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“Uh-huh! Bye! Night

Sword God Shika smiled and waved his hand, and disappeared into the void.

Gokawa Shido sighed, then went back to his room, took some things out, and greeted the next elf who arrived.

2.2 I saw a flash of white light, and a beautiful and moving girl appeared in front of Gokawa Shido….

The girl has a special short white hair, blue pupils, perfect facial features, but there is not much expression on the face, giving people the feeling of being a doll without feelings.

Of course, Wuhe Shido knew that this was the same as when the other party did not speak, and once he spoke, this mysterious temperament ceased to exist.

When the other elves come, they always wear gorgeous spiritual costumes, which are unique to elves, which are built with spiritual power and can accompany them through the world.

And this girl is more special, she is not wearing spiritual clothing, nor other clothes….

PS: I received more tips today, and another chapter will come out later, and a certain master finally appeared, and I feel that I can get some magical operations?

One hundred and fourteen

, the origami master will come without clothes, and there is only one one, Iris origami, which is the so-called origami master.

But Wuhe Shidao had already prepared, and the moment he saw the other party, he took out a set of women’s clothes that he had just specially returned to the room to help the other party put it on!

This is a gift that Gokawa Shido bought for Iris origami, and it is also to avoid this embarrassing situation.

The elves came over in spirit costumes in order not to be naked in front of Gokawa Shido, but Origami was different, and she didn’t mind coming to Gokawa Shido like this.

So basically every time he came, Origami pretended to forget this rule, and then crossed naked….

But just as you have a good plan, I have had a wall ladder, and I know that Iris origami will do this, and naturally there is a way to deal with it.

The current Gokawa Shido will prepare a set of clothes every time, and immediately put it on when he sees Iris origami, so as to stop the other party’s intention to tempt him!

In fact, the two have already established a relationship as a couple, and this kind of thing is nothing, but Gokawa Shido is used to fighting wits and courage with each other like this, and it will not change for a while.

Thinking about it later, this is also a kind of fun, so it has been like this.

Therefore, even though Origami is the most daring of the elves, he has not broken through the final layer of relationship, and like the six and seven sins, it is just a relatively intimate relationship.

“Naked white shirt… Does Shido like this?

Origami nodded thoughtfully.

“It’s not! And this is just an ordinary dress, not a white shirt.

Gokawa Shido calmly retorted.

“Anyway, it’s a vacuum inside, I don’t wear anything, and when I lift it, I see everything!”

Iris Origami said the amazing words lightly, while slowly pulling up the hem of his skirt.

“Then you hurry up and put on your underwear!”

Gokawa Shido said angrily, he needed to prepare a dress for the other party, but it was impossible to be so adequate and prepare all the underwear.

“Forget it, I don’t like to wear it anyway, so be it…”

Iris said casually, and then sat on the opposite side of Gokawa Shido, still cocking his foot, shaking his foot, and then staring at Gokawa Shido’s reaction.

Gokawa Shido blushed a little and pinned his face, because the other party was not wearing underwear, and the white dress could not block all the scenery.

And this is a skirt, her upturned posture, and the movement of shaking her legs, is very dangerous and looming.

Gokawa Shido patted his face to calm himself down, then stood up, he looked at the clock on the wall and said:

“I feel a little tired today, let’s talk about something tomorrow!”


Origami suddenly hugged him, his chest pressed against Gokawa Shido’s back, and he tiptoed and whispered in his ear:

“How about I find a way to give you a good rest?”

Saying that, he also exhaled in the ear of Wuhe Shido.

“No need, I’ll just rest by myself.”

Wuhe Shido very firmly refused, in fact, with their relationship, Origami’s words just now were quite normal.

But because the other party had a lot of such bold performances before the relationship was established, he also developed the habit of rejecting the other party, until now.

Therefore, the current Gokawa Shido, so skillfully refusing the contact of other girls, half of it is thanks to Iris origami, but she also suffered the consequences of this, and Gokawa Shido is still refusing her closeness.

But there is no way, after all, sometimes some of the behaviors of Origami Irisai, even if a couple relationship has been established, is indeed a little perverted, and Gokawa Shido cannot accept it.

Faced with Gokawa Shido’s refusal, Iris Origami still wanted to say something, but she suddenly remembered that there was something more important, so she didn’t dwell anymore, just nodded gently, and let go of Gokawa Shido.

This made Gokawa Shido feel a little strange, Origami Iris actually did not say that he wanted to sleep with him, did he want to come over in the middle of the night to attack at night?

It looks like the doors and windows have to be locked….

Gokawa Shido chuckled, then went back to his room, locking all the doors and windows to make sure that Origami could not enter.

Even, in order to avoid Iris Origami equipping him with a key without his knowledge, he deliberately changed the lock of the door of the room last week to ensure that nothing was lost.

Except for the origami that blew up the door directly, otherwise it would be impossible to enter!

After doing this, Gokawa Shido exhaled softly, in fact, he didn’t mind getting close to origami, but because the relationship between the two had always been like this, he had a feeling that if he did anything with the other party, he would lose.

So he and the couple of origami, it is indeed a little strange, origami wants to tempt him, he tries to resist the other party’s attack, invisibly, it has become such an offensive and defensive battle.

After waiting for a while, Kite Origami did not break in, and Gokawa Shido fell asleep peacefully….

However, what he didn’t know was that he had done so much, he was just fighting wits with the air!

I saw that Iris Origami did not go to Gokawa Shido’s room, nor did he immediately go to the bedroom next to it, but stayed in the living room.

After checking the vase and then the TV, her behavior was a bit confusing, and I didn’t know what she was doing in 773.

After a while, she nodded in satisfaction, as if she had found some good result, so she smiled indifferently and went to the elven’s exclusive room, not the bedroom.

There are a lot of things in the room, after all, the secrets of each elf are placed in this room, including some gifts that Gokawa Shido bought for them, and some of them are bought by themselves, but they don’t want to be known by Gokawa Shido.

There is also a diary that records how the elves got along with Gokawa Shido in this world, as well as some noteworthy events.

But these kite origami don’t care, she doesn’t care much about the affairs of Gokawa Shido and other girls, she cares more about when she can take down Gokawa Shido.

Obviously, even the apprentice of the Eight Dances has succeeded, but her master still has not succeeded, and she feels a little too inferior.

Origami sighed, took out the laptop she bought last time she was in this world, and entered the password that only she knew.

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