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Kasumigaoka Shiwa turned around and asked with a frown.

“What’s there to mind? As long as Darling has me in his heart! Seduction

Mijiu shrugged her shoulders and looked like a matter of course.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed, she didn’t understand, she really couldn’t understand, could it be that this world had changed significantly when she didn’t know?

Why didn’t she understand their words…

PS: Thank you for your support!

Ninety-four, fighting poison with poison

and not understanding, Kasumi no Oka Shiyu decided, give up thinking!

“Waiter, I want a seafood angel noodles!”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka shouted and ordered a piece of food.

“That’s not right! Senior sister, shouldn’t you go and find a place to sit by yourself before ordering food? Gokawa

Shido frowned slightly, obviously not very happy with Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s assertiveness.

“I didn’t have any interest in having dinner at the family restaurant, but I came in because I saw Shido-kun there…”

explained Shiwa Kasumigaoka with a smile.

“Then you can leave!”

Gokawa Shido made a suggestion, anyway, he didn’t want Kasumigaoka Shiwa to disturb them to have a couple’s meal.

“But I came in and felt a little hungry and didn’t want to go out, so I ate with you, I’m sure you won’t mind!”

Shiha Kasumigaoka responded quickly, as if no matter what Gokawa Shido said, it would be difficult to change her mind.

“I…” Wuhe

Shido still wanted to say something, but was lured by Mijiu to take a step ahead!

“Don’t mind, let’s eat together!”

Miku said with a chuckle, and then saw her take the initiative to 28 approach Kasumigaoka Shiyu and cling to her arm.

Such a distance, the girls’ room is quite ordinary, but when he thinks that the other party is a lily, Shiyu Kasumigaoka still has a feeling of discomfort in his heart.

But if you walk away now, don’t you throw in the towel?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is quite a strong person, so she gritted her teeth, as long as she lured Mijiu not to go further, she endured!


Seductive Miku whispered her name in Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s ear.

“What’s wrong?”

Kasumigaoka shrunk to the side.

“Come home with me tonight! I’ll teach you the happiness that belongs only to girls…” Miku

chuckled and stroked Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s face.


Shiwa Kasumigaoka had to jump, and at the same time glanced at Gokawa Shido, who was watching the play next to him, with a little blush, and couldn’t help but ask a little annoyed:

“Shido-kun, don’t you care about your girlfriend?”

“There’s nothing to manage, I’m sure Meijiu knows the measure!”

Gokawa Shido chuckled and shook his head, he naturally didn’t like seducing Miku to move on girls, but firstly, it was quite interesting to see Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s reaction, secondly, he knew that seducing Miku was just flirting with his mouth, and thirdly, he felt that there would be an unexpected gain if he scared Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Therefore, as long as it is not too excessive to seduce Mijiu, he has no intention of interfering for the time being, and it is best that Kasumigaoka Shiyu will never come to his trouble because of this incident, then it will be good.

“Darling, I love you!”

Saying that, Miku hugged in the direction of Shiwa Kasumigaoka…

“Don’t come here!”

Kasumigaoka Shiwa screamed and hid behind Gokawa Shido, she felt that she hadn’t been so embarrassed in a long time.

Looking at Shiyu Kasumigaoka who was shivering behind him, Gokawa Shido felt that this poison attack seemed to be quite effective, but it was too much and it was not good, so he smiled and said:

“Mijiu, eat first!”

“Okay, Darling~”

Mijiu nodded obediently, then sat back in her seat, picked up her knife and fork, and ate the appetizer of the couple’s set meal.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka on the side, a little at a loss, she glanced at the two who were eating, hesitated, and finally sat next to Gokawa Shido.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka felt that it was too dangerous to sit next to Miku, and if it weren’t for Gokawa Shido, she felt like she would lose something important tonight.

Sure enough, after Shiwa Kasumigaoka sat next to Gokawa Shido, it seemed much more normal to seduce Miku…

“Shiyu, is this your thing?”

Miku Yuxiao held a document and asked curiously.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu took it back a little anxiously, and just now he was startled and fell to the ground, forgetting to pick it up.

This thing is not important, it is her brainchild, it is important, it has no value, and Shiyu Kasumigaoka does not know how to deal with it.

“It’s the original light novel!”

Gokawa Shido affirmed that it was probably the weight of one volume, and he was also a light novel writer who knew it best.

What is clearer is that he knows what it means that the cover of the document is marked with a big red cross, which means that the submission is rejected.

Generally, such submissions will be put directly into the trash in the library, and the original author will not be notified, but because Shiwa Kasumigaoka himself is a light novel writer who debuted in the library, the treatment is better, and the manuscript is returned!


Kasumigaoka Shiwa nodded gently, this is a new work she thought of before, but it was ruthlessly rejected by Machida Yuanko, although Machida Enko looks a little unreliable, but Kasumigaoka Shiwa knows, Machida Yuanko is also considered to be the card editor of the library, so the works she denied are basically worthless things.

“Shiyu, can you show me?”

Miku smiled and said, she knew that Gokawa Shido also seemed to be writing something called a light novel, so she was a little interested.

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