Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 113 Susan disappears

Heman looked at the khaki ring in the center of Ronald's palm, and a look of curiosity appeared on his face.

At this time, the surface of the Earth Blessing was khaki, with fine patterns on it. These patterns faintly formed a simple rune pattern, which looked very mysterious, but people could not feel any breath. It looked no different from an ordinary ring, except that the ring was engraved with complicated patterns.

"This is my gift to congratulate you on your successful promotion to a formal wizard!" Ronald handed the Earth Blessing to Heman and smiled: "It will help you resist attacks and provide you with shelter at the right time."

Heman's eyes lit up, and he carefully took the Earth Blessing. If he could use it well, it would also be a very strong means of saving his life for Heman.

Now in addition to his own innate witchcraft, Heman also has the magic weapon of Earth Blessing. It is difficult for ordinary formal wizards to break his defense, let alone kill Heman.

"Thank you!" Heman put the Earth Blessing on the index and middle fingers of his left hand. Suddenly, a soft light shone on the ring, and then the ring fit perfectly with his index finger, without any gap.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Just as Ronald walked out of the laboratory and prepared to send Heman away, a regular knock on the door sounded.

"Come in!" Ronald glanced at Heman, then waved his arm and opened the door.

Then he saw Leo standing at the door with an anxious look on his face. As soon as the door opened, he walked in quickly, walked to Heman and the others, and said anxiously: "Master Heman, Master Ronald, just now a wizard apprentice who claimed to be a team with Susan to complete the mission sent a message saying that Susan suddenly disappeared while they were on the way to the mission. They searched for a long time but did not find any trace..."

After hearing Leo's words, Heman's expression suddenly became ugly, and he turned to look at Ronald.

Ronald's face was not looking good. He was also very surprised by Susan's disappearance. Susan was originally a third-class wizard apprentice, and her strength was not weak. In addition, she had two magic items given by Ronald and Ximan, which made her a leader among the third-class wizard apprentices.

Even if she encountered those top-level third-class wizard apprentices, she could at least escape with the magic items on her body. How could she disappear for no reason?

This was obviously not in line with common sense.

"Did anything happen on the way, or was there any big movement?" Ximan asked in a deep voice.

Leo shook his head and replied: "According to Susan's teammates, when they separated to search for the target, Susan was still there. There was no signal for help during the whole process, and no fighting occurred. And in order to ensure support, each of them was not far apart at the time, but Susan disappeared so strangely."

"That's strange!" Ximan frowned and thought about it. There were too many doubts about Susan's disappearance. Now it seems that two possibilities are more likely.

Susan either chose to leave by herself or was abducted.

But if it was the former, Susan could have left a message before leaving.

If it was the latter, the one who could quietly abduct Susan must be at least a formal wizard, but how could a formal wizard attack Susan, a wizard apprentice?

Among the people around Susan, the only ones that formal wizards care about are Ronald and Heman, but neither of them has any grudges with other formal wizards?

After thinking for a long time, Heman still had no clue, and finally had to give up thinking and ordered Leo: "You continue to investigate Susan's whereabouts, and try to collect information about this."

Leo nodded, responded, and then hesitated for a moment, looked at Heman and said: "Lord Heman, Susan's teammates..."

"This matter has nothing to do with them, let them not worry, we will not vent our anger on them." Heman explained briefly, and then waved to Leo.

"I understand." Leo said respectfully, then turned and walked out, ready to complete Heman's instructions.

"Uncle, what do you think is the situation of Susan's disappearance?" After Leo left, Ximan asked Ronald.

Ronald pondered for a moment and said, "From various clues, whether Susan left voluntarily or was abducted, we can't be anxious."

Ronald paused and said in a serious tone, "I'll go find someone to find out if there are any official wizards behind this matter. In addition, you are not allowed to leave the academy without permission to do anything, understand?"

Hearing Ronald's reminder, Ximan nodded.

If Susan left voluntarily, then she didn't leave any information, which means that she didn't want other people to get involved in this matter, and Ximan didn't make any sense to find her.

On the contrary, if Susan was abducted, then the other party's target is obviously Ximan or Ronald. Ximan ran over to investigate the situation, which is undoubtedly a trap.

So, Ximan can only wait for news.

Ronald gave a few more instructions and turned away.

Ximan sat alone in the hall, took a few sips of the beans on the table, calmed himself down a little, and then walked out.

Since Ronald went to get information, Ximan couldn't be idle, he also had to find someone to help get information.

In this regard, the Wandering Wizard Alliance, whose power is almost spread across the entire East Coast, is undoubtedly a good choice.


"Master Ximan, what do you want to talk to me about?" Irene asked Ximan, who was sitting opposite her.

After she got the news that Ximan was looking for her, she immediately followed Belmont and rushed over.

Although Ximan had just joined the Wandering Wizards Union, his status in the organization was not low. His status was even higher than those formal wizards who had joined the organization for a while, second only to several leaders in the organization.

And Irene was chosen as Ximan's contact person, responsible for the contact between the organization and Ximan. This was a good job. In addition to receiving a considerable reward, her status in the organization could also be improved.

In order to continue to be a contact person, Irene had to meet any of Ximan's requests unconditionally.

Ximan directly explained the reason why he came to her, and briefly told Susan's story, and then asked: "You asked the organization to help me check this matter, I should have this right?"

Hearing Ximan's words, Irene was stunned for a moment, as if she had not expected Ximan to ask the organization to help investigate a wizard apprentice, but when she thought of the relationship between the other party and Ximan, she immediately understood it, and the envy in her eyes flashed, nodded and said: "Of course!"

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