Facing Bai Qianqian's"date" invitation,

Mu Yun naturally accepted it without hesitation.

Just kidding, this is a great opportunity to make some money.

He didn't know anything about the Void Logistics Department.

Although Mu Hao and Jiang Ting were both in the Void Logistics Department, they didn't reveal any information to Mu Yun.

So by following Bai Qianqian, he could be more prepared.

The two agreed to meet at the school gate.

Because it was already vacation, the aliens boarding in the school had basically left the earth, so the appearance of Mu Yun and Bai Qianqian, two human geniuses, did not attract much attention.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.

Not long after Mu Yun arrived at the school gate, Bai Qianqian ran over.

"I haven't been here for too long."

Mu Yun smiled and greeted Bai Qianqian.

Bai Qianqian's outfit today looked very fresh, giving people a feeling of white moonlight.

Regardless of family background, she and Mu Yun standing together really look quite a good match in the eyes of outsiders.

"Let's go."

Bai Qianqian pointed in a direction and began to lead the way.

Mu Yun followed her to a huge shopping mall where everything was for sale.

"The Void Logistics Office has almost everything, but after you get there, the money from outside is basically useless."

Bai Qianqian simply gave Mu Yun some information about the Void Logistics Office.

First of all, the Void Logistics Office does not accept money from the outside world. The common currency in the Void Logistics Office is"points".

To get points, you either get a higher rating in the genius trial or complete the tasks issued by the Void Logistics Office.

Living in the Void Logistics Office requires points, going out requires points, and even communicating with the outside world requires points.

After hearing this, Mu Yun realized why his parents had called him after a long time.

He used to think that Mu Yun and Jiang Ting were living happily in their own world, and forgot that they had a son!

It turns out that the Void Logistics Office even charges money for talking!

"Is it difficult to earn points?"

"And can the Void Logistics Department accommodate so many people?"

Mu Yun was a little puzzled.

There are so many people from the human race entering the Void Logistics Department every year. Even if there is a reincarnation every hundred years, there are still many strong people from the human race who will not leave the Void Logistics Department.

How big is the Void Logistics Department?

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. The Void Logistics Department is very large."

Bai Qianqian smiled slightly, and she casually pointed, and a dim star map appeared in front of Mu Yun.

Mu Yun looked carefully and saw that the star map was densely packed with shining points.

At first glance, the number of light points was no less than 100,000!

"The Void Logistics Department is a general term. In fact, at the edge of the universe, the human pioneers have arranged a total of 1.08 million life planets as the stationing points of the human race."

"Although it cannot accommodate all humans, it is not a problem to accommodate some people."

Humans are the strongest race in the universe, but they don't have the same pretentious physique as other races. It is really difficult for a race like the Starry Sky Behemoth to reproduce.

Not to mention that they may never meet the second Starry Sky Behemoth in their lifetime.

Let's talk about the growth problem.

It takes tens of thousands of years for a Starry Sky Behemoth cub to enter adolescence, and about 100,000 years to enter the full stage.

On the contrary, humans only need ten months of pregnancy to give birth to offspring.

With the current technology of humans, there is no such thing as premature death.

And human cubs can grow up and enter the Void Logistics Department in just 18 years.

Therefore, the number of humans is increasing exponentially.

If everyone hadn't found that there were too many humans and the resources in the starry sky couldn't keep up, so they chose to reproduce slowly.

Now there may only be humans in the universe.

Mu Yun and Bai Qianqian walked around the mall for a long time.

Bai Qianqian prepared some simple daily necessities and some training supplies that might be used.

In her words, no matter how many points the Void Logistics Department has, it is not too much, so it is better not to waste points on these supplies that can be brought in from outside.

Mu Yun did not buy too many daily necessities.

Because he can get them in other worlds at any time through the chat group.

This is quite convenient.

""It's already noon, let's go have lunch!"

After coming out of the mall, Bai Qianqian took a look at the sky. It was already noon.

The two of them found a random restaurant and had something to eat.

"Is there anything else to prepare?"

Mu Yun drank his drink and looked out the window at the mall, thinking.

It is said that shopping with girls is tiring.

But if the girl is always concerned about the boy's emotions, it doesn't seem so tiring?

Of course, this may also be related to his star body.

No matter how much shopping he does, it is impossible for his star body to be tired.

"There is nothing to prepare."

Bai Qianqian shook her head.

In fact, she could ask the servants at home to prepare the supplies for her to go to the Void Logistics Department.

She could even prepare some for Mu Yun as well.

But today she just wanted to use this as an excuse to ask Mu Yun out.

""Mr. Mu Yun, if you have nothing to do in the afternoon, can you accompany me to the arena?"

Bai Qianqian looked at Mu Yun with great expectation.

Mu Yun's eyes twitched.

He felt something was wrong.

Did this girl want to be"beaten" again?

Today, there was no Bai Lingfeng to open up space for them to fight, and there was no shield.

Would he kill Bai Qianqian with one punch?

Oh, there is suppression in the arena, so it's okay.

"Nothing much, but classmate Bai Qianqian, are you sure you want to go to the [Beast Fighting]?"

He was just an ordinary person, it didn't matter at all.

Bai Qianqian was the little princess of the Bai family! If she wanted to gain combat experience, was it necessary to go to the arena?

"Well, I watched your video again yesterday and found it quite interesting.

Bai Qianqian nodded seriously.

"Besides, we should be friends now, right? Then there is no need to be so distant. You can just call me Qianqian."

"I also want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I might not be able to comprehend the martial arts."

"Today I just want to try to see if you can help me perfect my martial arts skills in battle!"

Bai Qianqian's expression was a little unwilling.

She was obviously the second genius in 30,000 years who had comprehended martial arts skills before the star level.

However, the martial arts skills she comprehended could not even reach the basics of the lower grade, and the increase of 10%.

How could she be willing to accept this!

Therefore, she wanted to follow Mu Yun's"old path".

See if she could get inspiration from [Beast Fighting]!

Mu Yun sighed helplessly in his heart.

Geniuses sometimes get stuck in a dead end!

"OK, I'll contact Duanmu Xiong, the person in charge of the arena."

Poor Duanmu Xiong, he had to bear the attack from Mu Yun yesterday.

Today is even worse.

If the little princess of the Bai family gets into trouble in his territory, even his master Duanmu Sen can't save him!

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