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Gohekoto asked with his head tilted sideways.

“Because of the power of the World Tree, if you throw it casually, it feels easier to throw it to a high place…”

said Gokawa Shido with a completely unfounded guess.


Wuhe Qinli sighed, she thought that Wuhe Shidao thought of something, but she didn’t expect it to be chaotic.

But looking at Mt. Fuji outside, she didn’t think too much, as Gokawa Shido said before, the purpose of this trip is not to find the power of the World Tree, but to go on a date, and at the same time to see if there is a chance to encounter the power of the World Tree!

So the key is dating.

And as we all know, Hakone is most famous for its hot springs….

Gokawa’s face turned a little red, she secretly glanced at Gokawa Shido, could it be that Gokawa Shido brought her to Hakone to soak in the hot spring with her?!

“What’s wrong? Look at me like that…,”

Gokawa Shido asked.

“Nope! It’s nothing! Wuhe

Qinli waved his hand a little flustered, and then felt that this was not good, so he “hummed” and didn’t overdo it.

Gokawa Shido smiled, as for whether he came for the hot spring, let Jun imagine.

The two got off the shinkansen, the cold wind blew gently, it seemed that the temperature was slightly colder than Chiba, but neither of them was too afraid of the cold, after all, one of them was an elf known as the “Yan Demon”, and the other was a man who sealed a lot of elves, naturally not afraid of such a temperature difference.

But Wuhe Shidao still walked in front of Wuhe Qinli thoughtfully, blocked the cold wind for her, and draped her coat over Wuhe Qinli’s body, and Wuhe Qinli suddenly felt particularly warm.

Instead of immediately going to the hot spring, the two came to the famous Lake Ashi lake, where you can see the reflection of Mt. Fuji in the lake, and this beautiful scenery like an oil painting is naturally not to be missed.

·· ········ Ask for flowers·· ··

Of course, this was not the final destination, and after taking a few photos, they came to the aerial cable car station!

“Do you want to take the cable car?”

Wuhe Qinli asked a little nervously for some reason, to be honest, they were all able to fly in the end, and it always felt strange to ride the cable car.

“Of course! The most gorgeous scenery can be seen in the high places, and you can also see the wider land!

Gokawa Shido explained with a smile.

It is said that because the cable car is a claustrophobic space and cannot be left at will, it will give people a sense of tension, so couples riding the cable car together will have a situation similar to the suspension bridge effect, making the two more dependent on each other.

But Wuhe Shido didn’t seem to have imagined, just as Wuhe Qinli thought just now, the two of them could fly, so it was impossible to make any tension!

…….. ….. 0

What’s more, Wuhe Qinli stayed in the air battleship for a long time, how could he feel uneasy because of the cable car….

“Gentlemen….. Dao, this should be safe and secure… All right?!

Wuhe Qinli asked with a pale face.

“Don’t worry! All do their best to use safety measures…”

Gokawa Shido touched the other party’s head and comforted.


Kotori Gogawa asked in confirmation.


Gokawa Shido nodded affirmatively.


Gokawa asked again.

“Really, really!”

Gokawa Shido responded helplessly, not expecting to scare the other party into the appearance of Shikai.

At this time, Wuhe Shidao suddenly remembered that when she went on a date with Gohe Qinli to the amusement park, playing cloud roller racing also scared her into crying.

At that time, I thought that Wuhe Qinli was just afraid of the speed of the cloud speeding car, but now it seems that this is a fear of heights?

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, I’m by your side.”

Wuhe Shidao hugged each other lightly and comforted.


Wuhe Qinli nodded gently, crouched on Gokawa Shido’s shoulder, his heart beat faster and faster, and I don’t know if it was because he was sitting in the cable car or because of Gokawa Shido’s gentle words just now.

ps: Thank you reader @** for the 588VIP tip!!! Knives

One hundred and eighty-nine, the hot spring hotel

saw that Wuhe Qinli was so afraid, and Wuhe Shidao did not care about the suspension bridge effect, and walked down as soon as he arrived at the station, and then went to the bench on the side to rest.

“Are you all right?”

Gokawa Shido asked a little worriedly, while sweeping Gokawa’s back.


Wuhe Qinli shook her head, but judging by her expression, she didn’t seem to have come to her senses.

Seeing that Gokawa was still like this, Gokawa Shido chuckled, and then took out a lollipop from his pocket and stuffed it into the other party’s mouth.

“Hmm! …… Well! Wuhe

Qinli was startled, and then felt the lollipop in his mouth, which was a very familiar taste, but quickly calmed down.

Seeing that Gohe Qinli had calmed down, Gohe Shidao suggested, “Okay,

let’s go to lunch!”

“Well…” Wuhe

Qin didn’t have any opinions, and she didn’t really want to speak, she felt that she was too humiliated just now, you must know that she was still in commander mode now, but this situation happened.

She lowered her head, it is absolutely impossible to go on like this, she must find a way to maintain the majesty of the commander!

But Wuhe Qinli didn’t seem to think that in the eyes of Gokawa Shido, she, the commander, did not have such a thing as majesty.

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