Wizard Bloodline

Chapter 92 A resonance of the law domain, the legend of the blood wizard

Ronan and Benigo left the French Ring City and entered the vast virgin forest.

After walking in the west direction of the forest for about half an hour, the two of them turned into a quiet and quiet valley.

There is a small waterfall in the valley hanging down from the cliff at the top, splashing water mist everywhere.

Ronan saw Benigo, who was leading the way, duck behind the waterfall and disappear in a blink of an eye. When he followed, he only saw a bare stone wall.

There was a faint fluctuation of energy particles coming from behind the stone wall. Ronan tried to reach out and saw that the rough, hard, moss-covered rock wall melted like water, and then there was a strong suction force from behind the stone wall. He "stumbled" into the stone wall.

"Secret space?"

When the light appeared in front of Ronan's eyes again, and a brand new world appeared in front of him, how could he not know that he had entered a secret space?

It was like the "Corpse Garden" he had entered, the testing space when he took the entrance test of the Ring of Magic.

What Benigo brought him in was also a small secret space.

Oh no, it should only be considered "micro".

The size of the secret space in front of me is probably not as big as a toilet in the "Corpse Garden".

Ronan made a visual inspection and found that the entire secret space was estimated to only cover an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters.

Half of the area has been cultivated into a nursery and potion garden, but only a few dozen half-dead potion plants are sparsely planted inside.

One-third of the remaining half was transformed into a spell training ground, and one-third looked like a laboratory. Ronan saw a potion table, a rune table, an enchantment table, an anatomy table. There was even a blacksmith forge and a Huge translucent alchemy pots, the corners of the testing ground were filled with all kinds of rune waste, potion residues and monster corpses, and the stench was overwhelming.

The last third is the living area, with some simple metal furniture and a large number of books.

"Earlier, when the ruins of the Court of Mirrors first appeared, a large amount of space materials and space spell props flowed out of it... I used a small space energy orb to open up this secret space, but because it has not been properly maintained for a long time, this place has also It’s about to collapse.”

Benigo walked to the living area like a master, first took out the long wooden box containing the ice coffin from the storage waist bag, inspected it carefully, then took off his blood-stained white shirt and began to use it. Potion to heal yourself.

When Ronan heard Benigo's introduction, he saw some patterns of runes on the edge of the space. There were obvious signs of repair in some places, and there were also pieces of blurry air like frosted glass. Ronan was " A similar phenomenon can often be seen when opening other people's storage pockets through "violence", which is a sign that space energy tends to become unstable.

All in all, this miniature secret space is like an old house that has been in disrepair for a long time. Not only the "wall skin" has fallen off, but even the "water pipe lines" in the "wall" are exposed, giving people a "shabby" feeling. A sense of déjà vu.

It fits Benigo's current desolate appearance.

"Garden of Mirrors"

Ronan was chewing on another word mentioned in Benigo's words, and he naturally thought of the broken mirror tool he got during his apprenticeship in Hoddam.

"The Court of Mirrors is an ancient wizard force that once existed in our area. It is famous for its inheritance of mirror spells and space spells. It is extremely powerful."

Benigo's upper body was bare, revealing strong muscles covered with scars. He walked towards Ronan with two silver wine glasses, "Later, it was what I told you, the downward instinct, all the things in the Garden of Mirrors. The wizards have left...you should understand."

Ronan nodded and took the silver cup handed over by Benigo.

The cup was filled with a purple-red liquid with a faint fragrance of fruit wine. He held it in his hand but did not drink it.

Ronan's eyes swept over the potion garden and the experimental benches, forging furnaces, and alchemy pots in the distance, and he said casually: "I don't see that your involvement in the secondary profession is very extensive."

Benigo took a sip of the wine in the cup in his hand and said calmly: "When you find that you can no longer hold the sword firmly, you have to try to pick up something else."

Ronan was deeply touched by Benigo's words and looked up at him.

To be honest, he has always been curious about the story that happened to Benigo, especially how he, as a "three-ring" genius, ended up in this situation.

The scars on his body, old and new, seemed to be telling these stories silently.

