Zhao Yi took the Heart of the Ocean given by Kyogre and set off on his journey back to the experimental base.

The sea breeze along the way blew gently, as if celebrating his success in taming the sea beast.

When he arrived at the base, he was greeted by a group of researchers with expectant eyes and the anxious but happy expression of the person in charge.

""Champion Zhao Yi, you're back!" The person in charge walked up quickly, his eyes fixed on the blue bead in Zhao Yi's hand,"How is the situation in the secret realm?"

Zhao Yi smiled slightly and answered confidently:"Everything has been settled. Yes, this is the blue bead in the mural."

The person in charge was surprised and said,"Great! With the help of Kyogre, our research will make a major breakthrough. This blue bead is the research sample we have been dreaming of."

Zhao Yi nodded and handed the Heart of the Ocean to the person in charge solemnly:"I will only give you three days, and I will come to get it after three days."

The person in charge took the Heart of the Ocean, and the cool breath from the deep ocean made him exclaim:"Three days? Although the time is short, we will definitely go all out!"

Zhao Yi nodded with satisfaction, turned and left, leaving a group of researchers busy around the Heart of the Ocean.

They had a clear division of labor and each performed their duties. Some conducted energy detection, some conducted component analysis, and others focused on interpreting the spiritual connection mechanism contained in it.

The entire laboratory was immersed in a tense and orderly research atmosphere.

During these three days, Zhao Yi did not participate in research work, but chose to spend his days leisurely on the beach.

After conquering Kyogre, Zhao Yi decided to give himself a short vacation.

Enjoy a few days of carefree beach life. So, he brought his elf companions to the nearby seaside town and started a three-day holiday trip.

In the early morning, the sun shone on the golden beach through the mist. Zhao Yi and his companions strolled along the beach, feeling the coolness of the waves gently hitting their feet.

They found a comfortable place, spread out the picnic blanket, and prepared to enjoy a hearty seaside breakfast.

""Doronbaruto, come and try this freshly baked seafood bread with special fish sauce on it."

Zhao Yi handed Doronbaruto a hot bread, and took a bite of the sandwich with smoked salmon and avocado, closing his eyes and savoring it with satisfaction.

""Mm, it's delicious!"

Doron Baruto growled with satisfaction, his tail wagging gently, obviously very satisfied with the breakfast.

Pokongyan was concentrating on eating the grilled shrimp skewers, occasionally making a"crackling" sound, which was the sound of its flaming tail accidentally touching the food, which caused everyone to laugh. At lunch time, Zhao Yi and his friends booked a seat at a seaside restaurant and enjoyed an authentic seafood feast.

Xi Duolan especially liked the restaurant's special lava crab pot. The hot volcanic rock plate cooked the crab meat tender and delicious, and paired with sweet and sour lemon juice, the taste was wonderful. In the afternoon, Zhao Yi and his friends jumped into the blue sea to swim.

As a flexible water dragon, it shuttles between coral reefs and plays with colorful tropical fish.

Doronbaruto spreads its wings and soars above the sea, diving down from time to time to splash water.

Although Pokongyan and Xiduolan are not good at swimming, they are also happy to play in the shallows and enjoy the coolness brought by the sea water.

As the sun sets, Zhao Yi and the Pokémon sit on the beach and admire the magnificent sunset. The golden and red sunset glows on the sea, dyeing the sky and the ocean into a gorgeous picture.

Zhao Yi gently stroked Doronbaruto's head and said with emotion:"Such a day is great. I can temporarily put aside the pressure of adventure and enjoy the gifts of nature wholeheartedly."

The next day, Zhao Yi rented a sailboat and led the elves out to sea for fishing.

They rode the wind and waves, enjoying the magnificent scenery of the sea and sky while patiently waiting for the fish to bite.

When Zhao Yi successfully caught a huge tuna, his companions cheered and praised his fishing skills.

In the evening, a barbecue party was held on the beach, and all the seafood caught during the day was cooked, and the aroma was overflowing.

On the evening of the last day of the holiday, Zhao Yi sat alone on the beach, watching the sunset slowly sink into the horizon, his heart filled with peace and satisfaction.

Three days later, when Zhao Yi came to the laboratory again, the person in charge was waiting for him with a red face.

He was holding a thick report in his hand, and his eyes were full of excitement and expectation.

""Champion Zhao Yi, we've done it!" The person in charge said excitedly,"After three days of intensive research, we not only have a basic understanding of the energy properties of the Heart of the Ocean."

Zhao Yi took the report, quickly glanced through it, and praised the researchers' efficient work:"You did a good job, then I'll go back to Lian City."

The person in charge smiled and nodded:"Champion Zhao Yi, you can go with peace of mind."

After bidding farewell to the staff of the experimental base, Zhao Yi returned to Lian City.

Zhao Yi returned to Lian City. This prosperous city was as bustling as ever, but there seemed to be a subtle restlessness in the air.

Since he confirmed the existence of the mega evolution phenomenon in public, the entire Pokémon world was shaken, and countless trainers began to look for the key to enabling Pokémon to achieve mega evolution-evolution stones.

At this moment in Lian City, mega-evolved Pokémon can be seen everywhere. They are wearing brand-new forms and exuding a powerful aura, making the already lively city even more mysterious.[]

Walking down the street, Zhao Yi ran into an old friend, Liu Ming.

After a few pleasantries, Liu Ming approached Zhao Yi mysteriously.

Liu Ming excitedly revealed to Zhao Yi that he had received a special invitation from a gym leader and would be a special guest at a highly anticipated global Mega Evolution Competition.

Zhao Yi glanced at him, raised a faint smile, and spoke with a hint of teasing sarcasm:"Why would a champion like me join in the fun? Those small competitions are just daily training for me."

"Don't underestimate this competition, it's an international stage. The top ten players in the country can compete with the top ten players from abroad!"

"It brings together top trainers from all over the world, and the prizes are unprecedentedly generous. Just think about it, if you can stand out in such a competition, it will not only be a personal honor, but also the pride of our Yan Country Pokémon world!"

Zhao Yi was originally lazy and had no great enthusiasm for participating in the competition.

However, when he heard the keyword"global nature", his eyes suddenly lit up.

Can I bully foreigners openly?

"Go! Must go!"

So, he gladly accepted Liu Ming's invitation and decided to participate in this mega evolution competition.

The next day, Zhao Yi brought his Pokémon to the central gym in Lian City, which was decorated like a festival.

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