@Bạn đang đọc bản lưu trong hệ thống

“Is it? But I always feel that you are quite related to our sisters, maybe when will you meet…”

Nakano Jino smiled, suddenly having such a premonition.

“It’s nothing if you meet it!”

Gokawa Shido replied casually, in his opinion, since Nakano two-three-four knew about his girlfriend, then Ichigo should also know.

Therefore, even if you really meet a flower, at most you will nod and smile to this extent!


Nakano replied noncommittally, and then stopped chatting with Gokawa Shido, it turned out that the bell of the class had already rang…

PS: I should @VoVoVN the 588VIP tip by the reader, because there are things to be busy in these two days, so the update is less, and the five changes will be restored tomorrow, please continue to support! .

One hundred and twenty, love detective

and Gokawa Shido and the two mentioned Nakano Kazuka, at this time on the way to Somugaku.

Because she has a job today, Kazuka Nakano did not go to school in the morning, but went to the TV factory to shoot a TV series, which is the role assigned to her by the agent.

It is a TV series that investigates a case, it is a unit drama, each episode is a different story, and the male and female protagonists solve one murder after another as detectives.

Unfortunately, Kazuka Nakano plays not one of the detectives, but a passerby female character who is killed at the beginning of one of the episodes.

Although there are not many scenes, she still cherishes this opportunity, after all, becoming an actor is her dream all along.

Now that she has the opportunity, it is natural not to blame the agent for not helping her win a good role, but to take advantage of this rare opportunity to express herself well, hoping that others will appreciate her performance.

In fact, Kazuka Nakano has just entered the industry, and no one in the entertainment industry has helped her with points, it is good to have a role, with her beauty and acting skills, there is still a very good chance.

At about twelve o’clock just now, the shots related to Kazuka Nakano had already been filmed, that is, they were finished, although she was a little reluctant, but she had no choice, so she had to leave the crew and prepare to go to school in the afternoon.

After all, although the school rules of Zongwu High School are free, only the attendance rate is indispensable, and if there is not enough attendance, then you cannot graduate.

It’s just that graduation or something, for Kazuka Nakano, there is no need, and even she is wondering if she should officially take a break from school and focus on developing her acting career?

Thinking about it, I suddenly ran into something, and Kazuka Nakano was knocked away…


Nakano Kazuka cried out in pain, she fixed her eyes and saw that the girl in front of her was actually a girl about her age, short white hair, a slightly cold temperament, but the pace was a little anxious, and she seemed to be in a hurry.

The two chatted a little, but they didn’t take this matter to heart, just looked at the back of the white-haired girl who ran away from afar, Nakano Kazuka couldn’t help but be a little curious, the white-haired figure was even smaller than her, why did she knock her away all of a sudden?

Of course, she didn’t mean to blame the white-haired girl, after all, it was just an accident, she was thinking about things, the other party was in a hurry, and there were mistakes on both sides.

It’s just that Kazuka Nakano still cares a little, she is wondering if the white-haired girl will be an athlete like her sister Yotsuba!

But it was just a small episode, and Kazuka Nakano didn’t think much about it, but just when she took a step and wanted to continue school, she felt like she had kicked something….

It seems to be a photo.

She picked it up, looked down, and saw that it was a photo of a man and a girl kissing, the man was handsome, the woman was cute and charming, a pair of golden children and jade girls!

Moreover, the two are very young, and seem to be the same age as her high school students, but they seem very close, like a couple who have been in love for a long time.

This made Kazuka Nakano can’t help but feel a little envious, when will she have a sweet love like this?

But when she thought about it, she felt a little strange, if she didn’t guess wrong, this photo was dropped by the white-haired girl just now.

However, the woman in the photo is obviously not the white-haired girl just now, both in height and figure.

Of course, what is more conspicuous is the hair color and appearance, but in short, it is certainly not a person.

So the question arises, why would a white-haired girl run around the street with such a photo?

At this time, it is necessary to use Kazuka Nakano’s detective brain, in fact, she wants to be a detective, but not a detective who really investigates cases, but a character in a TV series, and the detective is always a little more than the dead man.

Therefore, Kazuka Nakano really wants to play a role like a detective, and for this reason, she has watched a lot of works with similar themes, whether it is TV series, movies, novels or manga!

This also led to the fact that now Kazuka Nakano has inexplicable confidence in her own mind, and she began to take on the role of a love detective, thinking what conclusion would be if a detective saw what happened just now and this strange photo?!

Kazuka Nakano looked down and pondered for a while, and suddenly, the fountain of wisdom opened, a large number of thoughts came up, and she thought of a possibility, that is…

The white-haired girl is collecting evidence of her boyfriend’s splitting legs!

The biggest reason why I think this is this strange shooting angle.

As an actor, Kazuka Nakano is more sensitive to the lens, and generally takes pictures horizontally, unless there is any special intention, the angle of shooting will be changed.

But this strange angle from the sky downwards does not seem to be really filmed, but some monitor materials were used to capture this scene.

The couple also obviously did not find that they were photographed, so they hugged each other so unlovingly, and the intimate behavior was discovered, so this photo appeared.

And the person who used this monitor material was naturally the white-haired girl just now.

The reason why she did this was because she found that her boyfriend was cheating, but there was no evidence, in order to determine her boyfriend’s loyalty, she set up such a monitor material, and she didn’t expect to really shoot such a thing.

So, the white-haired girl printed out this photo of her boyfriend kissing other girls, and is now rushing to expose the true face of her boyfriend’s flower heart….

“Isn’t that something very important when you think about it?”

Kazuka Nakano exclaimed, originally she didn’t want to worry about it, but after she finished making up a tangled love dispute in her head, she felt that she couldn’t just leave the photo here.

She put the photo in her pocket and ran in the direction where the white-haired girl left….

Kazuka Nakano thinks so, this is a very private photo, if it is held by others, it is likely to cause some trouble.

Moreover, if the story of her brain supplement is true, then this photo is very important for the white-haired girl, so she decided to find the white-haired girl and return this photo to the other party!

It’s just that after walking for a while, Nakano Kazuka didn’t find the white-haired girl, but she thought about it and understood that the white-haired girl’s physical fitness was much better than her, and the speed of running was naturally much faster.

Kazuka Nakano gasped and stopped, she couldn’t run, and she didn’t know where the white-haired girl had run.

She rested for a while, and then was a little surprised to find that she had just arrived at the door of Zongwu Gao…

PS: Thank you readers for @Mayuri 588VIP tip, the previous two days were updated a little less, these two days will be updated as much as possible, thank you for your support!

One hundred and twenty-one, peeping on

the treeIn fact, Nakano Kazuka did not find the wrong place, and Iris origami is indeed in the total military height.

Origami Iris is not a student of Zongwu Gao, so naturally she did not come in through legal channels, but it was really easy for her to invade a school.

And the reason why she did this is naturally because of the Five Rivers Shido.

Regarding the perimeter of the Gokawa Shido, the origami paper has already been collected, so next, I went to Somugaku, climbed one of the big trees, and hid it.

It turned out that she planned to look at Wuhe Shidao with a telescope while eating the bento box she bought at the convenience store just now, and she felt a sudden meal.

Simply put, it’s voyeurism!

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