Heroic Spirit Quality: Hero!

Jianghe perked up.

When his experiences during this week were engraved in his mind, he finally formed a heroic spirit, which was enough to prove that his efforts were not in vain and he had grown greatly.

Moreover, Jiang He was also very surprised by the heroic spirit's attributes.

"In the initial six dimensions of a heroic spirit, the biggest improvement is the potential..."

"It means that heroic spirits can use spiritual stones to grow to a higher level."

"However, the most important thing is the [number of awakenings], which is the basis for classifying heroic spirits of different qualities!"

"The power of heroic spirits comes from legends."

"[Awakening] allows them to draw more power from the legend, and their attributes, forms, and skills will undergo great changes."

"You might even get [Spiritual Martial Arts]!"

"Just like this heroic spirit now..."

"The one I just summoned is just the [Taoist Lu Ming] who traveled around the world with Senior Brother Zhang in the ten years before the simulation."

"After awakening, you can become a [Shenwei Taoist] who has learned the God-Slaying Sword Art and has polished all aspects of his skills to the extreme!"

Jiang He was very satisfied.

This is only the second week of heroic spirit projection.

The quality has improved from unknown to heroic.

At this rate, after the completion of the three-week project, wouldn't the projection of the heroic spirit engraved be able to reach heroic quality in one leap?


In this pool at the end of the Jing Dynasty, the highest-quality heroic spirits known were those of heroic quality.

Not enough to brush by myself.

Only one heroic spirit projection can be engraved and retained on a page of anchor points.

As the description of Taoist Shenwei's heroic spirit emerged, the description of Taoist Chiling's heroic spirit has been completely covered.

I saw the description of Chiling Taoist’s heroic spirit disappearing.

Jiang He couldn't help but let out a long yawn.


No, I can't take it anymore.

Let’s leave it at that for the heroic spirit projection.

Anyway, the three-eye simulation will be carried out soon, and by then, Taoist Shenwei will most likely be replaced by a new heroic spirit...

It was just a sudden discovery.

As for what to do for the third week...

Think about it after you wake up!

A large amount of memories were digested in a short period of time, making Jiang He dizzy.

Drowsiness hit him, and he only had time to put away the Book of Heroic Souls before he fell directly on the sofa and fell asleep on the spot.


The whole process was dreamless.

Jiang He woke up, stretched out, and felt refreshed. The heavy mental burden was swept away, and he was back to his best condition!

The total of the first and second weeks is close to fifty years of long memory.

This time it was really fully digested.

Most of the complex repetitive memories have completely disappeared. I don't know if they were forgotten or fell into deep consciousness.

Some key information, such as exercise information, combat skills, major events of the times, etc.

These are still clear, and Jiang He can wake them up from his memory with just a moment's thought.

"The huge memory of nearly fifty years has been digested so perfectly..."

"Is it the self-protection mechanism of the human brain, or is it the passive effect of talent?"

Ega prefers the latter.

Because when he called out the Book of Heroic Souls again, he opened the cover.

There was a slight change in the [Soul Controller Information] on the title page.

The [Soul Strength] column has changed from 1.01 to 1.11.

Improved by nearly one-tenth!

"Soul strength is the most important attribute of a spiritual master."

"Whether it is talent awakening, summoning a heroic spirit, contracting a heroic spirit, or possessing a heroic spirit... all require the soul strength to reach a certain level."

"Although I am summoning a heroic spirit projection, there is no need for a contract, and there is no hard requirement for soul strength..."

"But if I want to increase the power of the heroic spirit when it is possessed by the heroic spirit, I can temporarily explode my seed."

"Soul strength is also needed as the basis."

After waking up from sleep, the strength of the soul increases by one tenth.

Jiang He suddenly felt happy.

I didn’t expect that digesting projected memory would have such benefits. It’s so exciting!

Jiang He raised his head and looked out the window.

Before he fell asleep, it was probably evening, and the sky was getting dark outside the window.

When I woke up now, it was dimly lit outside the window, and it was dawn.

That is to say...

"Did it take a whole night to completely digest the projected memory?"

"No wonder you're so hungry."

"There is still one day left, let's have some breakfast before starting the next round of simulation."

Ega rubbed his growling stomach.

Although the development of science and technology in the Yuling Era has slowed down, after so many years, it has still grown a lot compared to the earth.

For example, for takeout services, after placing an order on the platform, it can be prepared and delivered to diners within ten minutes.

It’s no different than going out to eat.

The quality is also very high, and there is no duplicity.

“It’s really a otaku’s paradise.”

Jiang He picked up his phone and prepared to order takeout.

The screen lights up, and advertisements, notifications, and messages come into view.

