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“Of course!”

Gokawa Shido nodded affirmatively, and then directly took out the bank card and placed it on the table.

Of course, before paying, the three of Gokawa Shido also tried it, because there was a little room for adjustment, and their fingers were relatively slender, and it was very suitable to wear.

At this time, the waiter found that Wuhe Shidao brought two partners, no wonder he would buy three couple rings in one breath, is this the blessing of modern Qi people?

The waiter couldn’t help but feel a little envious.

“Touch, this ring is so beautiful!”

Hachi Yuxian looked at the ring on her hand for ten minutes with love, especially this couple ring, which was exclusive to the three of them, which gave her a sense of intimacy of the three.

Wuhe Shido was about to say something, but suddenly felt that the ground trembled violently, his face changed, and he had a sense of foreboding… Knives

Seventy-eight, strange earthquake

“Get out quickly…” Gokawa

Shido immediately shouted, because he had the spiritual power of the elves, his sense was relatively keen, one step ahead of the others, and felt the feeling of this vibration.

He knew that this was an earthquake coming, and it was a very violent kind, although it was not as large-scale death as a space earthquake, but such an earthquake was still dangerous.

But the strange thing is that there was no earthquake forecast this morning, such a violent earthquake, it is impossible not to measure!

It’s strange, this earthquake is not natural at all.

Of course, now is not the time to think about this, as ordinary people, they should go out to evacuate, after all, if they continue to stay indoors, it is likely to be dangerous, there are too many debris in it, and it is more likely that there will be a crisis of building collapse.

It will definitely be safer to avoid it outside, after all, there are no high-rise buildings in the vicinity, there are many open spaces.

The ground shook violently, and Gokawa Shido gritted his teeth, facing the earthquake, he had no good way, he seemed to have no way to stop this earthquake.

Moreover, although an earthquake of this magnitude generally does not cause any casualties, this is an amusement park, there are many game facilities, and no one has prevented this earthquake, and I don’t know if the amusement facilities that are being used can withstand this earthquake.

The roller coaster is okay, it seems to have been renovated not long ago, but the Ferris wheel they walked just now, it feels like it’s been some time, even if the amusement park has done enough inspections, Wuhe Shidao can’t help but be a little worried, after all, it is suspended in mid-air, but there is no way to escape!

At this time, the earthquake temporarily stopped, and the clerks just now had already run out, looking panicked and walking to the open area for a while, they all seemed to be worried that there would be violent aftershocks later.

Gokawa Shido frowned, he never went to the shelter when the space earthquake, and when the earthquake happened, he didn’t think much about going, firstly, because he thought that there would be no danger, and secondly, he should have something that he could do now.

Because the amusement park on this side is far from the city, the rescue team may not arrive so quickly, and the staff of the amusement park itself can not handle such an accident, so he also wants to help, maybe he can save the lives of others.

Even if it is a complete stranger, he needs to be saved, Wuhe Shido, this is such a person.

Wuhe Shidao looked down and thought about it at this time, and then said to the two Eight Dance sisters behind him:

“You guys go with them first, I’m going over there to see the situation…”

Saying that, Wuhe Shidao ran towards the direction of the roller coaster, because he had just clearly heard a very powerful scream from the Yuanxiao roller coaster, and he was really a little worried.

If there is any dangerous situation, he can also try his best to save it, and he has this ability with spiritual power, and he has such a responsibility.

“Negative, Shido, Xixian wants to go with you!”

The voice of the eight dances came from behind, and it was obvious that she had followed.

“That’s right, don’t hide in a corner of the main palace, if Shido wants to save people, this palace will also go with you!”

Hachimai Yajuya smiled, she guessed Gokawa Shido’s thoughts, and naturally did not want to see him do such a dangerous thing alone.

Their elves are not a burden, and they are also capable of helping the Five Rivers Shido!

“Be careful and safe.”

Wuhe Shidao said softly, and did not say much, anyway, the eight dance sisters will fly, earthquake or something, it’s a big deal to fly into the sky and hide.

Moreover, he is not afraid of any real danger, and even if there is danger, he has enough ability to protect the Eight Dance sisters, so he is also relieved to let them follow.

After a while, the three people ran to the roller coaster and found that everyone else on the ground, including the staff, had taken refuge, but the people sitting on the roller coaster were not so lucky, they were stuck in mid-air, screaming constantly.

These people were obviously very afraid, and one by one showed a look of horror, afraid that the earthquake just now would cause some mechanical failure, which would put their lives in danger.

Wuhe Shidao frowned and did not immediately intervene to save them, because he found that the roller coaster seemed to have its own protection mechanism, so the roller coaster would stop at a safer location.

Although it is in mid-air, for the time being, there will be no danger.

“Yajuya, stay here, if something happens, you go and save them!”

Wuhe Shido judged that in his opinion, the situation on this side was relatively safe for the time being, and he was not in a hurry to save them…

He now has other places to visit, even if there is really any accident here, it is just a roller coaster, I believe that Yawu Yajuya can solve it alone.

“No problem! Leave it to Hongu! Yamai

Yajuya said confidently, and then obediently hid in a corner, carefully watching the situation of the roller coaster.

Wuhe Shido sighed, feeling a little sorry for the people on the roller coaster, to make them worry for a while, but he was only one person, it was better to ensure everyone’s safety first, and then think about the rest.

After running for a while, Gokawa Shido came to the vicinity of the Ferris wheel, looking at the still complete Ferris wheel, he breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that there were no casualties, which was really good.

Moreover, because it was noon, it was too hot, the sun was fierce, and there was no good view during the day, so the Ferris wheel was not open.

Gokawa Shido glanced at it and made sure that no one was stuck on it, so there should be no danger.

Just when Gokawa Shido wanted to go back to find Hachimai Yajuya…

Suddenly, another earthquake sensation came, and this time, it was even more powerful than just now.

This is definitely unusual, you must know that this country is in the seismic zone, earthquakes occur frequently, so there are very perfect prediction measures, generally speaking, earthquakes of this magnitude, a day or two earlier, will definitely be found.

Even if 2.2 is not possible a day or two earlier, an hour or two earlier is definitely fine, but until the moment of the earthquake just now, there was no relevant news, which is really strange.

“Shido! Over there! Eight

Dances Xixian suddenly said a little anxiously.

Gokawa Shido frowned, but he knew that the eight dances would only forget the proclivities of those two words when they were in a very critical situation.

He followed the other party’s finger and looked forward, and a little unexpectedly saw two familiar figures, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Mai Sakurajima…

PS: I couldn’t help but flip through the book review this morning, a little autistic, see that some people say that it’s too watery, it’s indeed a little, after all, daily text, do you still want the main plot? If you want to, you can, so let’s start slowly unfolding now! Thank you for subscribing…

Seventy-nine, the white-haired boy

is just that Mai Sakurajima’s situation does not seem to be quite right, I saw her sitting lightly on the ground, her hands tightly pressed her ankles, and the bruising was clearly visible, maybe she walked too quickly during the earthquake just now, and it seemed that she accidentally sprained her foot.

This is not serious, but the problem is that the two are under the Ferris wheel at this time, and this Ferris wheel always gives Wuhe Shidao a very bad feeling.

And Wuhe Shido’s intuition has always been quite accurate, after all, he has the spiritual power of more than ten girls on his body, and may also inherit their sixth sense.

Wuhe Shidao hesitated for a moment, he knew that maybe it would be better for him to stay out of the matter, after all, now that he walked up, what he had done before might be in vain, and he had to be involved with the two of them.

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