Wizard Bloodline

Chapter 82: Ice Field, Spell Anchor, Shining Future!

Since the decision was made, Ronan no longer hesitated and began to condense the [Frozen Earth] rune on the same day.

Condensing the rune is simple and complex, which involves the details of controlling the soul and mental power, which is a headache for many wizards.

Simply put, the process of condensing the soul rune is like a rune master engraving a rune, except that this time the mental power is used as a carving knife and the soul is used as a blank rune stone.

Every step of condensation is full of pain, because this is a mark to be left on the soul, which must be "deep" enough.

And there must be no mistakes. If there are mistakes, the wrong part must be "erased and started again", which adds another pain.

However, the good thing is that condensing the soul rune is not something that can be done in one go. It can be "long" and lasting, and it can be intermittent as long as the final condensed rune is complete and correct.

It took Ronan a week to complete this process.

During this week, his soul breath changed every day, becoming deeper and more complex, and stained with many faint mysterious temperaments.

On the day when the [Frozen Earth] rune was completely completed, which happened to be the morning of the seventh day, the blue-haired girl Alida pushed the food cart into the room as usual. When she saw Ronan, she stood there for a long time without recovering.


In the morning sun, the white-haired boy in a robe by the window sill was half bathed in gold.

His delicate skin glowed slightly like white jade, his exquisite profile was like a sculpture, his azure eyes were like gems, and there were faint, almost imperceptible white lines on his neck.

The whole person exuded a mysterious and profound aura, with a faint coldness that seemed to reach people's hearts.

When Ronan cast a shallow glance at Alida, Alida trembled as if she was electrocuted, and then uttered a subtle whisper like a dream.

"My Lord Ronan, you seem to have become 'beautiful' again."


After "driving away" Alida, who was almost completely obsessed with him, Ronan was not in a hurry to enjoy breakfast. He sat on the sofa and carefully felt the changes brought to him by the [Frozen Earth] talisman.

Except that his soul aura was no longer like a blank sheet of paper, and he was truly integrated into the ranks of first-level formal wizards, Ronan's strength had not been substantially improved.

However, at the moment when [Frozen Earth] was formed, he naturally knew the role and effect of the [Frozen Earth] talisman.

"Using at least three ice spells as anchor points, simulate an icy... field that looks like the arrival of frozen earth?!"

It should be a field.

According to the meaning conveyed by [Frozen Earth], the power and range of this field will continue to be strengthened with the number and grade of ice spells as spell anchor points.

In other words, this is a soul talisman whose power can continue to "grow"!


Ronan realized this and immediately understood why the "suicide note" in the metal box said that the [Frozen Earth] rune had a mystery that ordinary people did not know, and it was the beginning of a legendary ice wizard family.

The [Frozen Earth] rune with this "growth" characteristic can indeed no longer be measured by the grade of ordinary "rare" runes.

This is a rune that varies from person to person. In the hands of a genius, it can shine with unparalleled brilliance, and is not inferior to higher-level and more powerful runes.

But in the hands of a mediocre person, it can only become ordinary.

"So am I a genius or a mediocre person?"

Ronan's blue eyes glowed slightly, and he suddenly developed an unprecedented interest and expectation in this "forced" choice of rune.

He hurriedly finished his breakfast, then took out the rune stone that recorded the spell inheritance, and checked and selected.

First-level [Ice Armor], first-level [Frost Spear], first-level [Frost Howl]

Ronan finally chose these three first-order spells as his "spell anchor points".

The three first-order spells correspond to the types of defense, attack and control.

He barely built a prototype of an ice spell system.

Unlike zero-order spells, first-order spells no longer have low, medium and high levels. There are only different choices and understandings of different types of spells by wizards.

"It seems inappropriate to practice new spells, and first-order spells, here."

Ronan looked around the room, thought about it, and finally decided to go to the spell training room he had been to before.

When he arrived, he happened to see Basil's spell airship hovering outside.

Basil was in the hall, accompanied by a short man, talking to a young wizard with red lines on his face.

Perhaps Ronan's waiting gaze was too obvious, which attracted Basil's attention.

The latter cast a faint glance, indifferently swept across Ronan's face, and took it back without any pause.

As if he had never seen him before.

