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After all, even Miura Yumiko, who liked Gokawa Shido, did not recognize it, and yes was definitely not just an ordinary disguise, it was probably the words that a person whose appearance was exactly the same as Gokawa Shido said to them in the classroom.

If these are also superpowers, what kind of superpower can do such a thing?

Superpowers… Superpowers….

“Yukino, have you seen that movie? The one that tells about mutants. Mai

Sakurajima suddenly thought of something, so she asked Yukinoshita Yukino.

“Of course!”

Yukinoshita nodded affirmatively, this is a famous movie, of course she has seen it.

“The mutants in the story seem to like to mix together, whether it is the righteous side or the villain side, they will act together, perhaps because it is more secure for them!”

Mai Sakurajima smiled.

“Do you think that there are other superpowers around Gokawa Shido?”

Yukishita Yukino nodded thoughtfully, which she really hadn’t thought about.

“For example, his mother, and girlfriends, maybe they have some strange abilities.”

Mai Sakurajima chuckled and said what she thought, she thought so, superpowers or something, it may also be genetic.

If Gokawa Shido has superpowers, maybe his mother also has them, and then his mother will find some girls around the world who also have superpowers to become a child bride for Gokawa Shido, protect Gokawa Shido while strengthening the strength of the superpower family…

“For example, one of them can be imitated as someone else without being recognized, just like the one among the mutants…”

Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt a sudden and figured out a lot of things.

Mai Sakurajima nodded, and then continued to analyze:

“The matter of Strawberry Daifuku was said by Gokawa Shido himself, and we have no way to judge whether it is true or false.

But the timing of the white-haired boy’s appearance just now was a bit too coincidental, so I guess that person was either Gokawa Shido or the sister of that Hachimai…”

“Moreover, the reason why Gokawa Shido would scold the girls can also be explained, probably because those girls are jealous or don’t want the girls in school to approach Gokawa Shido, so pretend to be Gokawa Shido and drive away other girls!”

The corners of Yukishita Yukino’s mouth rose slightly, and he followed the other party’s words and said.

The two chatted for a while, they probably had guessed the truth, and they were almost sure whether the white-haired boy was Gokawa Shido himself or Yamai Yajuya pretending to be.

But in any case, this must be the meaning of Gokawa Shido, at most, the people who act are different.

Therefore, they pretended to be the white-haired boy as an achievement, but what they never understood was why Wuhe Shido had to do so much to hide his identity?

Ordinary people, with such powerful superpowers, especially bloody teenagers, will definitely show off, even if they don’t want to be public in front of the public, they also hope to show their abilities in front of girls, carry out heroic beauty rescue, and win girls’ hearts.

But Gokawa Shido did not do this, instead he kept a low profile, helping others while hiding his identity.

Could it be that Gokawa Shido has some incredible mission, such as secretly protecting the earth, so he must hide his superpowers…

If this is the case, then is it right or wrong for them to try to expose the identity of Gokawa Shido in this way?

Yukishita Yukino began to get tangled, but what they didn’t know was that Gokawa Shido was not a savior, at least not the savior of this world, he just wanted to be an ordinary high school student!

And Gokawa Shido did not expect that everything he did was exposed so quickly, but it was unexpectedly exchanged for a moment of peace, because Yukishita Xuenai misunderstood something, so in a short time, it should be less likely to pester him…

At this time, Wuhe Shidao had already returned home with the eight dance sisters, it was a little early, and it was not even time for dinner, but as he said just now, he wanted to cook the cooking himself and let them taste what the real cooking was.

The cooking skills of Wuhe Shido have been tempered for a long time, coupled with great talent and the guidance of famous teachers, it is definitely a super-first-class level, if it were not for the fact that there was no Yuanyue Academy in this world, he would not have studied at Sowu Gao!

Even, every time the elves ate the dishes he cooked, they had to change into spirit clothes so as not to accidentally burst their clothes.

Of course, the clothes can’t be burst, and it is inevitable to blush, and I saw the eight dance sisters eating the roast chicken legs made by Wuhe Shido, their cheeks were red, and they couldn’t say clearly.

“Admire, Shido… Cuisine…… It’s still as great as ever! Bawu

Xixian gasped and said, obviously she was very calm after playing 2.2 all day, but because of a mouthful of chicken legs, she couldn’t continue to be indifferent.

“That’s awesome, Hongu… Can’t stop at all! Yamai

Yajuya said while eating.

Because her mouth was stuffed with things, Gokawa Shido didn’t hear her words very clearly, but the meaning had already been conveyed, in short, it was relatively delicious.

In fact, Gokawa Shido once thought that if he opened a restaurant or something, he would definitely be able to make a lot of money with his cooking skills.

But then I thought about it, opening a restaurant is too much of a waste of time, and if you have to open a store every day, don’t you have time to date the elves?

Therefore, Wuhe Shidao became the Duke of Wen Copy, and his amazing cooking skills were only known by the elves…

PS: It’s almost time for Meijiu to appear, so stay tuned!

Eighty-four, after seducing Meijiu

to eat dinner, the eight dance sisters collapsed on the sofa, stroking their stomachs, obviously eating too much, and their stomachs were a little swollen.

Gokawa Shido sat in the middle of them, hugging the two lightly, and didn’t say much, he had played enough this morning, and now he was at ease and enjoyed a warm and quiet time, and there was nothing wrong with it.

It was rare for the eight dance sisters not to quarrel, but to chat in a low voice.

At this time, Gokawa Shido turned on the TV, he paid special attention to the news, and sure enough, the news also mentioned the earthquake just now, without any prior notification, the scope was in the area of Tokyo amusement park.

It is unusual no matter how you look at it, but the official side claims that there is nothing suspicious, that is, a very sudden seismic event, which has not been measured in advance.

But in the opinion of Wuhe Shido, they are absolutely hiding something, but what it is, he does not know.

It would not threaten his and the elves’ happy daily life, and Gokawa Shido did not intend to be nosy, maybe there was a problem with some instruments, or there was a human error.

Fortunately, the earthquake did not cause any casualties, at most, some of the amusement park facilities needed to be renovated, and because of this, those relevant departments did not have to explain anything.

Gokawa Shido sighed 28, turned off the TV, and then took out some board games from the room, looking at the appearance of the eight dance sisters, it should not be very much to go out and move around, then just play at home!

In order not to let the elves get bored, there are quite a few board games in the Wuhe family, of course, they are relatively simple ones, and he can’t play the hardcore ones.

Played for a while….

“Win, gahaha!”

Yamai Yajuya jumped excitedly, although now they had no reason to compete, but the Hachimai sisters’ competitive spirit was still very strong.

“Unfortunately, if it weren’t for bad luck, the eve string of the two rounds would have won…” Hachi

Yuxun was obviously not very satisfied with this result.

“That’s where luck games are fun! I still don’t know the outcome of the game until the end…”

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