Wizard Bloodline

Chapter 66: Crows passing through Angele (Thanks to Xixi for being the leader)

Chapter 66 A Crowd of Crows Crossing the Border—Angelet (Thanks to Xixi’s leader)

Ronan stood motionless, his body covered by the darkness above his head inch by inch.

He stared blankly at the figure coming on the crows, feeling despair for the first time in his life.

If Faao is the sun.

Then the light from the person arriving now is ten times more blazing than the sun.

But his color is black, like a twisted black sun, and like a black hole, sucking in the surrounding light and even the eyes and souls of those who dare to look directly at him.

Ronan didn't dare to move.

It would be better to say that he couldn't move at all.

The figure came straight towards him, and there was a force that locked onto him firmly from a very far away place.

This moment.

An idea popped into Ronan's mind for no reason -

The real owner of Corpse Garden is back.

The figure among the crows was getting closer and closer, and Ronan finally saw the person clearly.

That was a very young man.

He has short brown hair, fair skin, and his facial features are neither handsome nor ugly.

But his burgundy eyes and seemingly innate evil aura gave him an indescribably powerful charm.

Different from ordinary wizards, he wore a unique piece of armor with blood-like lines flowing on it.

Behind him is a very long black cloak.

This man is guarded by countless red-eyed crows, just like the monarch among crows, the king of shadows!

He came to Ronan, and the black sun burned Ronan's nerves.

He looked around lightly, and the first thing he said to Ronan was——

"You destroyed my house."

Ronan's heart trembled slightly and he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

In front of this man who was obviously ten times more powerful than Fao, he almost lost the desire to struggle.

The man was criticizing Ronan, but his expression didn't seem to care much.

On the contrary, he was more interested in Ronan. After saying the greetings, his eyes kept falling on Ronan.

Even the crows around him all stared at Ronan coldly.

For a moment, Ronan felt as if he was about to be killed by his eyes.

After this feeling lasted for about half a minute, the man used a sigh-like tone to pull Ronan out of one abyss and then threw him into another abyss.

"I really want to cut open every inch of your body and study it carefully."

"A mere ninth-level apprentice can actually comprehend two completely different kinds of extraordinary powers. And his soul qualifications are so poor."

Ronan's whole body was cold, as if he had fallen into an ice cave in the cold winter, and even his blood was frozen.

"However, this land is too barren and decayed.

It’s rare for an interesting guy like you to be born, and it would be a pity if he died in his infancy.”

The man looked at Ronan with a strange look, and while licking his lips, he said softly: "You dare to kill the official wizard of Hoddam. I seem to smell the same kind of scent in you."

Ronan breathed hard, and after a few times, he finally gathered the strength to speak, but his voice was still trembling and deformed.

"So...I don't have to die, right?"


The man was surprisingly easy to talk to. He nodded to Ronan and said with a smile: "And you must live well.

Well, this is a threat. "

Ronan's face twitched but he said nothing.

At this time, the man glanced at Ronan casually, followed by countless crows suddenly swarming toward Ronan.

The beaks and claws of those crows were biting and tearing at Ronan's body crazily, causing incomparable pain.

Ronan thought the man suddenly regretted it and tried to struggle, but the latter's voice sounded lukewarm in his ears.

"You'd better not move and let them clean the 'mark of resentment' on your body. You wouldn't just destroy the body after killing an official wizard, right?"

If you walk out of here now, you will be found and killed by the wizards of Hoddam within half a day, and then your soul will be extracted and roasted with flames until you are completely dead."

When Ronan heard this, his heart suddenly became cold, so he no longer dared to resist and allowed those crazy crows to peck at his flesh.

Just when Ronan almost thought he was about to be pecked to death, the crows dispersed, leaving him in ragged clothes, covered with bruises, and panting.

The man looked at Ronan with a smile, seemingly satisfied with his current state.

After admiring it, the man raised his hand and threw something towards Ronan.

Ronan subconsciously caught it and found it was a bottle of potion.

It’s the Burning God Potion again!

But it seems to be different from the ordinary Burning God potion, with a somewhat mysterious and deep purple in the red.

"You'll need it."

The man winked at Ronan, "With your qualifications."

After saying that, the man looked away from Ronan and towards the sky in the distance that was not obscured by crows.

"It's time for me to clean up those rats.

It's really rude to sneak in through the back door and cause damage when no one is home."

The man sighed softly, and his figure gradually took off into the air, and the crows that were inhabiting the surrounding grass also flapped their wings and flew up.

"Oh right!"

Before leaving, the man suddenly turned around, looked down at Ronan with a condescending smile, "Don't forget what I said, don't die before you meet me next time.