Seemingly seeing the confusion in Ronan's eyes, Benigo said calmly: "It's just a disease of soul decay. I can't stop the decline in strength, but I won't die in a short time. Let's talk about you."

Benigo put down his wine glass, casually put on a clean new shirt and sat down in front of Ronan. In his hand was the wooden box containing the seeds of the Holy Blood Tree that Ronan had given him previously.

“I don’t know much about that kid named Travis.

However, since he has a group of late level one followers, he is most likely to be a genius of at least three rings.

He is so interested in Nightmare Tungsten Steel, he should be a wizard of the metal system who also specializes in dark spells."

Ronan's eyes flashed slightly and he couldn't help but ask: "What do the three rings represent? Also, does the magic ring allow wizards to practice dark spells?"

“The ring level is a symbol of strength and talent.

The only way to upgrade the level is through contribution points, which are the tasks placed in the task hall in the magic circle.

The higher the level of the ring, the higher your status in the ring, and the more resources you can possess and control."

Benigo whispered: "The wizards of every magic circle are trying their best to improve their level. As for the dark spells you mentioned, this is a normal thing for the magic circle.

After all, elemental spells are also one of the core inheritances of the Circle of Magic.

In fact, at the beginning, metal spells were only sought by the higher-ups of the Magic Circle to cooperate with elemental spells and improve the power of elemental spells to assist in inheritance. However, now it has become dominated by metal spells.

Metal spells rely on certain media with elemental characteristics, and when combined with minor element spells, they can often exert several times or even higher power than normal metal spells alone.

This is also the reason why the magic circle does not matter what type of spell the wizard it absorbs has previously majored in, or whether it has condensed soul sigils.

Because after entering the Dharma Circle, you don’t need to completely give up the skills you once practiced.”

Ronan suddenly understood. He remembered the magic circle wizards he had defeated before. The young wizard who was the leader among them left a deep impression on him with the flame metal spells he cast.

"I see that in addition to the extraordinary power that you have mastered through the ice spells that you major in, you also seem to have mastered another kind of extraordinary power."

Benigo looked at Ronan with a strange color in his eyes.

Ronan nodded. He couldn't hide this. He had already used the power of [Spell-Breaking Power] in front of Benigo when he fought against several magic circle wizards.

"You are very talented in magic. You seem to have mastered a unique shortcut."

Benigo said: “But this may not be entirely a good thing.

Usually the more extraordinary realms you comprehend, the more difficult it is to achieve resonance with a certain realm."

"A piece of legal resonance?!"

Ronan blinked and blurted out: "What is this?"

As a former three-ring genius, it is not strange for Benigo to understand the realm of law, and it is obvious that he has gone much further on this road than Ronan.

Although Ronan now possesses the power of three extraordinary realms, his understanding of the extraordinary realms is still in a state of smattering.

Benigo explained: “There is no big distinction between high and low grades in the legal domain.

However, there is a clear distinction between the degree of personal wizard's mastery of the legal domain.

A resonance is the first watershed.

A wizard who has reached a stage of resonance will undergo further transformation in terms of power and form of the power of the legal domain he possesses."

Benigo said, raising his hand and extending his palm to Ronan.

A small ball of black metal emerged from his palm. It was his only remaining nightmare tungsten steel, which was only enough to condense into a pipe.

Of course, what Benigo focused on at this moment was not a pipe, but an extremely compact handleless epee.

There was a trace of mysterious aura flowing out, intertwined with the sword body of the epee.

When the heavy sword in Benigo's palm tried to be aimed at Ronan, Ronan felt that he was firmly locked by an extremely sharp aura.

As if his head would be split open by this sharp energy in the next second, he subconsciously took two steps back.

Ronan's face showed emotion.

He clearly sensed that although Benigo's legal domain was ridiculously small and ridiculous in scope and quantity, the indomitable momentum contained in it, which seemed to be able to cut off any obstacle with a sword, was better than the [Desperate Ice] he had mastered. Seal], [Spell-Breaking Power], and [Particle Torrent] must be pure and ten times more powerful!

"This is the effect of a period of legal resonance."

Benigo said softly.

