Wizard Bloodline

Chapter 30 Two Months

The supply point is set up to prevent small group members from being injured or poisoned during inspections, or from encountering danger but the signal box is damaged.

Pick one just in case.

Although the items inside are not valuable, they are very practical and can indeed save lives in some extreme situations.

I have to say that having someone like Old Wells around is very reassuring.

"If you have an old man in your family, it's like having a treasure... That's right."

After Ronan finished his routine inspection, he turned around and saw Jacob lying on the root of an old tree, as tired as a dog.

This guy's physical fitness is so bad, it's almost the same as when he first crossed over. This patrol hasn't even been completed yet, and he's already on the verge of death.

"never mind."

Ronan thought that this guy had told him all the gossip and said sympathetically: "I can finish the rest of the work by myself. You can go back and rest quickly."

"Is this... appropriate, Lord Ronan?"

Jacob gasped and spoke sheepishly, but there was obvious emotion written on his face.

Ronan was too lazy to say anything more, waved his hand at him, and walked forward on his own.

"The next point is."

Ronan looked at the map and his expression changed slightly.

The map showed that his current location was close to the residence of the half-elf brother and sister.

Ronan walked with some expectation.

The place where the half-elf brother and sister lived was quite remote, with thick bushes and weeds growing nearby. Ronan also found several man-made traps on the way. Thanks to his strong physical fitness and quick reflexes, he did not fall into any traps.

No need to think that it must have been arranged by the half-elf brother and sister.

It was easy to see the shadow of the tree house from a distance, but we still had time to get closer.


A sharp sound broke through the air suddenly. Ronan's scalp was slightly numb and he instinctively hid aside.


A dark black arrow suddenly pierced the trunk of a tree next to him. The arrow penetrated deeply, and its white tail feathers were still vibrating at high speed.


Ronan turned his head with an ugly expression and saw a tall figure hidden in the shadow of the trees slowly lowering his big bow in the direction from which the arrow was shot.

Before he could speak, a cold and rough voice floated over from afar.

"No need to patrol around here, we will take care of it ourselves"

Under the robe, Ronan's hand holding the hilt of the one-handed sword tightened and loosened, and finally he lowered it slowly with a gloomy expression, turned around and retreated from the forest.

Think of the scene when we first met.

Ronan took a deep breath and cursed harshly.


Only then did I feel a little more relaxed.

After a brief walk around Jacob's house, Ronan rushed to the last Linus' residence.

As soon as they arrived, Ronan saw Linus sitting on the grass under the tree drinking tea. A plump woman was leaning next to him. The two were talking together. In the distance, he heard the woman keep saying " "Cluck, cluck" a laugh like a hen.

Linus noticed Ronan's appearance from a distance, but he just cast an indifferent look and stopped paying attention.

Naturally, Ronan would not put his hot face on someone else's cold buttocks. He just walked around in a circle and left directly.

Except for the patrol in the morning, for which Jacob followed half the way, Ronan completed the remaining two times independently.

At the end of the day, I was not tired at all, but it just made Ronan feel tedious and time-consuming.

But now that I have decided to join, there is nothing to complain about.

Two months later.


Ronan's lips opened slightly, and nameless syllables came out, shaking the air.

The next second, the large area of ​​light in front of him was distorted. A ball of light, which was the size of a watermelon and was dark blue and almost black, condensed and formed out of thin air, and then flew out with a roar.

The light ball slid across the lake, and the blue mirror-like lake surface was broken.

The dark blue light ball dragged a long white water wave on the lake. When it was about to reach the center of the lake, it exploded with a "boom", blasting out waves and water columns more than ten meters high.

Ronan stared closely at his character panel.

After a moment, a look of disappointment appeared on his face.

"Still not working."

In two months, Ronan had already mastered the expert-level [Energy Missile].

But it just happened to be the last bit of proficiency to break through to the expert level, and I just couldn't practice it.

"It's not enough. How many times have you cast the spell? How come the accumulated insights are still not enough?"

Ronan frowned. He could feel that the [Energy Missile] was only a thin layer of paper away from breaking through to the next level, but when it came to breaking through this layer of paper, he was always just a little short every time.

"We can only continue to grind it slowly. At least the [Energy Missile] that is almost full at the expert level is much more powerful than before."

Ronan comforted himself, turned around, and walked towards the forest.

It was already autumn in Hoddam at this time.

Walking on the yellowish grass, looking into the distance, under the orange sunset, the vast forest is rolling, gradually changing from dark green to golden.

The picture is as beautiful as an oil painting.

It's a pity that under this beautiful scene, it has evolved into increasingly violent turmoil and chaos.

Walking into the forest through thick fallen leaves, Ronan suddenly stopped for a moment.

He slowly walked towards a pile of fallen leaves. When he got closer, he picked up a dead branch and gently stirred it.

After a while, a pale and twisted female corpse emerged from under the fallen leaves.

It must have been less than two days since the person died, and the body is still not bloated.

The woman was naked, and everything on her body was stripped off. Judging from the purple scars all over her neck and collarbone, she was probably abused before she died.

The woman's face was twisted in pain and despair, and her gray eyes stared at Ronan, as if silently accusing something.

Ronan was silent, picked up the dead leaves on the ground and covered the woman's face again, then gently raised his hand

A red ring on the ring finger of his right hand flashed slightly, and the next second a red fireball was born and flew out quickly.

The pile of dead leaves and the female corpse in it turned into a blazing flame.

"..May the truth guide you, and your soul stay in the land of peace forever."

Ronan muttered in a low voice, uttering the syllables of the spell, and before the fire was about to spread to the surroundings, he raised his hand to summon a frost ball with a chilling cold air and threw it out.


The ice ball exploded, and the rolling cold air condensed the remaining flames and the ashes in the flames into frost.

After doing all this, Ronan turned and left.

This was the third corpse Ronan had seen in the forest.

Since last month, the chaotic situation in Hoddam has become increasingly uncontrollable.

Exaggerated prices, strong uneasiness, anxious and tense atmosphere, and more and more frequent news about the appearance of black-robed wizards

Many wizards who had spent all their savings and were wandering in despair became anxious and began to kill and rob.

There were wizards from the academy in the living area of ​​the town, and the order was barely maintained.

But the situation in the wild, which was a non-safe area, was a bit worse.

Fighting happened every day, and even Ronan encountered it once.

Half a month ago, he went to the town to sell runes, and encountered a group of robbers on the way back.

Fortunately, there was no danger, because they were busy at work and had no time to care about him.

At this time, the benefits of being in a group appeared.

Because people nearby knew that many of them were wizards who had formed a group, and Linus had even killed two third-level wizard apprentices who had clashed with him during a single patrol, showing the strong strength of a mid-level apprentice, so that the reputation spread far and wide, and wizards in the forest area knew that there was a fifth-level apprentice in their group.

However, the forest has been getting more and more chaotic recently, and almost no one has left the tree house area. Old Wells and his friends have discussed and planned to move to the town to live together in the near future.

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