Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 110: Multiple parties are trying to win over

The magic mirror appeared in Lawrence's hand again, emitting light. Lawrence looked at the magic mirror, and the anger on his face slowly disappeared, replaced by a kind of calm.

"Kier, what are you doing? Didn't I say that the blood pattern experiment must be conducted secretly? Why was the crystal ball recording the blood pattern knowledge obtained by two sea tribes, and then fell into my hands?" Lawrence's voice Very cold and vaguely angry.

"Lawrence, you are too sensitive. Since we have cooperated, you have to trust us. Everything we do naturally has its purpose. Isn't it a good way to let the sea tribe conduct experiments for us?" came a male voice. , with a bewitching tone in his voice: "As long as we can successfully deduce the blood pattern behind it, no wizard force on the entire east coast will be our opponent, and you will naturally have a place among us by then."

"Kier, because of you, the knowledge of blood patterns has been leaked. You can handle this matter yourself. I will not care about it." Lawrence's tone became even colder, and he was obviously in a very bad mood.

"Humph, Lawrence, don't forget that the thing you promised us has not been completed yet! Of course, this matter is our mistake. You tell me the information about that person, and I will have someone deal with him. "Kier's voice was still so indifferent, as if he didn't take Lawrence's anger into consideration at all.

"However, don't forget your mission and find out Xio's traces as soon as possible." Kiehl continued.

Lawrence was silent for a long time, then slowly said: "I will try my best."

"Don't worry, we will solve this matter perfectly." Kiehl's answer was affirmative.

Xio is the dean of the Chapter of Shadows, and his whereabouts are erratic. Even if Lawrence is the deputy dean, he has no way of knowing his whereabouts. It would be very difficult to obtain Xio's whereabouts in a short time, so the Kiehl family is not in a hurry.

But unlike Xio, Heman, a new wizard, was not taken seriously by them at all.

At the same time, on the other side.

Ronald and Seaman had returned to their residence. As soon as Ronald sat down, he looked at Seaman and comforted him: "Don't worry, although the academy has not made an exception for you, I have always been your strong support. No matter what, I will Help you.”

Seaman smiled easily: "Thank you, uncle. Actually, this is good. At least you don't have to worry about the constraints of the contract. You can also exchange knowledge and resources from the academy."

Ronald nodded, took out a crystal ball and handed it to Seaman: "This contains knowledge about magic weapon refining and some supporting advanced knowledge. It also seals some of my insights and knowledge on magic weapon refining. I understand, take it and study it carefully, and try to refine the first magic weapon as soon as possible."

"Thank you, uncle." Seaman put away the crystal ball and said gratefully.

Although Ronald handed this crystal ball to Seaman so casually, Seaman understood that the knowledge contained in this crystal ball was extremely precious.

In addition to relevant knowledge, it also contains the understanding of a magic weapon master.

You must know that Ronald has very profound attainments in magic weapon refining. The magic weapon refining technology he mastered is definitely among the top ones on the East Coast. The theories and insights he left behind are definitely very precious. treasure.

In the next period of time, Seaman was immersed in the world of knowledge. In addition to the crystal ball given to him by Ronald, the advanced knowledge and first-level witchcraft templates promised by Lawrence were also sent over.

Among them, the five advanced knowledge are relatively precious knowledge, and the five first-level witchcraft templates, three shadow elements and two fire elements, are all suitable for Heman.


In a remote woodland in the shadow forest, a small stream flows down. The sound of the gurgling water is particularly clear and sweet. The surrounding trees are very vigorous and have branches. Two figures in black robes stand beside the stream and say something. Not sent.

Neither of the two people spoke, just stood quietly, but just like that, an invisible aura emanated from them, causing the animals that originally wanted to come to drink water to stay away and not dare to approach.

There was silence all around, not even the chirping of insects or birds could be heard.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps sounded from the forest, and the two figures immediately turned around and looked at the visitor, with a flash of joy in their eyes.

Soon, the figure came closer, and Seaman's face appeared in the sight of the two.

"I'm glad you can come!" After seeing Seaman, one of the men in black robe bowed slightly to welcome him.

"Yeah!" Heman nodded slightly, his eyes stayed on the man in black robes in front of him, and said, "Why did you come to me for something? Do you need to make an appointment at a place like this?"

"He-Man, as a new wizard who has not signed a contract with the academy, I think we need to talk about something. After all, it involves your future." The man said seriously.

"Oh? What's the problem?" Seaman raised his eyebrows. He vaguely guessed the other party's intention, which was nothing more than inviting Seaman to join a certain wizard family.

He-Man has encountered this kind of invitation many times in the past few days. After receiving the news that he was promoted to an official wizard and had not yet signed a contract with the academy, many wizard families sent people to contact He-Man, and they also brought Come over with some gifts.

Everyone made a promise to provide Seaman with various rare resources and knowledge, and wanted to win over Seaman to join them.

But Seaman didn't make any promises other than accepting the gifts one by one.

He didn't even want to sign the academy's contract, so how could he join a wizard family? What's more, the wizard family's competition was more serious than that of the academy. He joined as an outsider, which was already a disadvantage. He had no interest in getting involved in those intrigues. .

The two people in front of him were the first wizards to approach He-Man and ask him to meet in the Shadow Forest. If it weren't for the fact that they gave him 500 magic stones, He-Man wouldn't even bother to talk to them.

Sure enough, the man in black robe sighed slightly and said: "Heman, I think you also know that as a new wizard, you need to spend magic stones in many ways, whether it is various knowledge or resources required for improvement. . Not to mention that you have just started refining magic weapons, and you need to invest a lot of magic stones into it, but whether it is refining materials or tools, you also need a lot of magic stones."

"Although Ronald is your uncle, he can't always support you unconditionally. After all, he also needs to spend a lot of magic stones. You can't just let Ronald pay for you for everything, right? So it's you who joins a force. The best choice!”

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