woken up by the alarm clock, there was no sister kicking in the piano, and there was no Rokujo as a pillow, such an early morning, I always felt that something was missing, a little boring!

Walking out of the living room, Wuhe Shidao was a little surprised to find that Seven Sins didn’t seem to be at home, did he run somewhere to play?

Wuhe Shidao doesn’t know, but I think that as the Seven Sins Elf, there should not be any danger, so I don’t worry too much, like the Seven Sins her, maybe she went to the playground by herself!

And the seven sins they also know that Wuhe Shido put money somewhere in the family, if they need it, they can take it themselves, and he doesn’t care how much they take, after all, as an income from the copyist, as long as you write a little more, it is still possible.

After waiting for a while, Gokawa Shido still did not wait for the seven sins to return, so he did not care about her anymore, but picked up his backpack and prepared to go to school….

PS: First change, thank you for the monthly pass flowers, please continue to support, today will try five more…

Forty-six, the golden retriever dog

does not know if it is an illusion, Wuhe Shido always feels that today’s backpack is a little heavier than usual.

But I didn’t care too much, only if I was tired from playing yesterday, so my physical strength dropped a little, I would have this illusion.

Gokawa Shido walked out of the house quickly, and this time he did not meet Hiratsuka Shizune again.

But also, as a teacher, she should have a lot of work, so she is not so free to take care of his affairs all the time.

These two days are just starting school, and after a while, the teacher’s work should start to get busy!

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