Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 106 Blood Marks (Please subscribe and vote!)

"Body transformation? But it doesn't seem like it. There is no strange demonized creature implanted in the body. Is it a blood transformation? No, that's not right..." Ximan looked at Gabriel who was knocked unconscious, full of curiosity.

He saw him wave his wrist, and three black ropes appeared out of thin air, tightly binding Gabriel and the other two, and the hand of element also dissipated.

Ximan was not in a hurry to study Gabriel, but cast his eyes on the two black robes.

At this time, the hoods on their heads had fallen, revealing two faces. These were two humanoid creatures with parotid glands on their faces, big mouths, sharp and dense teeth, light blue skin all over the body, and fine scales on their bodies.

"It's the sea tribe!" Ximan looked at the two strange creatures in front of him, obviously he had expected it.

The wizard world is not only about humans, but also other intelligent species.

For example, the sea tribe in the ocean, as well as orcs and elves famous for their beauty...

Although they are far inferior to wizards in terms of overall strength and number, their strength is definitely not weak.

Of course, on the east coast, wizards are the absolute masters, and the sea people can only survive under the rule of wizards and try their best to avoid conflicts with wizard forces.

"Respected sir, can you let us go?" Seeing Ximan looking at them, the two sea people immediately said in the extremely stiff wizard common language.

The sea people are just a broad general term. Mermaids, fishmen, sirens, etc. all belong to the sea people, but they have different images.

"You are my trophies now, why should I let you go?" Ximan looked at the two sea people with interest and said, "If you can bring me something that interests me, I may let you go."

Hearing Ximan's words, one of the sea people hurriedly spoke with a respectful tone: "We are willing to offer a precious knowledge as compensation!"

"What knowledge? Is it the knowledge of how to transform people into this?" Ximan pointed to Gabriel and asked.

The two sea people exchanged glances after hearing this, and then nodded: "That's right!"

"This is something worth considering. Where is the thing?" Ximan said with a smile.

"You make a vow first and promise to keep your promise..." The sea creature said cautiously. It understood the situation of the two of them. If it wanted to survive, it had to come up with enough chips. But it was also worried that Ximan would not keep his promise after getting the things.

The so-called oath is actually not much different from signing a contract, but the effect of the oath is weaker. Once the oath is violated, it will also be punished by the rules.

"Do you think you have the right to negotiate? Even if you don't say it now, I can use some means to ask you. Will you hand it over obediently or let me ask it?" Ximan snorted coldly, and his face showed impatience. He didn't intend to let them go, so it was naturally impossible to make an oath.

"We will give it to you." The two sea creatures hesitated, and finally decided to compromise. After all, they had no other choice.

The sea creature on the left quickly opened his mouth and retched. Soon after, he vomited out a dark crystal ball the size of a baby's fist.

When Ximan saw this scene, his eyebrows slightly raised. The surrounding water elements condensed into water balls and washed the crystal ball on the ground. After washing it, an elemental hand lifted the black crystal ball and sent it to Ximan.

Looking carefully, Ximan could see that there were countless complicated and strange runes on the surface of the crystal ball, which looked very mysterious and dazzling.

This crystal ball was obviously not simple, and it was very likely obtained from a ruin somewhere.

Ximan took the crystal ball, and his mental power poured into it. He began to directly accept the information inside, and a large amount of knowledge suddenly filled his entire head.

The crystal ball recorded something called blood veins, which could gain powerful power by engraving blood veins on the body.

Of course, the blood veins recorded in it were not comprehensive. The recorded blood veins could only upgrade people to the level of third-class wizard apprentices, and the latter part was missing.

However, despite this, this was also quite precious knowledge, especially for wizard forces, the preciousness of blood veins should be improved by several levels.

After all, in Ximan's memory, such magical knowledge has never appeared.

Ximan roughly browsed the knowledge in the crystal ball, and then put the crystal ball away. This crystal ball is of great value, and Ximan has a preliminary idea.

"Where did you get this crystal ball?" Ximan asked again.

"Yes... yes..." The two sea creatures seemed to be a little hesitant, but when they saw Ximan's cold eyes, they immediately replied: "It was found in a ruins on the seabed. We found that place by chance."

"Undersea ruins..." Ximan pondered for a moment, and suddenly turned to look at another sea creature and asked: "You only brought this crystal ball out of the ruins?"

"There are other things, but they are all some materials and resources, most of which are used by us for blood pattern engraving!" The sea creature hurriedly explained, fearing that he would anger the powerful wizard in front of him.

"Does anyone else or sea creature know that you got this crystal ball?" Ximan continued to ask.

"We haven't told anyone except you." The sea creatures immediately shook their heads. They were busy hiding such good stuff, so how could they possibly leak it out?

"Very good, to make sure you are not lying, I need to verify it!" Ximan smiled and walked to the two sea creatures, stretched out his hands, and patted them on the head twice.

The next moment, the two sea creatures' eyes went black and they lost consciousness.

Ximan paralyzed their brains through his mental power and entered a short dormant state. In this case, they were like puppets, answering whatever they were asked and could not lie.

Then, he asked the same question again. After confirming that the two guys were not lying, Ximan killed the two sea creatures directly.

After all, the bodies of the sea creatures are also a kind of magic material, and they are also worth some magic stones.

Not to mention, Ximan is also interested in blood patterns, and the blood of magic creatures is also needed to depict blood patterns. The blood of the sea creatures also meets the conditions, so Ximan will naturally not let it go.

After dealing with these, Ximan's eyes looked at Gabriel on the side. Gabriel was the finished product that the two sea creatures spent a lot of money to complete. Ximan planned to study the blood patterns from Gabriel first.


Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, the ship arrived at its destination.

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