At this time, Garchomp had taken the opportunity to catch up, and without hesitation, he hit Zoroark with his"Dragon Claw"!

Zoroark, who had suffered multiple injuries, was unable to resist, and this attack made it fall to the ground.

Garchomp's attack was fierce, and he was furious because he felt that he was being teased. He vowed to beat Zoroark so hard that he couldn't get up, and his attacks came one after another like a storm.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

It was not until Zoroark fell unconscious from the pain that Garchomp stopped attacking.


Zhao Yi gently stroked Garchomp's head with a gentle tone.

Garchomp rubbed Zhao Yi's palm affectionately.

Zhao Yi took out an unused high-level ball and threw it to the unconscious Zoroark.

A red light shot out from the ball, sucking Zoroark into it. The Poké Ball then vibrated violently, flashing red light, and finally returned to calm.

The capture was successful.

Zhao Yi picked up the Poké Ball and said to himself:"Although the method of capturing you is a bit rough, I have no choice. When you wake up, I will talk to you properly."

Then, Zhao Yi turned around and patted Garchomp's shoulder, indicating that they should return to the base together.

At this moment, a white light suddenly appeared under Garchomp's feet and spread to his whole body at an extremely fast speed.

"Upgraded?" Zhao Yi was surprised.

The body shape of Garchomp, which was wrapped in white light, was changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The white light gradually dissipated, and Garchomp's upgrade was coming to an end.

Its body was larger and more slender than before, and its tight muscles contained explosive power. Its overall shape was more like a fighting elf, as if it was born for battle. Its face also became more fierce, and its black sclera and golden iris revealed a strong sense of oppression.

After checking the data, Zhao Yi found that Garchomp's level was raised by one level after the battle with Zoroark.

The evolved Garchomp immediately ran to Zhao Yi and rubbed against him intimately. Although it looked fierce, it was actually soft inside.

"Okay, it's time to go back." Zhao Yi stroked Lieyao Lu Shark's head and smiled lovingly.


It was late at night when they returned to the base.

Everyone in the base had fallen asleep peacefully, so Zhao Yi released Zoroark.

At this moment, Zoroark was still in a coma and it would be difficult to wake up in the short term.

However, the vitality and recovery speed of elves far exceeded that of humans. For humans, it might cause lifelong hidden diseases or life-threatening injuries. For elves, even without treatment, they can basically recover by just resting for a long time, unless the injury is extremely serious, which will threaten their lives.

What's more, judging from the endurance of this Zoroark, its recovery ability is the best among the elves, so there is no need to worry too much.

Despite this, Zhao Yi still took out various elf healing sprays and gently applied them to the injured part of Zoroark to speed up its recovery process.

This move can also be regarded as a small compensation for Zoroark.

Zhao Yi stared at the unconscious Zoroark in front of him, knowing that it would be difficult to make this cunning elf reveal the whereabouts of Suicune with words alone.

He smiled wickedly and decided to give this cunning guy a lesson.

So, he took out a bottle of special spirit revival potion from his pocket and gently sprayed it under Zoroark's nose.

After a moment, Zoroark's eyelids trembled slightly, and finally he slowly opened his eyes.

"Welcome back, Zoroark." Zhao Yi's voice was mixed with a hint of coldness,"Now, let's talk about Suicune."

Zoroark struggled to sit up, looking at Zhao Yi with eyes full of vigilance and alertness."Suicune? I don't know what you are talking about."

It answered weakly, trying to pretend to be innocent.

Zhao Yi shook his head slightly, with a cunning look on his face.

"It seems that ordinary communication is ineffective for you. Then, perhaps you need to see my strength."

Before he finished speaking, he took out several special balls from the array of Poké Balls on his waist.

With a wave of his finger, a powerful energy wave instantly spread.

""Duolong Baruto, Pokongyan, Xiduolan, come out!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhao Yi called out loudly.

As the three advanced balls exclusive to the beasts were opened, three majestic auras instantly filled the entire space.

Duolong Baruto appeared like a purple phantom, surrounded by the power of the stars.

Pokongyan was like a ball of blazing fire, and the blazing flames illuminated the night.

Xiduolan descended like a mountain, majestic and extremely[]

The three great beasts appeared at once, and their powerful pressure made the air freeze

"Zoroark, this is your last chance." Zhao Yi winked at the beasts and pretended to be serious,"Tell me the whereabouts of Suicune, otherwise……"

"What else can we do?"

Zoroark suppressed his inner fear and asked in a tough tone.

Doronbaruto spoke first, his voice like the murmur of the stars:"If you resist to the end, we will let you experience the true meaning of the pressure of the beasts."

Its eyes flashed with cold starlight.

Sky-breaking Flame followed closely behind, with hot flames jumping in its mouth:"Do you know that our power is enough to make you completely disappear from this world."

Sidolan was not to be outdone:"Do you still want to see tomorrow's sun?"

Faced with the joint pressure of the three beasts, Zoroark could no longer conceal his inner panic, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Zoroark was shocked and angry......0 0

"All I ask is to talk to you calmly, without any ill intention. If I had any ill intention, why would I heal your wounds, provide you with food, and certainly not stop Doronbaruto from taking action."Zhao Yi spoke in a gentle tone.

Zoroark was still full of doubts, and remained highly alert and suspicious of Zhao Yi.

In this regard, Zhao Yi was not anxious. Instead, he took out a box of brand new energy blocks and placed it in front of Zoroark:"Eat first, it will help heal your wounds and soothe your mind."

Glancing at the energy blocks again, Zoroark's throat moved slightly. His heart was extremely eager, but his reason told him to resist.

Human food is by no means a good thing!

Zoroark secretly warned in his heart

"Gulu……"His Adam's apple rolled again, and Zoroark could no longer hold back. If he had not been on guard against Zhao Yi, he would have rushed towards the box of energy blocks regardless of everything.

"Eat it with confidence. If I want to harm you, there is no need to be so calculating. And now you are my Pokémon, don't even think about escaping." Zhao Yi shook the Poké Ball in his hand, knowing that Zoroark was very familiar with it.

Hearing this, Zoroark's eyes flashed with resentment:"Shameless!"

"Whatever you say, eat here, it's up to you whether to eat or not."Zhao Yi's patience was about to run out, and his tone was slightly impatient.

Zoroark snorted, as if accepting the current situation, and angrily grabbed an energy block and stuffed it into his mouth.

After chewing it twice, Zoroark's eyes lit up instantly, full of astonishment.

What is this?

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