Ronan walked past the three people's conversation expressionlessly. His outstanding hearing ability faintly caught a few words such as "join", "magic ring inheritance", and "benefits", but his heart did not have the slightest fluctuation.

He randomly selected a spell training room, directly deposited a high-level magic stone, and then completely "soaked" in it.

In the next few days, except for occasionally returning to the Blueberry Inn to eat a "hot meal", Ronan spent the rest of his time on spell practice.

After the soul was purified, the ability of a formal wizard to understand spells was greatly improved.

First-level spells are far more complex and profound than zero-level spells, but it is not difficult for a first-level wizard to initially master them, especially Ronan who has a panel. The difficulty is just to use them skillfully.

Three days later.


In the huge spell training room, Ronan's whole body exuded waves of powerful mental power fluctuations, spitting short syllables from his mouth.

Soon, a large number of ice energy particles in the air gathered together, large waves of cold air emerged, and in an instant, an ice crystal spear exuding a biting coldness was formed out of thin air.

Then with Ronan's pointing, it shot forward like white lightning.

"Bang! Click, click, click -"

There was a muffled sound, and a ball of white frost and cold air exploded, followed by the sound of large chunks of ice condensing or breaking.

The spell testing wall located directly in front is illuminated by the light of many energy-absorbing crystals.

"one two three"

Ronan simply counted the number of energy-absorbing crystals that lit up, his eyes flashing slightly.

"A little beyond the standard line for first-level wizards, but not much."

A very common value, just like every official wizard who has just learned a first-level spell.

"Then try this again!"

Ronan's mental power was mobilized, and the second [Frost Spear] was brewing, but this time at the moment when the spell was about to take shape, a bright light flashed slightly on the neck under his robe.


In an instant, Ronan's spell, which was about to be finalized, suddenly received a second injection of a large amount of ice energy particles that gathered rapidly. The coldness doubled instantly, and the power of the spell also doubled.

An ice crystal spear that was obviously thicker and more powerful than the first time slowly appeared and shot out towards the spell testing wall ahead!


A large area of ​​energy-absorbing crystals lit up. Ronan counted it carefully, compared it with the table, and found that the power of this [Frost Spear] was almost close to the burst of a mid-level wizard.

“It’s amazing”

Ronan's eyes brightened slightly and he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

He subconsciously reached into his neck and took out a beautiful sapphire necklace hidden under his robe.

There is a dark blue ring hanging on the necklace, which shines mysteriously under the light of the training room.

Alice's ice ring necklace.

It was the mysterious rune in the ice ring of the necklace. After being activated, the power of the [Frost Spear] spell released by Ronan was doubled!

This effect is almost comparable to those of top wizard geniuses with single-attribute energy affinity!

"I found a treasure... This is simply the best ice auxiliary tool."

Ronan held the ice ring and sighed softly, thinking that this magical tool had a powerful amplifying effect on ice spells, and he would not be at a loss if he switched to ice spells this time.

The only drawback is probably that the style of this ice ring necklace is more feminine, so he doesn't dare to wear it outside, so he can only hide it in his robe, which can be regarded as hiding its magic.

"You're almost done practicing"

Ronan casually clicked on his current character panel. The results of his efforts in the past three days were displayed on the skill bar.


Ice Armor (Entry 12/100)

Frost Spear (Entry 20/100)

Frost Howl (Entry 9/100)

The three spells were officially introduced in the morning, and Ronan practiced more intensively to consolidate them.

"I can finally try the effect of the [frozen soil] rune."

Ronan felt a little expectant in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, the [Realm of Empty Ming] is turned on. While replenishing the consumed mental energy, it is also waiting for the spell test wall to reset on its own.

When everything was ready, Ronan began to recite the mantra quickly.

The mental power surged out one after another, and the free energy particles in the room were continuously extracted.

"[Ice Armor]!"

The first spell took shape, and a thin film of light, like thin ice or hoarfrost covering the glass, emerged around Ronan, exuding a faint cold air.

At the same time, a mysterious rune in the depths of his consciousness, shaped like an iceberg, flickered slightly.

On Ronan's neck and chin, white rune patterns lit up quickly.

"[Howling Frost]!"

