Wizard: I can extract identities

Chapter 122 Salt Lake Town

Salt Lake Town is a small town located at the foot of the Salt Lake Mountains. It is close to the Salt Lake Mountains. At this time of year, many foreign caravans or hunters and herbalists come here to stay or purchase things, making Salt Lake Town prosperous.

Not only that, even nearby villages often see merchants and hunters coming and going.

Ximan and his party stopped when they were still some distance away from Salt Lake Town.

"We have been on the road for a long time. Let's rest in Salt Lake Town first, and then find a hunter who is familiar with the Salt Lake Mountains to take us into the mountains." Balk, the leader, took the lead and reminded: "This is the sphere of influence of Elbona College, and there are many people coming and going. It is not surprising that people from Elbona College appear. We should try not to expose ourselves as much as possible."

"Got it!" Hearing Balk's words, Ximan and others nodded to show that they understood.

Then, the group walked into Salt Lake Town.

As soon as Heman and his companions entered Salt Lake Town, they found that Salt Lake Town was more prosperous and lively than they had imagined. There were people dressed as mercenaries and hunters walking on the road, and there were even many knights among them. These people were obviously heading for the Salt Lake Mountains.

Although Heman and his companions were a little surprised about these people, they just glanced at them from a distance and didn't take them seriously. After all, for Heman and his companions, these mercenaries and hunters were actually no different from ants, and there was no need to pay attention to them.

Therefore, Heman and his companions went straight to the largest hotel in the town to prepare for accommodation.

Soon, Heman and his companions came to a hotel called "Jill's Tears".

As soon as Heman and his companions pushed open the door and walked in, it was as if they had come to another world. Shouting, clamoring, giggling, mixed with the smell of sweat and alcohol directly hit them in the face.

There was even a woman's low panting and a man's heavy breathing in the corner, which made Heman and his companions frown subconsciously.

Similarly, the arrival of Ximan and his group also attracted a lot of people's attention. When they saw that they were dressed neatly, everyone shifted their attention.

There are no fools here. On the contrary, most of them are smart people.

Since they are smart people, they will never take the initiative to provoke people they can't afford to provoke.

Ximan and his group had just arrived in the town. From their clean clothes, it can be seen that they are definitely not simple, otherwise it would be impossible to rush all the way here and still be so clean.

Not to mention, Ximan has a pet cat at his feet!

"Open five clean and spacious rooms for me!" Balk said to the tall hotel owner.

"Sorry, we don't have any superior rooms here, only the worst!" As soon as Balk finished speaking, the bearded owner shook his head and said with a slightly regretful tone.

"Are you sure?" Balk narrowed his eyes and saw that the boss didn't speak. The atmosphere suddenly solidified. The people around also felt this atmosphere. The whole hotel suddenly became quiet, and no one dared to speak.

Balk thought that the other party would be happy to agree after he finished speaking, but he never expected that the other party would actually refuse his request.

Although Balk treated Heman and the others very peacefully along the way, it was because they were not only from the same organization, but also people of the same level.

As a formal wizard, he was respected wherever he went, but this mortal in front of him dared to refuse his request and let them live in the worst room.

This made Balk's mood suddenly worse, and his original gentle demeanor disappeared, replaced by indifference and murderous intent.

At this moment, Heman suddenly stood in front of Balk, stopping the other party's anger from erupting, and looked at the boss and said: "I don't care if there are rooms or not, we will pay three times the price and give us five of your best rooms."

"Okay...Okay!" The boss, with cold sweat on his forehead, hurriedly wiped the sweat from his cheeks and responded quickly. He really thought he was going to die just now.

After all, the momentum exuded by Balk was too terrifying.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, the hotel became noisy again, but the noise was much quieter, and many people looked at Ximan and his friends with strange eyes.

After Ximan paid the money, the boss took out five keys and handed them to Ximan, and said to the waiter beside him: "Pete, take them to the best room upstairs."

"Boss, there are guests in those rooms, how..." The waiter called Pete was a young man, thin and small, but looked quite smart.

"These are our guests, return the room money to them, let those people leave, and make room for our guests!" The boss ordered with a gloomy face.

He can open such a big hotel in Salt Lake Town, naturally he is a person with background and strength, and it is very easy to drive away a few wealthy businessmen.

"Yes!" Looking at the boss's gloomy face, Pete responded immediately.

"Guests, please follow me!" Pete took the keys on the counter and led the way in front.

Ximan and his friends followed behind him.

After taking Ximan to the third floor, Pete knocked on the doors one by one, asked the guests in the room to come out, and told them to check out.

"Hey, man, what are you doing?"

"We have already booked the room! You are bullying us!"

The guests in several rooms became angry after hearing Pete's words, and many people jumped out to accuse Pete.

Peter was not flustered at all in the face of pressure from many guests. He said calmly: "This is the boss's order. I just came to tell you. I believe you are also aware of our boss's temper. He will never allow anyone to disobey his words. Please cooperate with him!"

After hearing Peter's words, everyone's expressions became hesitant. They were not stupid and naturally knew the background of the innkeeper. They could only suppress their anger and quietly go back to pack up.

Salt Lake Town is not a gathering place for good men and women. It is a gathering place for some powerful adventurer teams and mercenaries.

As people who have stayed in Salt Lake Town for a long time, no one knows the background of the innkeeper better than them. They, ordinary businessmen, can't afford to provoke him, so they can only choose to compromise.

Ximan did not waste the waiting time. He took out a gold coin from his pocket and threw it to Pete beside him, asking, "Is Salt Lake Town so lively on weekdays?"

Pete was stunned for a moment, looking at the gold coin in his hand, his eyes widened, then he smiled brightly, saluted Ximan respectfully and said, "Is this the first time for adults to come to Salt Lake Town!"

"Yes, the first time." Ximan nodded in acknowledgment.

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