
This was Mu Yun's only feeling about the world of soul masters.

He had never felt such a weak world.

Oh, he seemed to have only felt the power of the known world, so that was fine.

【Time Lord】:"There is no need to emphasize this kind of thing! Don’t you think about how outrageous your world is!"

Lin Wanwan has never heard of a world where foreign demons can be used as cultivation resources!

【Nether Cat】:"The chat group of the protagonists of the heavens? Other worlds? The protagonist? Me?"

In the Xingdou Great Forest, Zhu Zhuqing finally received the message from the chat group after coming to her senses.

However, this made her even more confused.

She was just a puppet played by fate, but how could she be called the"protagonist"?

Moreover, the heavens and the worlds, did they refer to the God Realm?

【Nether Cat】:"Excuse me, are you the one who saved me just now?"

Zhu Zhuqing's attitude was quite good.

Although she was in danger because of the sudden appearance of the chat group, she would not ignore the life-saving grace of others because of such a thing.

【Magic Genius】:"Well, it was Mr. Mu Yun who saved you.

Hermione helped Zhu Zhuqing to escape from Mu Yun without hesitation.

【Master of the Universe】:"It's okay, it's just a small favor."

Mu Yun sighed.

It would be better if he didn't travel through time this time.

If he had known that the time travel would be so sloppy, he would have let Hongmao, Hermione and the others go.

His expectations were wasted.

【Fuck the sky】:""Group leader, it's time to send out the world copy."

Zhang Chulan reminded Lin Wanwan.

This time, Lin Wanwan and Mu Yun seemed to know each other, which meant that Lin Wanwan should have the newcomer's world copy.

With the world copy, the newcomer should be able to change many things.

【Time Lord】:"@Nether Spirit Cat, I have sent you the world copy of your world. If you are willing, you can share it with the group after reading it."

Lin Wanwan sent the world copy of the Soul Master Continent to Zhu Zhuqing.

However, this should not be of much help to Zhu Zhuqing.

After all, the main perspective of that world copy is still on the protagonist.

Although Zhu Zhuqing is also a member of the protagonist group, her role is not even as good as a shark that appeared later.

In the Xingdou Great Forest, Zhu Zhuqing received the world copy.

After quickly reading the world copy with her mind, her originally ruddy face turned much paler.

"Is this my future?"

Her eyes were blurred, and the smile on her face gradually turned bitter.

Although in the world copy, she followed Tang San and Dai Mubai to become a Titled Douluo, but was she still herself at that time?

Perhaps it was precisely because she didn't want to describe this issue that her role became less and less in the later part, and even only the part of merging with Dai Mubai was left.

Zhu Zhuqing opened the chat group and found the world copy section.

Looking at the [Fighting Continent] [Alien] [Harry Potter] and [Seven Heroes] copies in it, she uploaded her own world copy without hesitation. It was like a world copy for passers-by, and uploading it had no effect on her. When other group members saw the new world copy, they immediately immersed themselves in watching it.

However, they soon found something wrong.

【I'm not a lolita】:"Wait a minute? The new member should be Zhu Zhuqing, right? Her role"

Xiao Yan was stunned.

Zhu Zhuqing's role was probably not as big as his cousin Xiao Yu's, right?

【Fuck the sky】:"Zhu Zhuqing's world weight is a bit low."

Zhang Chulan also told the truth.

With Zhu Zhuqing's world weight, if it were placed in his world, I'm afraid it would not be as good as Chen Duo's.

【Magic Genius】:"I asked, and the chat group said that because the protagonist and villain in Zhu Zhuqing's world were not suitable to join the group, she was ranked first."

Hermione was stunned.

What kind of world could make the male protagonist, the female protagonist, and the villain not suitable to join the group, until the third female protagonist in the group was ranked first!

Lin Wanwan and Mu Yun didn't say anything, they also felt that the world was quite magical

【Rainbow cat is not orange cat】:"World weight is no longer important. By joining the chat group, Zhu Zhuqing's fate has been changed."

【Fuck the sky】:"@Nether Spirit Cat, I'm curious, what time point are you in now?"

If Zhu Zhuqing has been involved with the members of Shrek, it will be difficult to break off in the future.

【Nether Cat】:"I am on my way to Shrek Academy. I was just chased by a ten thousand year old soul beast. Fortunately,

I was rescued by my senior."She is very glad now that she has not arrived at Shrek Academy yet. She has not forgiven Dai Mubai who abandoned her and chose to live alone.

When she thought of Dai Mubai who gave up on himself in the world copy, completely ignored his own life and death, and chose to escape from pleasure.

Zhu Zhuqing could not understand at all how she could forgive him in the future?

If Tang San did not exist.

Dai Mubai in the future would definitely be abandoned and become a rich young man, but she would either die or become the forbidden delicacy of her brother-in-law Davis.

No matter which one it was, she could not accept it!

【Nether Cat】:""Senior, the soul ring of the soul beast you killed seems to be dissipating. Do you need me to send it to you?"

Zhu Zhuqing asked seriously.

Generally speaking, after a soul beast dies, its soul ring can remain visible for a long time.

But after Mu Yun left, the soul ring immediately trembled as if it was about to dissipate.

Zhu Zhuqing hurriedly asked Mu Yun.

【Master of the Universe】:""Huh? This thing can also be used for teleportation?"

Mu Yun was quite surprised, but he didn't care.

Soul rings are only a specialty of the soul master world and are only effective for soul masters.

He is not a soul master, so what does he need soul rings for?

But it's not impossible to use them for research.

【Master of the Universe】:"If you can, please send it to me."

Zhu Zhuqing immediately put her hand on the dark soul ring, and the next moment the soul ring disappeared in front of her.

She had asked the chat group in advance that the soul ring could be given away before contacting Mu Yun.

In the room.

Mu Yun looked at the black soul ring that appeared in front of him, he stretched out his hand and gently touched the soul ring.

The next moment, the black soul ring flowed into his sea of consciousness.

Then, Mu Yun's face changed!

First ecstasy, then depression, and finally turned into a hint of doubt.

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