When he saw the content of the message and the time of release, his expression froze.

[Old Ban: Tomorrow is the first day of school. Send me a message when you are about to arrive at school. I will pick you up at the school gate and take you to register the heroic spirit information. 】

[Lao Ban: It’s eight o’clock in the morning. Remember to set the alarm and don’t oversleep. 】

The news was posted twelve hours ago.

Twelve hours ago?

Wasn't that yesterday?

Yesterday there were still two days before the first day of school. Why did the old class say "tomorrow"?

Jiang He suddenly felt something bad and immediately called up the calendar on his phone.

The next moment, he covered his forehead.

"Gan, it turns out I slept all day and all night!"

"It's already five o'clock in the morning on the first day of school, and school will start in three hours!"

"No wonder my stomach hurts when I'm hungry!"

ten minutes later.

Jiang He sat in front of the computer, quickly browsing the lines of information while eating.

Man's calculation is not as good as God's, and the plan has another unexpected surprise.

Although digesting the projected memory gave him a one-tenth increase in soul strength, it also consumed the last day of his life.

There are only three hours left before school starts.

There is no time to complain.

Jiang He planned to use the last three hours to simulate it again.

After finishing, go to the school to register the information of the spiritual master and the heroic spirit.

"Three hours is enough for me to simulate once."

"Furthermore, with the experience and memory of the previous two weeks, as long as I am prepared, I can definitely simulate a legendary life and create a heroic spirit of heroic quality."

"The initial heroic spirit is of heroic quality...enough."

"As for being late and absent from class, wait until the five simulation times are used up before going to school..."

"Yes, but not necessary."

"As I own the Book of Heroic Souls, there is no need for me to devote all my energy to a specific heroic spirit, let alone the initial heroic spirit."

"If you want higher-quality heroic spirits, just spend money on high-end media."

"On the contrary, it is more important to go to school on time."

Jiang He felt clear.

Perhaps young people think that as long as a heroic spirit shows heroic qualities and becomes a genius in the eyes of others, it will have certain privileges.

Being late and absent from class is nothing.

But as a social animal who has experienced severe beatings from society.

Jiang He no longer relies on his talents.

It is true that people are extremely tolerant of geniuses, and even if a genius does something trivial, they will be forgiven as a matter of personality.


A genius who acts independently, is arrogant and lonely.

With a genius who follows principles and makes people feel refreshed.

It's obvious which one is more popular.

The introduction is called "Emotional Intelligence".

"According to this sleeping method, if you want to simulate five times, it will take at least two or three days."

"I just awakened my talent contract heroic spirit, and I was late for school and absent from class for so long. It gives a bad impression to the school."

"Although I have become a spiritual master and the top class of this era..."

"But it doesn't hurt to have a good relationship with the school."

However, once the heroic spirit information is registered, Ega will not risk changing the quality of the heroic spirit.

As a result, he still had three simulations left.

It's like the last time left.

He not only has to accomplish everything he wants to accomplish in the third week and make up for his regrets.

You must also create a heroic spirit of heroic quality!

"After one or two weeks of preparation."

"I already possess the top skills of the Taoist priest system, understand the background of the times and the general trend of the world, and have some foresight of what will happen in the future..."

"Leaving a heroic legend is a bit difficult, but not much."

There are less than three hours left.

Jiang He was not in a hurry to imitate.

Instead, he continued to sit in front of the computer and read online information carefully.

The content of the information is astonishingly——

[If there was an uprising in the late Jing Dynasty, what would be better? 】

[Rebels start, the fastest process to dominate the world. 】

[Notes on preparing for an uprising. 】

[A collection of essential books for time travel and rebellion. 】


Ega is learning the correct posture of the rebel uprising!

The historical process of the Taixuan world has been deeply studied by historians in the Yuling era.

Especially the dynasty era.

Because many low-level heroic spirits come from this era, people know them very well.

With the history of the Dynasty era as the background, many works of literature, film and television, games, etc. have appeared on the Internet...

Many netizens are also discussing online how if they were in a certain era in the Taixuan world, they would do great things, leave a name in history, and become a heroic spirit!

"In the second week, just because I had no experience, I couldn't provide much help in building the rebel army and subsequent development."

"But three weeks..."

"Forum boss-level uprising leader, apply to fight!"

Jiang He raised the corners of his mouth.

As a modern person, if you don’t know how to browse information and learn knowledge online...

That's too inferior.

I spent a whole hour learning from the advanced knowledge and fantastic ideas of netizens.

Jiang He felt that it was almost done, so he turned off the computer and called out the Book of Heroic Souls.

It's time for the max-level king to return to the novice village!

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