I have plenty of ways to find your soul, seal it into the most durable and beautiful toilet, and then send it to the most prosperous and lively town in the mortal kingdom for people to use for free."

Ronan's scalp suddenly felt numb, and he couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

Seeing that the man seemed to be really about to leave, Ronan seemed to remember something and couldn't help but grit his teeth and shouted: "Who are you?"

The man's voice floated over with the sound of the crows retreating, like a low chant.

"Angelet is what everyone calls me, a flock of crows crossing the border - Angelet.

Although I don’t like this nickname at all.”


Ronan recited the name silently, lowered his head, looked at the unique bottle of burning potion in his hand and couldn't help but curse.

"Is every official wizard...so perverted?"

For a moment, he had the urge to throw away the things, but considering that this was still the territory of Angelet, he didn't dare.

Wrapping up his robe tightly, Ronan hurried in the direction Angele came from.

He didn't need to know what was going on behind the scenes, and he didn't want to know.

The bright, cramped little room had no windows and only a magic crystal lamp on the table was lit.

Ronan was sitting on a chair, next to a girl about his age, with average appearance, ponytail, and wearing the robe of a college wizard.

The two of them have been sitting in this room together for a long time.

A woman's scream kept coming from outside the door, and even the [Soundproofing] rune couldn't completely block it.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe Faao died like this!!..."

"Sorry, Laura. No one expected that the owner of the Corpse Garden would be Angelina, the most outstanding genius of this generation in the Forest of Deathrattles."

"So what if he's a genius? He couldn't kill Faao, and he didn't even leave any traces!

The things I gave Fao were enough to allow him to escape with his life from a second-level wizard."

"Accidents always happen in the world, Laura. Faao is dead after all."


The screams outside the door made the two people in the room constantly nervous, especially Ronan. He was now truly "guilty as a thief." The only thing he could do was to pray that Angelet's method of eliminating traces for him would work.

Perhaps to ease the tension, the ponytail girl beside him couldn't help but talk to Ronan.

"You seem to be badly hurt."

Her eyes fell on Ronan's wounds that were scratched and gnawed by crows. She seemed to be able to imagine Ronan's difficult process of escaping from the "Corpse Garden", and her face was full of sympathy and intolerance.

"Fortunately, it's just some superficial injuries."

Ronan shook his head, remembering the dead Reni, and his tone couldn't help but deepen.

"It's much better than those who can't come back."


The girl looked happy, but then she couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "Before we went, Master Fa'ao once said that this was a very easy task, and he took us there just to make a contribution."

Ronan's heart felt cold.

Yes, damn they are all these wandering gray robes with no background.

".. Even Faao is dead! How come those two bugs inside can survive!

It's them! They must have killed Fao! I want them to die too! ! ! "

While speaking, the woman's voice from outside the door reached a high pitch, and the sound waves shook her eardrums.

Ronan could almost imagine the hysterical, almost crazy face behind it through the voice.

The mood between him and the pony-tailed girl had calmed down a little and immediately became tense again.

The two of them were restless, and at this moment, a person suddenly broke in from outside the door and almost made them jump.

"Lord Jerome!"

Ronan saw clearly the appearance of the person coming.

Short hair, red lines.

It was Jerome, the official wizard of the academy who had had a few conversations with him on the night of chaos.

The ponytail girl also hurriedly said hello to Jerome.

Jerome obviously still remembered Ronan, he nodded at him and said: "I remember your name is Ronan, right?

There is nothing for you to do here. You both can leave. The rewards for this mission will be distributed to you later. "

Ronan and the ponytail girl immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them thanked Jerome and left the interrogation room as if fleeing.

When they walked to the door of the small room, both of them could still hear Jerome's low and majestic comforting voice, "Laura, don't make trouble unreasonably!"

The sunshine outside the house dispelled the uneasiness in the two people's hearts.

Ronan and the pony-tailed girl beside him looked at each other. As the only survivors of the "Corpse Garden" mission, they were being examined and interrogated together.

Now that they had completely "escaped life", the two people felt that they sympathized with each other and felt sympathy for each other.

It was natural to walk together along the path outside the house. This was within the real Hoddam College.

Ronan was in a daze. He didn't expect that after the invasion of the Dark Witch Land broke out, he would officially enter Hoddam Academy in this way.

The pony-tailed girl next to him seemed to have a good impression of Ronan. She didn't dislike his identity as a wandering wizard at all, and started to talk to him again.

"You should officially stay in the academy next, right?"

"Can I?"

Ronan was surprised.

"Of course."

The pony-tailed girl nodded and said, "Sir Jerome said that rewards will be distributed normally.

