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If she is now, what effect will it have if she also shoots like this with Gokawa Shido?

Seven Sins fantasized a little expectantly.


Gokawa Shido smiled, the video game center is a little far from here, but if you go now, you can also play for a while, it should be enough to satisfy the seven sins.

What’s more, the game center has all kinds of games, and there are definitely games suitable for the seven sins!

But what he didn’t know was that Seven Sins’ interest in the game was far less than the photo of the headsticker!

Seeing that Seven Sins nodded affirmatively, then it was not 730 and so much, Gokawa Shidao settled the account, and walked towards the direction of the Chiba Game Center with Seven Sins.

He didn’t rush to use the ability to seal the lord, after all, the two were chatting on the street while looking at interesting things around, which was also a kind of fun.

And now the seven sins are not as nervous as just now, because of the deliberate fawning of Wuhe Shido, she gradually became confident, of course, Wuhe Shido knows that this confidence is only temporary, and in the long run, the seven sins no longer have inferiority, and he needs to work harder.

The two arrived at the largest video game center in the city, and saw that it was a multi-story building with colorful neon lights outside, and some game-related posters on the walls, full of cheerful atmosphere.

At this time, Seven Sins suddenly became a little nervous, just now there were not many people and nothing, now there are more people, and the feeling that people everywhere laughed at her in their hearts appeared again.

Gokawa Shido squeezed Seven Sins’ hand, chuckled, and then said:

“Don’t worry, I’m by your side for everything!”

Seven Sins nodded gently, indeed, for their elves, the most important person was Shido, and whether others liked her appearance or not, in fact, it was not that important, as long as Gokawa Shido liked her, it was enough.

Of course, if you think so, everyone understands the truth, but the seven sins still can’t help but feel afraid.

Seven Sins approached Wuhe Shido before feeling calmer, and she smiled at Wuhe Shido, indicating that she was no longer in trouble.

Gokawa Shido nodded gently, then took the little hand of the seven sins and walked into the famous Chiba Game Center.

As soon as they walked in, the two heard bursts of lively and joyful laughter, and there were many people inside, because tomorrow was a holiday, so there were more people than when Gokawa Shido was last here.

Gokawa Shido walked around and found that the first floor was full of music games and fighting games, these are relatively lively games, there are many onlookers, and the game music is also big.

If you guessed correctly, the store wanted people to feel the warmest atmosphere of the game center as soon as they walked in, so they were very excited and excited, and immersed in the world of video games.

However, these games are a little too hardcore for the first arrival of the Seven Sins, so Gokawa Shido thought about it for a while, and then walked directly into the elevator with the Seven Sins and came to the top floor of the center….

The top floor of the game center is a more casual place, suitable for couples to date, and the machines placed on it are all machines that can be operated simply, such as the machine that took pictures with Hoshinomiya Rokuyo before, which is on this.

“Tian Jun, look! What an intimate little couple! ”

That guy won’t be Lolicon, right?”

“I can’t stand it!”

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, Gokawa Shido heard everyone talking about their affairs, and the last sentence made Gokawa Shido almost think that it was time to wear back to the world of covenant war.

Gokawa Shido ignored them, there is always no shortage of people in the world who like to chew the root of the tongue, he clasped the small hand of the seven sins and came to a doll grabbing machine.

There were once people who said that no girl can refuse the charm of catching a doll machine, which is a necessary skill for the male protagonist of every anime, so after Gokawa Shido became Gokawa Shido, he practiced hard, and now he can be said to be a doll catcher.

“Seven Sins, what do you like, I’ll catch you!”

Wuhe Shidao said arrogantly, no matter what Seven Sins wanted, he would definitely be able to capture it.

“That… I want this! Seven

Sins laughed wickedly, and then pointed to a rabbit-eared stuffed toy at the bottom.

You know, generally catching dolls can only catch the top layer, and there is no way to catch the bottom at all, because a large number of dolls block the paws.

She didn’t believe that Gokawa Shido had a way to catch it unless he used the power of the elves!

But Wuhe Shidao was not flustered at all, only to see him chuckle, then nodded confidently, and said:

“No problem!”


Gokawa Shido was confident, but a young girl standing behind him categorically denied him.

Gokawa Shido frowned, looked back, and saw a young girl wearing a red short-sleeved sports coat standing behind them….

The girl looked a little mysterious, I saw that she was wearing a blue-black transparent eye patch, so that people could not see her true face, and her hair was coiled, and her head was a purple and red baseball cap, and next to the baseball cap, there were three English letters of the small badge, read from left to right, respectively, the three letters of UMR.

The girl’s disguise is perfect, but Gokawa Shido immediately recognized the identity of the other party, that is, the soil burial in his class, but the current soil burial is not the perfect buried appearance of the class, but another form, the game plays UMR!

Of course, the five rivers think that hamster burial is the most cute!

But this is all the previous thought, and the current Gohe Shido does not care about this, and does not want to contact this girl.

Gokawa Shido didn’t want to deal with her, but the seven sins around him were very upset, she could joke with Gokawa Shido, but when others did this, she was not happy.

“Shido, he said yes, then for sure!”

Seven Sins gritted his teeth and retorted loudly.

Gokawa Shido was stunned when he heard this, not because of the words of the seven sins, but because it was the first time he had heard such a loud voice of the seven sins other than talking to him or the elves!

62. Grabbing the doll machine

“If it doesn’t work, it can’t work!”

Tsuchima sneered, in fact, she didn’t dare to say anything, but when she said that catching dolls was definitely her strong point.

She doesn’t need to analyze to know that no matter what kind of move, it is impossible to catch the doll at the bottom, which violates the principles of physics!

“Shido said yes!”

Seven Sins retorted again, perhaps thinking that it was not interesting to shout like this, she pulled the sleeves of Gokawa Shido, and gestured with her eyes, asking him to demonstrate.

Gokawa Shido sighed, although he didn’t want to communicate too much with Tsuchima, but he didn’t say anything, just grabbed the doll next to him, it shouldn’t be nothing, right?

Of course, more importantly, this is the requirement of the seven sins, even if the seven sins say that he wants the stars in the sky, he will find a way to take them off!

For example, using the ability to seal the Lord and move the stars to this side of the earth… But in this way, the earth may be destroyed.

Therefore, compared to catching stars, catching dolls is really ~ just a small thing.

Gokawa Shido smiled gently, only to see him reach out and take out a small bag of coins from his pocket and put it on the grabbing doll, he looked at the doll machine in front of him intently, it was time to show the real technique!


Gokawa Shido shouted with great momentum, then threw in the coin, controlled the joystick, and the whole process was completed in one go, without unnecessary movements.

Tsuchima buried his face changed, this is a professional action to catch a doll master, that is, Gokawa Shido is not bluffing, he has real talent, such a person, it is impossible to talk indiscriminately.

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