There was some urgency in Ronan's eyes, and he asked: "How to achieve it?"

"First of all, you must truly know what the nature of the extraordinary power you control is."

Benigo put away his domain and heavy sword and said calmly: "The derivation of the domain comes from your deep understanding of a certain spell.

But this understanding only brings you one step closer to the essence of spells than ordinary wizards.

It's still vague to you, it just shows you a little bit of outline and fur.

You have to try to keep getting closer to it, pushing through the fog that obscures it, until you really touch its surface.”

Ronan looked dazed, feeling that he understood something, but not very clearly.

Benigo shook his head and said: "You are still in the early stage of level one, your soul power is not strong enough yet, and some things are still too difficult for you.

Take your time step by step, and remember, don't just use the ability of the legal domain as a tool.

It represents the deep resonance of your heart, your soul and the spell. "

"The resonance between my heart soul and magic"

Ronan chewed on the words Benigo mentioned over and over again, his eyes constantly showing light of thought.

He now suddenly felt that siding with Benigo was not entirely a bad thing.

As a former three-ring genius, he can be a lantern guide on his own wizard's path for a long time.

If he hadn't chosen to take action today, he might not know about these things about the extraordinary legal domain until a long time later.

At this time, Benigo said again:

"..At least the strength of Travis of the third ring must be a second-level wizard, and he should be much stronger than an ordinary second-level wizard.

But you don’t need to worry too much. You are only a link now. No matter how much he wants to get the nightmare tungsten steel, he can’t directly attack you.

But you need to be careful, they may try to defeat, disable or tame you in other ways. "


Ronan frowned and said, "What other ways are they?"

Bannigo did not elaborate, but said lightly: "You will know later."

After the discussion about Ronan ended, Benigo opened the wooden box in his hand and took out the seed of the Holy Blood Tree.

"I will stay here for the next period of time and try to make this seed germinate.

But I lack resources and need your help."

Ronan pursed his lips and asked, "Are you not going to leave?"

Bannigo shook his head, "The Nightmare Tungsten Steel was given to you, and my original plan has been completely broken.

I can't leave, and I don't want to leave..."


Ronan remembered that when he made a deal with Benigo, he was responsible for all the resources, but now he still has to do it himself.

Perhaps seeing that Ronan was a little upset, Benigo said, "In fact, I don't mean to let you bear all the responsibilities. I have the ability to support myself, but it's not very convenient.

Forging, alchemy, medicine, enchantment, rune engraving. I know all these methods. I just need a middleman to exchange the output for the required resources.

If you need anything, I can also help you.

I admit that the survival of the Holy Blood Tree is very important to me, but once the seeds sprout, the Holy Blood Tree has the ability to purify blood, which is also very beneficial to you.

I don’t know if you have heard of those naturally powerful blood wizards.”

Benigo’s eyes flashed with an inexplicable light, "If the Holy Blood Tree survives, you may also be among them one day..."

"Blood wizard."

Ronan whispered in a low voice, Benigo’s words seemed to open a corner of a more magnificent and beautiful ancient book page in front of him, giving him infinite reverie in an instant.

But after a few seconds, Ronan reacted.

Isn’t this just drawing cakes for him?!

Unknowingly, he was almost CPUed into a cow and horse.

"Let me see your secondary professional level first. "

Ronan stood up, put the silver cup in his hand on the metal table in front of him, and said to Benigo: "Help me refine several rare mental power enhancement potions that are not available on the market. Tell me what you need with the communication stone."

After that, Ronan left two communication rune stones in front of Benigo, one was specifically used to contact him, and the other was given to him by Benigo.

Then he turned around and walked towards the exit of the secret realm without looking back.

Bannigo watched Ronan leave, and when Ronan's figure completely disappeared, his eyes fell on the things Ronan left behind.

Bannigo recognized the communication stone he had left for Ronan at a glance, his eyes flashed slightly, and he reached out to pick up the communication stone.

A moment later, Benigo's soft sighing voice sounded in the empty and silent secret space.


The crushed powder of the communication stone fell to the ground through Benigo's fingers, and was completely dispersed by the breeze.

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