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“Not pretty!”

Gokawa Shido shook his head, it is indeed quite sexy and quite a costume that can arouse the fantasy of others, but from an aesthetic point of view alone, it is really not very good-looking.

“What about this one?”

Origami picked up another piece of clothing, and saw that it was a costume full of black and white spots, and in addition to clothes, there were dog ear headdresses and collars….

PS: There will be another one more in the evening, thank you for your support!

. One hundred and thirty-four, the gray kimono

was chosen for a while, and Gokawa Shido finally found an acceptable one, and changed it with origami.

Although the store and the clerk have a strange feeling, Gokawa Shido is not worried about any stealth equipment in the dressing room, after all…

In this regard, Origami can be regarded as an old expert.

Thinking about it this way, I wonder if Origami Iris made such a thing in his home?


The sound of the door opening the dressing room interrupted Gokawa Shido’s musings.

I saw Iris origami come out, and did not care about the eyes of others, but Wuhe Shido was a little concerned, he glanced left and right, and found that there were no other male customers in the store, and he was relieved.

In fact, Iris origami’s clothes are not very revealing, but they are still very sexy and cute, and Gokawa Shido doesn’t want others to see such a beautiful Iris origami, even he will be very unhappy.

Gokawa Shido looked straight at Iris origami with his eyes, and saw that what was on Origami was a light gray kimono, tied tightly with a white ribbon, and his feet were wearing clogs, looking shy.

Of course, the expression is obviously fake, and Origami 28 will not feel shy about this kind of thing.

Or in other words, Gokawa Shido doesn’t know when this guy will be shy, maybe only when he has long hair origami will appear rarely!

But I have to say that Origami’s costume and such an expression are so good that even the Gokawa Shido, who is surrounded by elf beautiful girls, can’t help but look stunned.

“Does it look good? Shido…,”

Iris asked in a coquettish voice.


Gokawa Shido nodded dumbly, after all, Origami was originally a very cute girl, but her personality was a little bad.

Of course, the fact that the personality is bad is also a good thing from a certain point of view.

“Then buy it!”

Origami smiled indifferently, anyway, what clothes she wore, as long as Wuhe Shido liked, it was good clothes.

If Gokawa Shido said that she looked the best without clothes, she would take them all off immediately!

When paying, the clerk’s eyes seemed a little strange, as if thinking, why is the clothes chosen this time so normal?

But neither of them paid attention to the clerk, and after giving the money, Irishi wore the kimono and left the shop with Gokawa Shido.

Since Gokawa Shido likes it, let’s dress it first, by the way, Irishi origami is a very traditional girl, so her way of wearing kimono is also very traditional, the kind that does not wear underwear.

Although the way kimono is worn is more difficult, many girls can’t handle it alone, but for Kiris origami, it is naturally nothing.

Of course, taking off is much easier than wearing it, and with a gentle pull on the ribbon behind her, the entire kimono will fall off, revealing her beautiful carcass.

However, this can only be tried when you return home.

Gokawa Shido came to the supermarket with origami kite, and as before, he planned to cook it himself, which can be regarded as repaying the breakfast prepared by the other party in the morning!

“Buy this!”

Origami suggested a little suddenly.

When Gokawa Shido fixed his eyes, he saw that it was green seaweed, which was a very ordinary figure, but thinking that it was proposed by Iris origami, he always felt that there was something deep.

But he was not afraid of anything, so he took it, and if the seaweed could be made into salads, or simple soups, it was easy to handle.

“Shido! This…” Origami

took another bottle of cashew nuts and put it in the shopping cart.

Wuhe Shidao nodded, cashew nuts can be copied dishes, just don’t do it, just take it first!

In this way, Gokawa Shido bought a lot of things, half of which were selected by Iris origami, and the other half was selected by Gokawa Shido to match the things selected by Iris Origami.

After shopping, the two returned home, unlike the other elves, Origami didn’t like to wander outside, she preferred to stay indoors with Gokawa Shido, which was more convenient for everything.

Coming to the kitchen, Gokawa Shido exhaled softly, and Iris origami was next to him, as if he wanted to help, and he didn’t mind.

In this way, today’s meal of the Wuhe family began….

“It’s done!”

Gokawa Shido smiled, looked at the finished product he made, and nodded with satisfaction.

Because I buy more things, I naturally cook more, and I have always been very confident in my own cooking.

After taking the food out of the living room and lighting candlelight again, creating a romantic atmosphere, the two said in unison:

“I’m going to start!”

Iris took a bite of tofu with origami, and then gasped exaggeratedly:


Gokawa Shido spat out a bad sentence, although it is indeed quite delicious, but the origami of iris is obviously exaggerated a lot, so it will not be like this if you eat a bite!

After eating such a meal, you must not be dehydrated on the spot?

“I can’t do it anymore! I…” Origami

didn’t pay attention to Gokawa Shido’s words, but instead intensified, and even secretly pulled the ribbon behind him, and the whole kimono fell off.

Is this a burst?

Gokawa Shido thought this a little speechlessly, and then helped the other party get dressed, and while he was wearing it, Iris Origami suddenly kissed 790…

Gokawa Shido couldn’t dodge, or didn’t intend to dodge at all, so he kissed each other sweetly.

In this way, while kissing and helping his girlfriend dress, the whole world may only need him!

Gokawa Shido chuckled, patted Iris origami’s head, and said with a smile

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