He sat on the deck, enjoying the sea breeze and looking at the system panel.

[Host name: Jiangnan Zhou

Reputation: 145677

Ocean reputation: 386901

Number of draws: 2

Reputation store

Ocean reputation store

System backpack

System space


Jiangnan Zhou didn't expect his reputation to increase so much in the past few days. It seems that being famous still has its benefits.

There is a red exclamation mark at the location of the Ocean Reputation Store.

Jiangnan Zhou clicked on the Marine Life Store, which prompted him to spend 200,000 to unlock something.

Without any hesitation, Jiangnan Zhou unlocked it directly.

I saw that it was eel fry. 100,000 ocean reputation is worth 100 fine eel fry.

Jiangnanzhou saw that he only had more than 180,000 ocean reputation. It seems that he still needs to work hard to earn reputation this time.

It just so happens that he hasn't decided what to raise in the fishery. Now that he's here, he'll start with eels.

Jiangnanzhou took advantage of the time now to open the live broadcast and catch some fish to give a wave of benefits to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Fisherman is finally broadcasting."

"Is it time to go out to sea? Will we get a lucky bag?"

"I've already washed my hands and prepared."

"Are you going fishing today?"

"I want to see whales. I missed the live broadcast that time."

Jiangnanzhou opened the fishing gear bag and said:

"Today I'm fishing for you. It's still the same old rule. If you catch something, you'll get a lucky bag."

Jiangnanzhou just threw the fishing rod out, and he always felt that he had forgotten something. It was too late to reel it in.

Suddenly, a figure in the sea was seen biting the bait on the hook.

Jiangnan Zhou covered his face, how could he forget about this guy.

He had to cast a net to catch it.

The turtle was happy, not sad, but his mouth hurt a little, but he endured it.

When Jiangnan Zhou caught the big turtle, the netizens in the live broadcast room laughed miserably.

"How much does this big turtle love to eat the bait thrown by the fisherman brother."

"Hahaha, it's so funny, if I didn't know, I would have thought that the fisherman brother illegally caught the first-class protected animal in the country."

"I just entered the live broadcast room and almost called the police."

"What is this big turtle for? Doesn't its mouth hurt?"

The turtle's mouth hurt too, but it didn't hurt after drinking the magical little drink.

Jiangnan Zhou didn't plan to give it the marine biological nutrient solution this time. It's not advisable to trick it into drinking by hurting itself. Let it be in pain, just in time for it to remember.

It will save it from biting the hook every time he fishes in the future.

Take the hook off.

Jiangnanzhou nodded the big turtle's head and said:

"Naughty turtle, how about I call you Dandan from now on."

Jiangnanzhou didn't know if the big turtle could understand, but decided to call it Dandan from now on.

The big turtle waited for a long time but didn't see Jiangnanzhou bring him the magical drink, and felt a little sad.

Dandan's sadness...

Jiangnanzhou planned to let it go back to the sea later, and fed it with a few small fish.

If he put it back to the sea now, it is estimated that he would not be able to catch fish today, and he would have to catch turtles.

Jiangnanzhou was fishing quietly, and the big turtle was lying next to him.

And Zhang Wei had secretly fed it several small fish.

Dandan also rubbed Zhang Wei with his head, which made Zhang Wei very happy, and he showed off in the classmates group.

They all wanted to come back and hang out with Jiangnanzhou.

At this time, Jiangnanzhou's fishing reel was swishing out the line. Jiangnanzhou looked and saw that it was a big squid.

It should be more than ten pounds. After collecting the squid, Jiangnanzhou said to Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei, it's your turn to work."

He handed the phone to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei took the phone and skillfully sent a lucky bag for ten minutes.

"Oh my God, I have never seen such a big squid. I hope I can win the prize."

"I really want to eat a giant iron plate squid. May my ancestors bless me."

"Brother upstairs, I have already placed an order to buy iron plates. If I win the prize, don't be sad."

"Hahaha, the important thing is to participate. More than 40 students in our class have participated. Isn't the chance of winning a little higher?"

"Buddha bless me to win the prize. The believer is willing not to eat vegetarian food for five years."

Zhang Wei laughed while reading the barrage to Jiangnanzhou.

The netizens in the live broadcast room are so talented.

Even Zhang Yuan, who was confined at home to reflect on his mistakes, participated in the event. He and his cousin Zhang Sihan had four mobile phones.

Zhang Yuan had two mobile phones.

The two men had a mobile phone, one for Zhang Sihan, and one for their grandfather Zhang Yuanshan.

Zhang Yuanshan looked at the two guys who were under house arrest and were talking nonsense with their mobile phones. They even worshipped the God of Wealth at home. He thought, their family is not short of money. What can't be bought? Why do they have to do this?

I really don't understand the young people nowadays.

"Yuanbao, Hanhan, what are you doing?"

Zhang Sihan handed the mobile phone to Zhang Yuanshan and said:

"Grandpa, it was this anchor who saved us. He is now giving a lottery to the netizens in the live broadcast room with a big squid he just caught. Look, I haven't seen such a big squid."

Zhang Yuanshan put on his reading glasses and looked at the live broadcast on the mobile phone.

"Oh my God, why is this turtle so big."

Zhang Yuan laughed when he heard this.

"Grandpa, I told you to look at the squids, why are you interested in the sea turtles? You can't buy that sea turtle even if you spend money. It's illegal to buy a national first-class protected animal."

Zhang Yuanshan rolled his eyes at his grandson who didn't like it. He knew he couldn't buy that big turtle.

"I didn't say I wanted to buy a big turtle. There are a lot of turtles for sale at the entrance of the park. Each one is only five yuan. I'll buy a hundred of them tomorrow."

"Grandpa, don't buy them. I don't want to raise turtles."

"I'll buy them and raise them myself. I didn't say you should raise them."

"Grandpa, haven't you heard a saying? A turtle is passed down for three generations..."

Zhang Yuan was interrupted by Zhang Sihan before he finished speaking. Her grandfather might not know what was behind it, but she knew it. She was so scary that she directly pissed off the old man.

"Brother, the lucky bag is about to be opened. Hurry up and check your phone."

Zhang Yuanshan quickly told the housekeeper to order a big squid so that the two silly children in their family could see the world.

I specifically asked them to show it to them when I bought it. They had eaten it before, and they had no idea how big it was.

At the moment when the lucky bag was opened, Zhang Yuan and Zhang Sihan both sighed in disappointment.

But Zhang Yuanshan asked them with his mobile phone:

"It says congratulations on winning the big squid. Am I the one who won the big squid?"

Zhang Yuan and Zhang Sihan shouted and ran over to look at Zhang Yuanshan's mobile phone.

"Grandpa, yes, we won the prize!!!!"

Zhang Yuanshan said with a smug expression on his face:

"Why are you guys making so much noise? Be calm."

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