
Y City.

First Senior High School.

Grade 3, Class 1, back row, window seat.

Mu Yun, who had just wished himself a happy 18th birthday in his heart, stared at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window in a daze.

It was not until the bell rang that Mu Yun came back to his senses.

"Although it has been eighteen years, I still want to say that this world is really bullshit!"

Looking at the lively classroom, Mu Yun sighed in his heart.

Mu Yun, who just turned eighteen today, is a time traveler who has traveled through eighteen years.

However, his time travel is slightly different from that of the predecessors in novels or animations.

Other predecessors either saved a little Lolita on the road and got lucky.

Or they suddenly felt empty under their feet and opened their eyes to see unfamiliar breasts.

Even if it was a little more tragic, it was just sudden death from staying up late, and then they traveled through time to start the journey of Long Aotian.

Compared with these"predecessors", Mu Yun's time travel is particularly different!

Because he was brought through by the explosion of the earth!

Yes, without any signs Under such circumstances, the earth where Mu Yun originally lived exploded directly.

There was no reason, or Mu Yun didn't know if there was a reason.

Anyway, when he came back to his senses from the horrific doomsday scene, he was already at the unfamiliar ceiling of the baby nursery.

Originally, when he heard the familiar language of the nurses around him, Mu Yun thought he had just traveled through time and returned to the time when he was just born.

But after seeing a nurse punch a parent who refused to listen to her advice out of the window.

Mu Yun believed that he had definitely traveled through time!

Whose nurse sister is so powerful and has such a bad temper!


In a blink of an eye, eighteen years have passed.

Mu Yun has also changed from a hungry baby to a"crying" young man.

In these eighteen years, Mu Yun's worldview of more than twenty years in his previous life was torn to pieces.

The main theme of the earth in the previous life was that metaphysics was dead and technology was supreme.

However, in this world, the main theme is that one person can conquer nature!

Every newborn in human civilization can awaken his endless sea of consciousness at the age of ten.

Relying on the endless sea of consciousness, humans can go to the universe at will and devour the stars in the universe.

Then with the help of the stars, they can condense their own armed forces.

In simple terms, if a ten-year-old child devours an asteroid.

Then he can release asteroid-level attacks at will.

The most basic is to cover the power of the asteroid on his body to perform an asteroid impact, and a slightly higher level is a variety of wonderful star-destroying attacks.

Such an outrageous ability makes humans the most terrifying race in the entire universe.

Even the starry sky giant beasts that grow in the starry sky and grow by devouring the power of the universe. They can only become well-behaved pets in front of humans.

Human civilization stepped into the solar system from the earth, and then flattened the Milky Way without stopping.

After that, it swept across the entire known universe.

All cosmic civilizations have become vassals of human civilization.

However, there were some problems during this period.

That is, as the number of humans continued to increase, there were not enough stars in the universe to"eat"!

When human civilization found something wrong.

The total number of stars in the universe had actually dropped to a level that could not maintain stable operation!

In order to prevent the collapse of the universe.

Humans formed the Cosmic Alliance, on the one hand to protect those cosmic races that were beaten by humans and cried for their parents, and on the other hand to limit humans from excessively devouring cosmic stars.

After the establishment of the Cosmic Alliance, human strongmen immediately marked every star in the universe.

Even the lowest-level asteroids were not spared.

As long as the stars were marked, no one was allowed to think about them.

Since then, human civilization has not produced any"planetary-level" strongmen for thousands of years.

Just when the whole universe thought that human civilization was about to decline, a turning point appeared!

Some"galaxy-level" strongmen of human civilization have found the"void land" that has not been explored yet at the border of the ever-expanding universe.

Although there are no stars in the void land, there are countless strange creatures living there.

These strange creatures are powerful, and the weakest known are all planetary-level.

The endless sea of human consciousness can devour these creatures and condense new stars.

This discovery has caused a sensation in the entire human civilization. This is the way out for civilization!

All human strongmen look at the void land as if they are looking at a feast.

However, after learning the lessons of the known universe, the human alliance did not rush for quick success.

Some strongmen of the human alliance jointly formulated a rule.

That is, only those who have obtained permission from the universe alliance can go to the void land to hunt void creatures. It is quite difficult to obtain permission from the universe alliance. You must make great contributions to the alliance before you can apply.

Even if you go to the void land, you will be subject to restrictions.

For example, you cannot slaughter void creatures wantonly, and you cannot kill too many void creatures.

The stronger the person, the greater the restrictions.

After all, a galaxy-level warrior can go to the void and kill millions of void creatures with a wave of his hand. No matter how many void creatures there are, they can't stand this!

But for the future of mankind.

The Cosmic Alliance stipulates that as long as students can get full marks in the annual cultural knowledge assessment of the Cosmic Alliance Academy, they can get the opportunity to work in the Void Logistics Department.

Then, after working in the Void Logistics Department for a hundred years, they can get a lowest-level Void Hunting Order.

Those who hold the Void Hunting Order can hunt a void creature no higher than the stellar level in the void.


"Family members, who understands!"

"People went to another world and went to school for eighteen years!"

"And then I have to be a slave for a hundred years!"



PS: Please collect, give flowers, and give comments!

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