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“Darling’s light is too dazzling, no matter how low-key, it is easy to become the object of girls’ liking, which is inevitable, so…” Seduction

Mijiu wanted to remind him, but before he finished speaking, he disappeared into the air, and seemed to return to the world over there.

But her words made Wuhe Shidao frown, seducing Mijiu to say such things, it would definitely not be untargeted, that is, she knew who was in love with him?

It feels unlikely that Xiao Miro Ai Sumi, then it should be the Nakano sisters or Kasumigaoka Shiha, but he doesn’t feel like it, but Miku has not contacted other girls either, so he can only be one of these people.

Unfortunately, Gokawa Shido is quite slow in this regard, asking him to date girls, he is now very skilled, but it is really a little difficult for him to guess the girl’s favorability towards him.

Because in the world of covenant war, everyone in Latatosk helps him measure the favorability of the elves, and he doesn’t need to bother, and now he doesn’t know how to judge the intimacy of girls.

Gokawa Shido sighed and didn’t think about it anymore, because at this time, a familiar girl had already arrived in front of him….

The girl has long knee-length purple hair, a single ponytail tied with a black butterfly-like ribbon, and wears a gorgeous dark purple spirit suit, and the pupils are also purple, but the shades are different, belonging to the less obvious heterochromatic pupils.

Gokawa Shido knew that this was the result of the fusion of the night sword god Juka and the night sword god Tenka, and the two shared a body, similar to the situation of split personalities, but the two personalities were completely independent and coexisted, and it was said that they could even communicate in the mind at all times.

Of course, there is only one person who controls the body, and most of the time it will be the Night Sword God Juka, but sometimes it will be the Night Sword God Tenka running out, so Gokawa Shido is not too sure that it is the one in front of him.

And to judge this, in fact, it is very simple….

I saw Gokawa Shido smile softly and took out two things from his backpack, on the left was the soybean flour bread he bought just now at the bakery, and on the right was the tuna mayonnaise rice ball bought at the onigiri restaurant.

Although the personalities of the two are very different, it is not wrong to be foodies, the night knife god Juka likes soybean flour bread the most, while the night knife god Tenka prefers tuna mayonnaise rice balls!

“Ah! Soybean flour bread…”

the night knife god Juka shouted in surprise, and at the

same time revealed her identity.

PS: I saw that some readers said that they wanted to watch the battle, but because this is a daily novel, there are not likely to be battle scenes, of course, the main line still involves fighting, but the main line is not the focus of this book (?), so it may not appear so quickly, thank you for your support! .

Ninety-seven, when the people of Huai Mei saw

each other’s performance like this, Wuhe Shidao naturally guessed that the other party was the Night Sword God Shixiang.

Although she has experienced a lot of things, the night sword god Shika is still that silly white and sweet personality, as long as she is given good food, she will be very happy, she is the kind of girl who is very innocent.

Of course, the night sword god Tianxiang is also quite easy to deal with, as long as you are used to her cold words, in fact, it is not much different from Tsundere in essence, and you can still buy it with food, then you are not afraid that the other party will not be happy.

Wuhe Shido touched the head of the night sword god Shika, the night sword god Shika is very cute, this is a matter of no doubt ~ no doubt.

But to say that she is the most cute, that is, the appearance of eating, puffing out her face to show a happy expression, so she is the most cute.

“Shido, long time no see!”

After eating the bread, the night sword god Juka said hello, but his eyes looked at the rice balls in the other hand of Gokawa Shido.

“Long time no see… Want to eat? Gokawa

Shido chuckled and nodded, and took the initiative to hand over the rice balls, anyway, this thing is for the night sword god Tianxiang, and it is the same for Shikao to eat!


Night Sword God Juka said affirmatively, and then ate the rice balls in one bite, she and the Night Sword God Tianxiang are the same person after all, the taste is actually not much worse, so she also likes this rice ball.

“Shika, how is this time?”

Wuhe Shidao casually chatted with the other party.

“Of course it’s good, every day with them in the piano, Mio will buy me whatever he wants to eat, and Hachimai often comes to play with me, but Shido is not there…”

The tone of the night sword god Shika slowly lowered, although life was very good, but without Gokawa Shido, she still felt a little worse, making her feel a little empty.

Even if it is natural as her, she also knows that Wuhe Shidao is the core of everyone, without him, no matter how happy it is, it is only superficial happiness, or with Wuhe Shido, in order to have real happiness!

“Then I’ll play with you now.”

Gokawa Shido chuckled, he had no way to do things over there, he could only compensate as much as possible in this world.

It is worth mentioning that ‘play with you’ and ‘interact with you’ are the same pronunciation in Japanese.

“Really? Then let’s go buy soybean flour bread! Night

Knife God Shika jumped up excitedly, in her mind, dating equals dating, dating equals happiness, and happiness equals soybean flour bread!


Gokawa Shido smiled a little embarrassed, and responded:

“It’s too late now, the bakeries are closed, let’s go up tomorrow and go again!”

“Uh-huh! Nashidao rest early, tomorrow morning we will go buy soybean flour bread…” The

night sword god Shika nodded affirmatively, after living in the human world for so long, she still understood some common sense, and knew that the bread in the morning was relatively fresh, so she also understood the words of Gokawa Shido.

Gokawa Shido glanced at the wall clock, although the night sword god Juka had just arrived, but it was actually late at night, so he chuckled and responded:

“Good! We’ll go rest now, get up early tomorrow and buy the freshest soybean flour bread! ”


The night sword god Shika looked at Wuhe Shidao with both eyes, and suddenly remembered something, “Ah! With a sound, he walked into the next room.

Unlike Miku and Rokuka, the night sword god Juka does not sleep with Gokawa Shido, but like Kotori, sleeping alone in the next room.


The alarm clock in the early morning went off, because he had to go shopping for bread with Toka, and the alarm clock set by Gokawa Shido today was relatively early, and now it was only about five o’clock, and he got up.

He knew that in an hour or two, the Night Sword God Shika would not be satisfied. (refers to eating).

Therefore, he had to get up a little earlier, and then go to wake up Shika, but…

Gokawa Shido felt something pressing against him, it was a very familiar touch, a warm and soft body, breathing smoothly, as if a girl was sleeping in his arms.

He carefully lifted the quilt, and then exhaled softly, the girl was no one else, it was the night sword god Shika who came yesterday, and the clothes were still complete.

She showed a sweet smile in her sleep, obviously dreaming something, probably seeing the soybean flour bread as tall as a mountain!

A little unbearable to disturb the other party’s sleep, but Gokawa Shido also knew that compared to the soybean flour bread in his dream, the night knife god Juka would definitely like reality more, so he gently rubbed her face, wanting to wake up the other party, and at the same time whispered her name:

·· Ask for flowers·· ··

“Ten fragrances, ten fragrances…”

Night Saber God Shika slowly sat up, glanced around, and then couldn’t help but be startled, shouting:

“Why am I here?”

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