Since he has taken the college's burning potion, he is naturally a member of the college.

You see, someone should be here to arrange your enrollment in a while.

Of course you can refuse, but I think you won't do such a stupid thing, right? "

The ponytail girl winked at Ronan playfully. She seemed to become cute despite her ordinary appearance.

Ronan nodded and replied: "I think so."

"Then we will be real companions in the future. "

The ponytail girl smiled and stretched out her hand to Ronan, saying, "Let's meet formally. My name is Qiao."

Ronan was about to stretch out his hand in response, but the girl in front of him, who was full of sunshine, had just started to introduce herself, and then


The sound of something piercing flesh and blood, Ronan experienced the feeling of warm blood splattering on his face at such a close distance for the second time.

And broken organs.

His already stretched out right hand was frozen in mid-air, and his eyes were fixed on a thing that suddenly "grew" from the chest of the ponytail girl in front of him-covered with spikes, dark green, like a giant python and some kind of tentacle.

The ponytail girl also looked at her chest in a daze, blood gushing out of her mouth, her ugly face was full of astonishment and disbelief, and her face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye

"Huh--" "

The next second, the ponytail girl flew away from Ronan.

She was dragged and thrown away by the strange tentacle that pierced her body, and fell heavily on the grass in the distance like a torn sack, twitching weakly again and again.

The sun shone directly on Ronan's face, which was a bit dazzling, but Ronan could not feel any warmth.

He saw a figure with his back to the sun staring at him.

It was a petite woman with delicate features, dark green hair like seaweed and dark green lips.

Several dark green, thick, and thorny tentacles grew from her back. Combined with the green lines on the woman's face that looked like crazy growing vines, Ronan realized that it was actually some kind of vine.

Plant-based spells.

The woman looked at Ronan coldly, as if there was no warmth in her eyes.

She looked directly into Ronan's eyes and spoke with certainty, word by word: "It was you who... killed Faol! "

Ronan's lips trembled, almost revealing it at this moment.

Fortunately, a figure surrounded by several fireballs came quickly and fell from the sky.


You've really gone too far!"

Jerome's broad body blocked Ronan, emitting layers of heat waves, and his voice was full of suppressed coldness and anger.

"He killed Fao! He was the one who killed Fao! "

The woman with long dark green hair like seaweed suddenly became excited, the runes on her face began to glow, and she pointed at Ronan and shouted loudly.

The vine tentacles behind her danced wildly, and kept rushing up, trying to kill Ronan like the ponytail girl.

Ronan kept retreating, and Jerome's lava fire ring blocked all the attacks of the green-haired crazy woman for him.

But the energy aftermath of the battle between the two sides still lashed him like a whip.

The surrounding grass and buildings were wantonly destroyed like fragile cakes.

This is a battle between true first-level wizards, and the power is so terrifying.

"Get out of Jerome! Don't stop me, I'm sure he killed Fao!"

The woman screamed while attacking frantically, and the madness and murderous intent on her face almost condensed into substance.

Jerome shook his head indifferently.

"You are really crazy, Laura, he is just a ninth-level wandering wizard apprentice!

And we have examined it many times, and there is no trace of Fao left on him before his death"

"So what? Anyway, I know that he killed Faol!"

"You really need to calm down."

"Get lost!"

The woman screamed, and an indescribable horrific mental fluctuations burst out of her body in an instant. The dark green tentacles behind her grew wildly in an instant, piercing Jerome's lava fire ring.

She was about to rush towards Ronan

At this time, "whoosh--"

It was as if a level 10 typhoon passed by in a second, and Ronan's hair and robes were blown straight back.

He almost felt that the air around him was completely sucked out in an instant, and the indescribable horrific pressure made him breathless.

Ronan tried his best He tried to open his eyes, but he only saw a blurry green shadow, which wrapped around the crazy woman who had exploded, and then quickly shrank towards the deepest part of the academy.

The woman struggled and screamed frantically, and after finding that it was useless, she suddenly calmed down, and her pair of green eyes stared at Ronan across the distance, with a thick resentment and hatred that was almost insoluble.

Ronan watched the woman's figure go away until she disappeared.

"The second time"

Ronan took a deep breath and whispered to himself with a calm face.

"What second time?"

I don't know when Jerome appeared beside him and asked lightly.

Ronan was startled, and then smiled bitterly and looked at the dead body of the ponytail girl in the distance, saying: "This is the second time I have seen a good person suddenly die in front of me."

Under the pretended bitterness on the surface, Ronan's heart was hard and cold.

This was also the second time he was so powerless and desperate to approach death!

He really didn't want to have a third time.

Thanks to the leader of Xixi's good brother~~

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