After Jiangnanzhou dug out all the geoducks in this area, his bucket was full.

Su Yawei also brought their buckets to them.

Dudu was his assistant. Jiangnanzhou dug over there and put the clams on the beach. Dudu moved them into the small bucket.

Jiangnanzhou took out his mobile phone and checked the time. The high tide had just receded, and it would be a while before the high tide came.

Just when Dudu was putting the geoducks into the bucket, Jiangnanzhou called out to an aunt in the village:

"Auntie, come over here, there are a lot of geoducks here."

The aunt who was still looking for the breathing hole heard Jiangnanzhou's words and came over with a bucket, smiling and said to Jiangnanzhou:

"Why don't you do it anymore? Are you going back?"

Jiangnanzhou pointed to a large bucket of geoducks and said:

"We have collected a lot, enough to eat. I still want to take them to other places to play. You can dig here. I think there are still a lot."

The aunt said happily:

"Then thank you, auntie, I will dig more with your help."

Jiangnanzhou planned to take Dudu to play in the water. When passing by the place where the father and son were, he saw the father happily showing off their trophies to the child's mother.

An Lichu and Dai Yue really couldn't stand it. It was getting hotter and hotter. They wanted to go back first. When they left, they also pulled Su Yawei away.

An Lichu pulled Su Yawei's arm and said:

"Aunt Xiao Si, let's go back and let Nan Zhou take Dudu to play. You look at your face getting sunburned."

Su Yawei said worriedly:

"There are too many people here. You two should go back. I'll follow them here."

Dai Yue said to Su Yawei:

"Aunt Xiao Si, do you have Douyin on your phone?"

Su Yawei replied:

"Yes, sometimes I will post some videos of Dudu and videos of volunteering on it."

Dai Yue said:

"Take out your phone and search for Brother Fisherman on Douyin. He is watching the live broadcast over there, so you can also see Dudu."

In the end, Su Yawei was pulled back by them. They sat under the awning of Aunt Jiang Er's house, drinking iced drinks and chatting, but Su Yawei's eyes fell on the live broadcast screen on the phone from time to time.

Jan Zhou was playing with Dudu in the water at the beach, and Jiang Nanzhou's hand was tightly holding Dudu's little hand.

When Dudu was having fun stomping his feet and splashing water, he saw the big guy in the sea and danced with joy.

He waved to the beach. Jiangnanzhou looked into the sea and saw Dandan swimming quickly towards him.

Jiangnanzhou was afraid that Dandan would rush over and scare Dudu, so he picked Dudu up.

But Dudu's little hand was still pointing at Dandan. Fortunately, Dandan was smart now and slowed down when he was about to reach them.

He slowly crawled to Jiangnanzhou's side and nudged Jiangnanzhou's hand affectionately with his head.

Jiangnanzhou touched Dandan's big head, and Dudu stretched out his little hand to touch Dandan. Jiangnanzhou lowered his body and let Dudu touch Dandan as he wished.

Su Yawei, who had been looking at Dudu, couldn't help but widen her eyes and asked An Lichu:

"Is this the big turtle that sent Dudu to Nanzhou's ship?"

An Lichu smiled and said:

"Yes, this is the big turtle. Nanzhou said it was often naughty, so it was named Dandan."

Su Yawei stood up and said to them:

"I still want to go over once. I feel that this big turtle is particularly spiritual. I want to go over and thank it in person."

After she said this, she took her phone and went to the beach. An Lichu and Dai Yue followed.

On the public screen of the live broadcast room:

"Ahhhh, it's Dandan. I haven't seen Dandan for a long time."

"Oh my God, is this the big green turtle that Brother Fisherman rescued? How come it has grown so big? Did it eat feed?"

"This picture is so harmonious, so nice, my hands are itching again, I want to draw this scene."

"The person above, please remember to share it when you finish drawing."

"I just arrived at the B&B and planned to sleep for a while, but I can't do it anymore. I won't sleep anymore. I want to go see Dandan."

In a short period of time, many people have gathered around Jiangnanzhou and his team. They all look at Jiangnanzhou and Dudu with envy. Some people asked Jiangnanzhou:

"Brother Fisherman, can we touch Dandan?"


He said to them:

"Dandan is a protected wild animal after all, and it is very strong. I can't guarantee that it will be able to be touched obediently. If something unexpected happens, I will not be responsible."

Some people gave up touching it after hearing this, and just watched it. If something really happened, it would be bad.

But a middle-aged man quietly reached out and touched Dandan's shell, but Dandan didn't react.

Others were relieved to see that there was nothing wrong with touching the shell, and they also reached out and touched Dandan's shell.

Some brave people also wanted to touch Dandan's big head like Jiang Nanzhou, but Dandan dodged before their hands touched Dandan's head.

Dandan thought, you two-legged beasts don't have any delicious food, but you want to touch this turtle, you wishful thinking.

Jiang Nanzhou said to the crowd:

"You can see that Dandan doesn't like you to touch his head, but you can touch his shell."

Instantly, Dandan became a popular check-in spot on the beach of Jiangjia Village.

And the quality of the tourists is quite high. They even consciously lined up to take pictures with Dandan.

Dudu saw this scene and took Jiang Nanzhou's hand to line up.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were amused by Dudu's behavior.

On the public screen of the live broadcast room:

"Hahaha, Brother Fisherman never thought that one day he would have to line up to take photos with Dandan."

"So funny, this little guy is called Dudu, and the big turtle is called Dandan, their names are so cute."

"My girlish heart is about to melt, this little curly-haired guy is so cute."

"He slapped my naughty brother in the face, and I really want to form a group to steal Dudu."

"I'm going to book a plane ticket now. I don't want to stay at home. I want to stay at Brother Fisherman's place."

The public screen in the live broadcast room has been lively. There is no need to mention gifts. Brother Fisherman's live broadcast room has never lacked gifts.

Not long after the broadcast started, he was already No. 1 on the popularity list.

When Su Yawei arrived, Jiang Nanzhou was holding Dudu and Dandan and taking photos.

She took out her mobile phone to help them take photos.

After they finished taking the photos, Su Yawei walked over and said to Dandan seriously: "Thank you, Big Turtle, thank you for saving Dudu."

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