The second spell was formed, and a fierce wind came out of thin air in the spell training room. The wind was carrying fine wind and snow, which was biting and blinding.

Deep in his consciousness, the [frozen soil] talisman flashed for the second time.

"[Frost Spear]!"

When the third spell was cast, Senhan's cold ice crystal spear quickly emerged with Ronan's finger.

After three spells of "anchoring", the [frozen soil] rune, whose effect was completely activated, finally shined brightly.

In an instant, an indescribable strong icy cold breath emanated from Ronan's body, and the white rune lines that appeared on the surface of the skin due to the influence of the [frozen earth] runes quickly turned into an icy blue color. , "growing" along the collar of Ronan's robe toward his neck, chin and cheeks!

It constantly adds a mysterious and noble temperament to his whole person.

The terrifying cold air spread rapidly from Ronan's feet to the surroundings, and large swaths of frost appeared on the floor. The temperature dropped sharply, ice and snow formed, and the freezing coldness filled the huge spell training room, as if winter was coming in an instant.

In the hazy snow, Ronan's white hair and robe were raised and dancing slightly.

He walked forward through the wind and snow, and a large amount of cold air surrounded him, shifting as he moved.

With ice-blue rune lines covering his neck and chin, he was as handsome as an elf born in the ice and snow, with an innate sense of nobility.

He strolled towards the spell testing wall at the other end of the room. He was the source of all the coldness in the room. As he approached, the energy-absorbing crystals on the spell testing wall lit up one after another.

When Ronan completely approached the wall and gently placed his almost transparent palms on the wall, the brightness of the energy-absorbing crystal on the test wall almost reached a certain extreme.

"One, two, three, four, five"

Ronan simply counted, and the final result was that it was close to the standard for the strength of a late-level wizard.

"The cold air emanating from my source barely reaches this level of spell power. The further away from me, the less powerful the cold air is. If it is at the very edge of the 'domain'"

Ronan released his mental power and felt it for a while, and concluded, "It's probably close to the strength of a mid-level first-level wizard."

The scope of the "field" is not large, with a radius of about ten meters.

To be honest, this distance is far from the safe casting distance of a first-level wizard.

"With the blessing of 'Arlis' Ice Ring Necklace', the power and range of the ice field will be doubled!"

Judging from the fact that Ronan's current three "anchor" spell proficiencies are only entry-level, the power of the "icy field" formed by the [frozen soil] rune is quite good.

But the shortcomings are also obvious——

"It takes three 'anchorings' before it can be fully activated. The process of laying the groundwork is really a bit long."

"The panel data of spell power is good, but this kind of killing effect is not an instant burst. The panel data is basically for reference only."

To sum it up: the release process is cumbersome and long, and the instantaneous lethality is not enough.

At this stage, there is a high probability that it can only be used as a powerful field control method and cannot be used as a trump card.

These disadvantages are in line with the fact that the [frozen earth] sigil is only a "rare" level.

"When the spell proficiency as the anchor point increases, these shortcomings should be greatly alleviated."

Ronan could only comfort himself with this.

"If I practice one of the anchor point spells to the master level, it will derive an extraordinary magic domain.

The effect of the entire ice field should be qualitatively transformed. "

Ronan still has great expectations for the future of [Permafrost].

Just as he was thinking about removing the field effect and brushing up his proficiency for a while, when he was about to close the panel, Ronan caught a glimpse of a spell in the skill bar on the panel that he had almost forgotten - [Ice Hockey]!

All of a sudden.

It was like a bolt of lightning flashed across Ronan's mind.

His whole body suddenly froze, his eyes fixed on the three words [ice hockey technique] on the panel, and he was lost in thought.

After a moment, an unprecedented strange brilliance quickly bloomed from Ronan's eyes.

He almost couldn't help but slap himself hard!

"I'm so stupid!"

"Anchor point! Why do I have to use a first-level spell as the anchor point of the cold field!

Zero-level spells are also possible! "

"A domain built with three zero-level ice spells that have all entered the master level and derived the extraordinary legal domain as anchor points.

It is ten times stronger than the field constructed by three entry-level first-level spells! Even a hundred times! "

At this moment, Ronan seemed to see a brand new future slowly opening in front of him, shining with light.

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